How Can I Save?
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Please select your country…Types of cash savings account | |
Instant and easy access accounts | The place for your emergency savings. They might pay more interest than a normal current account, and the money is on hand when you need it. |
Regular savings accounts | For saving a monthly chunk of your income. There are rules about how much you can put in and take out, but you get a slightly higher interest rate. |
Fixed-term deposit accounts | For setting money aside for a set length of time. A fixed rate of interest is set in advance, so you know exactly how much you’ll end up with. |
Index-linked accounts | Like fixed-term deposits, but the interest rate changes in line with inflation – you can’t be quite sure what you’ll get at the end of the term. |
Cash ISAs (tax-free) | Tax-free savings. You get an annual allowance – so make the most of it. A Cash ISA is usually a simple savings or deposit account. You can get a Cash ISA from the age of 16, or a Junior ISA for under 18s. |
- Comparison websites won’t all give you the same results, so make sure you use more than one site before making a decision as not all savings products will appear on one site.
- It is also important to do some research into the type of product and features you need before making a purchase or changing savings provider.
- Cash ISA.
- Tax-free Savings Certificates.
- Premium Bonds - You won’t get any interest, but you can win tax-free prizes.
Pension | Lifetime ISA* | |
Age eligibility | Under 75 years of age | Ages 18-40 only |
Tax relief on contributions? | Yes, at highest rate of tax up to Annual Allowance | 25% bonus on contributions up to £4,000 each year |
Employer contributions? | Yes | No |
Tax free whilst invested? | Yes | Yes |
When can I take my money? | Age 55 onwards | On purchase of first home or age 60 onwards; money can be taken at other times, but a penalty is applied |
How is my money taxed on withdrawal? | 25% tax free up to Lifetime Allowance, remainder taxed as earned income | Tax free if taken at times specified above, otherwise a withdrawal penalty of 25% is taken |
Availability | 6th April 2017 onwards | Until 30 November 2019 |
Eligibility | Ages 18-40 | First time buyers age 16 or over who are UK resident |
Maximum annual contribution | £4,000 (no monthly cap) | £200 per month (plus a further £1,000 on account opening), max £12,000 |
Government bonus | 25% on contributions up to age 50 | 25% (minimum bonus is £400, so you will need to save at least £1,600 to get anything) |
Bonus paid | Monthly from 6 April 2018 | On house purchase |
Maximum property value | £450,000 | £250,000 outside London, £450,000 in London |
Can be withdrawn | On purchase of first home or reaching age 60 | On purchase of first home |
Penalty on early withdrawal | 25% | Loss of bonus |
Types of cash savings account | |
Instant and easy access accounts | The place for your emergency savings. They might pay more interest than a normal current account, and the money is on hand when you need it. |
Regular savings accounts | For saving a monthly chunk of your income. There are rules about how much you can put in and take out, but you get a slightly higher interest rate. |
Fixed-term deposit accounts | For setting money aside for a set length of time. A fixed rate of interest is set in advance, so you know exactly how much you’ll end up with. |
Index-linked accounts | Like fixed-term deposits, but the interest rate changes in line with inflation – you can’t be quite sure what you’ll get at the end of the term. |
- Comparison websites won’t all give you the same results, so make sure you use more than one site before making a decision as not all savings products will appear on one site.
- It is also important to do some research into the type of product and features you need before making a purchase or changing savings provider.
- Cut down on expenses – identify the ones that are basic and essential from those that can be given up or minimized either by volume or frequency of buys. However, it is better that you do not get rid abruptly or drastically of your wants more so if they are just simple ones nor go to the extent of feeling deprived lest it eventually push you to spend in splurge. Widening the gap between income and expenses will free you up to allot more for savings.
- Increase your income – strive harder to augment your income more so if you opt not to touch on your expenses. Create opportunities to earn more to save more. However, avoid doing this at the expense of letting go work-play balance or putting your health at risk.
- Trim down and beef up – yield would be greater and faster to achieve if you can do both simultaneously. However, this would take a lot of determination and perseverance. Make sure though that you will not run into the trap of being too much pre-occupied with it.
How can you save more? It’s a challenge that confronts most people. Initially, ask yourself – what is that something that will motivate you to save more? Once the drive is there, set your goals and map out the details on how you will be able to regularly set aside a target amount to slowly build up your savings.

Financial advisers recommend that everyone should save the equivalent of three months outgoings in an easily accessible account for emergencies.
Basically, there are 3 options that you can explore to free up extra sum of money that you can keep in reserve:
- Cut down on expenses – identify the ones that are basic and essential from those that can be given up or minimized either by volume or frequency of buys. However, it is better that you do not get rid abruptly or drastically of your wants more so if they are just simple ones nor go to the extent of feeling deprived lest it eventually push you to spend in splurge. Widening the gap between income and expenses will free you up to allot more for savings.
- Increase your income – strive harder to augment your income more so if you opt not to touch on your expenses. Create opportunities to earn more to save more. However, avoid doing this at the expense of letting go work-play balance or putting your health at risk.
- Trim down and beef up – your savings will grow faster if you can do both simultaneously. However, this would take a lot of determination and perseverance. Make sure though that you will not run into the trap of being too much pre-occupied with it.
If you are able to save up to six months’ worth of outgoings you might consider savings vehicles that offer a good return for this money.
¿Se puede ahorrar más? Esta es la pregunta de 1 millón de dólares. Primero – pregúntese a si mismo ¿por qué? La creación de metas inteligentes le ayudará a visualizar cuáles son sus objetivos, plazos y prioridades. Todo esto es fundamental para crear una estrategia exitosa de ahorro. En el caso que no alcance sus objetivos, es probable que usted se distraiga fácilmente. ¿Por qué usted ahorraría algo si no hay nada para usar este dinero? ¿Su meta es viajar? ¿Reducir débitos? ¿Comenzar su familia? Cualquiera que sea, escríbala en un papel y mírela todos los días, y manténgala en primer plano.
¿Cuánto usted puede ahorrar, realísticamente? Analice sus extractos bancarios, tarjeta de crédito y cualesquiera otras deudas pendientes para ayudar a crear su presupuesto y determinar cuánto usted puede ahorrar regularmente. ¡Trate sus ahorros como una factura que debe ser pagada todos los meses! Si no está seguro sobre con cuánto comenzar, intente comenzar con una cuantía cualquiera, esto es mejor que nada, ¿no es verdad? Usted siempre puede ajustar sus hábitos de ahorro cuando esté en sintonía con su flujo de caja.
¡Disciplínese! Deje una cuenta separada y cree transferencias automáticas de su cuenta corriente para su cuenta de ahorro. No tener acceso fácil a este dinero puede ayudarle a luchar contra las tentaciones (como una tarjeta de débito).
¡Mejor aún, redireccione estos ahorros para una inversión que permita que usted gane dinero con sus ahorros!
¡Cualquiera que sea la estrategia que usted adopte, recuérdese de conmemorar sus conquistas! Ahorrar puede ser divertido y lo tornará más comprometido con el proceso. ¡Ya sea una noche en el cine o las largas vacaciones para las que usted está ahorrando, haga lo que sea posible para considerar los hitos que usted alcanzó!
¿Se puede ahorrar más? Esta es la pregunta de 1 millón de dólares. Primero – pregúntese a si mismo ¿por qué? La creación de metas inteligentes le ayudará a visualizar cuáles son sus objetivos, plazos y prioridades. Todo esto es fundamental para crear una estrategia exitosa de ahorro. En el caso que no alcance sus objetivos, es probable que usted se distraiga fácilmente. ¿Por qué usted ahorraría algo si no hay nada para usar este dinero? ¿Su meta es viajar? ¿Reducir débitos? ¿Comenzar su familia? Cualquiera que sea, escríbala en un papel y mírela todos los días, y manténgala en primer plano.
¿Cuánto usted puede ahorrar, realísticamente? Analice sus extractos bancarios, tarjeta de crédito y cualesquiera otras deudas pendientes para ayudar a crear su presupuesto y determinar cuánto usted puede ahorrar regularmente. ¡Trate sus ahorros como una factura que debe ser pagada todos los meses! Si no está seguro sobre con cuánto comenzar, intente comenzar con una cuantía cualquiera, esto es mejor que nada, ¿no es verdad? Usted siempre puede ajustar sus hábitos de ahorro cuando esté en sintonía con su flujo de caja.
¡Disciplínese! Deje una cuenta separada y cree transferencias automáticas de su cuenta corriente para su cuenta de ahorro. No tener acceso fácil a este dinero puede ayudarle a luchar contra las tentaciones (como una tarjeta de débito).
¡Mejor aún, redireccione estos ahorros para una inversión que permita que usted gane dinero con sus ahorros!
¡Cualquiera que sea la estrategia que usted adopte, recuérdese de conmemorar sus conquistas! Ahorrar puede ser divertido y lo tornará más comprometido con el proceso. ¡Ya sea una noche en el cine o las largas vacaciones para las que usted está ahorrando, haga lo que sea posible para considerar los hitos que usted alcanzó!
¿Cuánto usted puede ahorrar, realísticamente? Analice sus extractos bancarios, tarjeta de crédito y cualesquiera otras deudas pendientes para ayudar a crear su presupuesto y determinar cuánto usted puede ahorrar regularmente. ¡Trate sus ahorros como una factura que debe ser pagada todos los meses! Si no está seguro sobre con cuánto comenzar, intente comenzar con una cuantía cualquiera, esto es mejor que nada, ¿no es verdad? Usted siempre puede ajustar sus hábitos de ahorro cuando esté en sintonía con su flujo de caja.
¡Disciplínese! Deje una cuenta separada y cree transferencias automáticas de su cuenta corriente para su cuenta de ahorro. No tener acceso fácil a este dinero puede ayudarle a luchar contra las tentaciones (como una tarjeta de débito).
¡Mejor aún, redireccione estos ahorros para una inversión que permita que usted gane dinero con sus ahorros!
¡Cualquiera que sea la estrategia que usted adopte, recuérdese de conmemorar sus conquistas! Ahorrar puede ser divertido y lo tornará más comprometido con el proceso. ¡Ya sea una noche en el cine o las largas vacaciones para las que usted está ahorrando, haga lo que sea posible para considerar los hitos que usted alcanzó!
Dá para economizar mais? Essa é a pergunta de 1 milhão de dólares. Primeiro – pergunte a si mesmo por que? A criação de metas inteligentes ajudará você a visualizar quais são seus objetivos, prazos e prioridades. Tudo isso é fundamental para criar uma estratégia bem sucedida de economia. Caso não atinja seus objetivos, é provável que você se distraia facilmente. Por que você economizaria algo se não há nada para usar esse dinheiro? Sua meta é viajar? Reduzir débitos? Começar sua família? Qualquer se seja, escreva-a em um papel e olhe-a todos os dias, e mantenha-a em primeiro plano.
Quanto você pode economizar, realisticamente? Analise seus extratos bancários, cartão de crédito e quaisquer outras dívidas pendentes para ajudar a criar seu orçamento e determinar quanto você consegue economizar regularmente. Trate suas economias como uma fatura que precisa ser paga todos os meses! Se não tiver certeza sobre com quanto começar, tente começar uma quantia qualquer, melhor do que nada, não é? Você sempre pode ajustar seus hábitos de economia quando estiver em sintonia com seu fluxo de caixa.
Discipline-se! Deixe uma conta separada e crie transferências automáticas da sua conta corrente para a sua poupança. Não ter acesso fácil a esse dinheiro pode ajudá-lo a lutar contra as tentações (como um cartão de débito).
Melhor ainda, redirecione essas economias para um investimento que permita que você ganhe dinheiro com suas economias!
Qualquer que seja a estratégia que você adote, lembre-se de comemorar suas conquistas! Economizar pode ser divertido e o tornará mais comprometido com o processo. Seja uma noite no cinema ou as longas férias que você está economizando, faça o que for possível para considerar os marcos que você alcançou!
Aviso Legal: Estas informações foram provenientes da Aon Holdings Corretores de Seguros LTDA. As informações não consideram as metas específicas de investimento, situação financeira ou necessidades particulares de qualquer pessoa em especial que possa estar recebendo os materiais. Consequentemente, elas não podem depender ou serem tratadas como substitutas para situações individuais relacionadas a um conselho específico. Procure o auxílio de um consultor financeiro em relação à adequação de qualquer investimento levando em conta suas metas específicas de investimento, situação financeira ou necessidades especiais antes de se comprometer na compra de produto de investimento. Também recomendamos que, sempre que apropriado, aconselhe-se com outros profissionais. As informações são fornecidas de boa fé e com a confiança de que são precisas no momento em que foram fornecidas. Não temos a obrigação de atualizar os materiais ou corrigir qualquer imprecisão que possa ficar aparente posteriormente. Sempre consulte sua fonte primária, mais precisa e atualizada de informações.
How can you save more? It’s a challenge that confronts most people. Initially, ask yourself – what is that something that will motivate you to save more? Once the drive is there, set your goals and map out the details on how you will be able to regularly set aside a target amount to slowly build up your savings.

Financial advisers recommend that everyone should save the equivalent of three months outgoings in an easily accessible account for emergencies.
Basically, there are 3 options that you can explore to free up extra sum of money that you can keep in reserve:
- Cut down on expenses – identify the ones that are basic and essential from those that can be given up or minimized either by volume or frequency of buys. However, it is better that you do not get rid abruptly or drastically of your wants more so if they are just simple ones nor go to the extent of feeling deprived lest it eventually push you to spend in splurge. Widening the gap between income and expenses will free you up to allot more for savings.
- Increase your income – strive harder to augment your income more so if you opt not to touch on your expenses. Create opportunities to earn more to save more. However, avoid doing this at the expense of letting go work-play balance or putting your health at risk.
- Trim down and beef up – your savings will grow faster if you can do both simultaneously. However, this would take a lot of determination and perseverance. Make sure though that you will not run into the trap of being too much pre-occupied with it.
If you are able to save up to six months’ worth of outgoings you might consider savings vehicles that offer a good return for this money.
Author is not a financial advisor, tax professional or legal advisor. The article and its content is for informational purposes only, reader should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. All information, data, strategies, reports, articles and all other features of this article are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered or inferred as personalized investment advice. Article may contain errors, and the reader should not make any financial or investment decision based solely on what the reader reads in this article and writing. It shall be reader’s responsibility to perform its own due diligence, and reader must make its own decisions. Be advised and aware that financial and investment decisions involve risk. Author accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of author’s writings, products, services, website, or other content, including contents of this article. Reader is responsible for its own investment research and decisions. Reader should seek the advice of a qualified investment advisor and fully understand any and all risks before investing or making any financial decision. Author make no representation that any reader will or is likely to experience results as cited in this article. All results of author’s recommendations are not based on actual investments by author and are based upon a hypothesis, available statistics and surveys which have limitations and do not reflect all components of actual investments. Reader’s actual results may vary based upon many factors. All content and references to third-party sources is provided solely for convenience. This information may be inaccurate, use at your own risk.
By reading this article or any of its contents you agree that neither author nor its employees, shareholders, directors, contractors, affiliates, agents, third party content providers or licensors will be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or any other type of claim, liability, cost, damage or loss resulting from reader’s use of any of this content. This includes, but is not limited to, loss or injury caused in whole or in part by contingencies beyond our control.
How can you save more? It’s a challenge that confronts most people. Initially, ask yourself – what is that something that will motivate you to save more? Once the drive is there, set your goals and map out the details on how you will be able to regularly set aside a target amount to slowly build up your savings.

Financial advisers recommend that everyone should save the equivalent of three months outgoings in an easily accessible account for emergencies.
Basically, there are 3 options that you can explore to free up extra sum of money that you can keep in reserve:
- Cut down on expenses – identify the ones that are basic and essential from those that can be given up or minimized either by volume or frequency of buys. However, it is better that you do not get rid abruptly or drastically of your wants more so if they are just simple ones nor go to the extent of feeling deprived lest it eventually push you to spend in splurge. Widening the gap between income and expenses will free you up to allot more for savings.
- Increase your income – strive harder to augment your income more so if you opt not to touch on your expenses. Create opportunities to earn more to save more. However, avoid doing this at the expense of letting go work-play balance or putting your health at risk.
- Trim down and beef up – your savings will grow faster if you can do both simultaneously. However, this would take a lot of determination and perseverance. Make sure though that you will not run into the trap of being too much pre-occupied with it.
If you are able to save up to six months’ worth of outgoings you might consider savings vehicles that offer a good return for this money.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
How can you save more? It’s a challenge that confronts most people. Initially, ask yourself – what is that something that will motivate you to save more? Once the drive is there, set your goals and map out the details on how you will be able to regularly set aside a target amount to slowly build up your savings.

Financial advisers recommend that everyone should save the equivalent of three months outgoings in an easily accessible account for emergencies.
Basically, there are 3 options that you can explore to free up extra sum of money that you can keep in reserve:
- Cut down on expenses – identify the ones that are basic and essential from those that can be given up or minimized either by volume or frequency of buys. However, it is better that you do not get rid abruptly or drastically of your wants more so if they are just simple ones nor go to the extent of feeling deprived lest it eventually push you to spend in splurge. Widening the gap between income and expenses will free you up to allot more for savings.
- Increase your income – strive harder to augment your income more so if you opt not to touch on your expenses. Create opportunities to earn more to save more. However, avoid doing this at the expense of letting go work-play balance or putting your health at risk.
- Trim down and beef up – your savings will grow faster if you can do both simultaneously. However, this would take a lot of determination and perseverance. Make sure though that you will not run into the trap of being too much pre-occupied with it.
If you are able to save up to six months’ worth of outgoings you might consider savings vehicles that offer a good return for this money.
The information in this report does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations.
While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this report has been obtained from reliable sources, Aon is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this report is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Aon be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information in this report or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
How can you save more? It’s a challenge that confronts most people. Initially, ask yourself – what is that something that will motivate you to save more? Once the drive is there, set your goals and map out the details on how you will be able to regularly set aside a target amount to slowly build up your savings.

Financial advisers recommend that everyone should save the equivalent of three months outgoings in an easily accessible account for emergencies.
Basically, there are 3 options that you can explore to free up extra sum of money that you can keep in reserve:
- Cut down on expenses – identify the ones that are basic and essential from those that can be given up or minimized either by volume or frequency of buys. However, it is better that you do not get rid abruptly or drastically of your wants more so if they are just simple ones nor go to the extent of feeling deprived lest it eventually push you to spend in splurge. Widening the gap between income and expenses will free you up to allot more for savings.
- Increase your income – strive harder to augment your income more so if you opt not to touch on your expenses. Create opportunities to earn more to save more. However, avoid doing this at the expense of letting go work-play balance or putting your health at risk.
- Trim down and beef up – your savings will grow faster if you can do both simultaneously. However, this would take a lot of determination and perseverance. Make sure though that you will not run into the trap of being too much pre-occupied with it.
If you are able to save up to six months’ worth of outgoings you might consider savings vehicles that offer a good return for this money.
Hvordan kan du spare mer? Dette er en utfordring for de fleste av oss. Start med å spørre deg selv om hva som kan motivere deg til å spare mer. Når du først er motivert, setter du deg mål og beskriver for deg selv hvordan du skal sette av et bestemt beløp jevnlig slik at sparebeholdningen øker.
Finansrådgivere anbefaler at alle bør ha oppsparte midler tilsvarende tre måneders utgifter på en lett tilgjengelig konto i tilfelle krise.
Enkelt sagt har du tre ulike framgangsmåter for å få penger til overs eller legge deg opp en pengereserve.
- Skjær ned på utgiftene. Finn ut hvilke utgifter som går til livsnødvendigheter og hvilke du kan kutte eller redusere ved enten å kjøpe mindre eller sjeldnere. Det er bedre om du ikke går for brått og drastisk fram når du kutter ned på ting du ønsker deg, særlig når det dreier seg om enkle ting. Ikke gå så langt at du føler deg fattig og presset til å dra i gang en kjøpefest igjen. Klarer du å øke forskjellen mellom inntekter og utgifter, vil du få mer penger igjen til sparing.
- Øk inntektene dine, anstreng deg mer for å øke inntektene, spesielt hvis du velger å ikke gjøre noe med utgiftene dine. Finn nye muligheter for å tjene mer slik at du kan spare mer. Sørg bare for at du ikke lar dette gå på bekostning av balansen mellom fritid og arbeid, og setter din egen helse på spill.
- Kutt ned og sørg for økte inntekter – du vil spare mer om du greier begge deler samtidig. Dette krever imidlertid sterk vilje og utholdenhet. Pass likevel på at du ikke går i en felle ved å ofre for mye oppmerksomhet og krefter på bedre økonomi.
Klarer du å sette til side et beløp tilsvarende seks måneders utgifter, kan du vurdere å opprette spareordninger som gir god avkastning.
Comment puis-je économiser plus ? C’est un défi auquel la plupart des gens sont confrontés. Dans un premier temps, demandez-vous ce qui pourrait vous encourager à économiser davantage. Une fois que vous aurez trouvé la motivation, fixez vos objectifs et déterminez les détails qui vous permettront de mettre régulièrement de côté un montant fixe pour constituer une épargne petit à petit.

Les conseillers financiers recommandent à chacun d’épargner l’équivalent de trois mois de dépenses sur un compte facilement accessible en cas d’urgence
Il existe trois options principales à envisager pour libérer une somme d’argent supplémentaire à garder en réserve :
- Réduire vos dépenses : identifiez celles qui sont fondamentales et essentielles parmi celles qui peuvent être abandonnées ou minimisées, soit en termes de volume ou de fréquence d’achat. Cependant, il est préférable de ne pas ignorer vos envies de manière radicale et soudaine, ni de vous priver au point que cela vous pousse finalement à faire des folies en matière de dépenses. Le fait d’augmenter la différence entre vos revenus et vos dépenses libérera des sommes que vous pourrez épargner.
- Augmenter vos revenus : déployez davantage d’efforts pour augmenter vos revenus si vous choisissez de ne pas toucher à vos dépenses. Recherchez des occasions de gagner plus pour épargner plus. Cependant, évitez de le faire au détriment de l’équilibre entre travail et loisirs ou au risque de mettre votre santé en péril.
- Restreindre et renforcer : vos économies croîtront plus rapidement si vous pouvez faire les deux simultanément. Toutefois, cela exige beaucoup de détermination et de persévérance. Veillez cependant à ne pas tomber dans le piège d’en faire une obsession.
Si vous êtes en mesure d’économiser jusqu’à six mois de dépenses, vous pouvez envisager des instruments d’épargne qui offrent un bon rendement pour cet argent.
Hoe kan je meer besparen? Het is een uitdaging waar de meeste mensen mee te maken krijgen. Vraag jezelf in eerste instantie af: wat zou mij motiveren om meer te besparen? Zodra de motivatie er is, leg dan je doelstellingen vast en breng de details in kaart over hoe je regelmatig een streefbedrag opzij kunt zetten om je spaargeld langzaam op te bouwen.
Financieel adviseurs bevelen aan dat iedereen het equivalent van drie maanden aan uitgaven op een gemakkelijk toegankelijke rekening moet bewaren voor noodsituaties.
Er zijn in feite 3 opties om extra geld vrij te maken dat je opzij kunt zetten.
- Verminder de uitgaven - identificeer de basis- en essentiële uitgaven die kunnen worden opgegeven of geminimaliseerd door het volume of de frequentie van aankopen. Het is echter beter om niet te abrupt of drastisch je wensen overboord te gooien, noch zodanig dat je je benadeeld voelt, want dat kan uiteindelijk tot uitspattingen leiden. .
- Verhoog je inkomen - streef harder om je inkomen meer te verhogen, als je ervoor kiest om je uitgaven niet te veranderen. Creëer mogelijkheden om meer te verdienen om meer te besparen. Vermijd dit echter ten koste van de balans tussen werk en privé of gevaar voor je gezondheid.
- Meer inkomen, minder uitgaven - je spaargeld zal sneller groeien als je beide tegelijk kunt doen. Dit vraagt echter heel wat vastberadenheid en doorzettingsvermogen. Zorg er wel voor dat je niet in de val loopt dat je er teveel mee bezig bent.
Als je tot zes maanden aan uitgaven kan besparen, kan je spaarproducten overwegen die een goed rendement voor dit geld bieden.
Hvordan kan du spare mere op? Det er en udfordring, de fleste står over for. Start med at spørge dig selv: Hvad er det, der kan motivere mig til at spare mere op? Når først du har fundet denne drivkraft, skal du fastsætte dine mål og afmærke detaljerne for, hvordan du regelmæssigt kan sætte et bestemt beløb til side for langsomt at opbygge din opsparing.
Økonomiske rådgivere anbefaler, at alle bør spare det op, der svarer til tre måneders udgifter på en konto, der i nødstilfælde er nem at komme til.
Grundlæggende er der tre muligheder, som der er værd at udforske, når du ønsker at frigive en ekstra sum penge, som du kan have i reserve:
- Skær ned på dine udgifter – indkreds de udgifter, der er nødvendige, fra dem, der kan spares væk eller minimeres i enten omfang eller hyppighed af køb. Det er dog bedst, hvis du ikke skiller dig af med dine udgifter til ønsker pludseligt eller drastisk, især hvis de er simple, så du ikke føler, at du lider afsavn, da det kan få dig til senere at overkompensere ved at bruge rigtig mange penge. Ved at uddybe kløften mellem indkomst og udgifter vil du få mulighed for at sætte større summer af til din opsparing.
- Øg din indkomst – bestræb dig på at øge din indkomst, hvis du vælger at ikke pille ved dine udgifter. Skab muligheder for at tjene mere, så du kan spare mere op. Du bør dog undgå at gøre dette på bekostning af at droppe balancen mellem arbejde og fritid eller at sætte dit helbred på spil.
- Skær ned. og tjen mere – din opsparing vil vokse hurtigere, hvis du kan gøre begge dele samtidig. Dette kræver dog meget beslutsomhed og udholdenhed. Sørg for at, at det ikke tager overhånd.
Hvis du opsparer det, der svarer til seks måneders udgifter, kan du overveje opsparingsinstitutter, der giver et godt udbytte af pengene.
Πώς μπορείτε να αποταμιεύσετε περισσότερα χρήματα; Πρόκειται για μια πρόκληση που αντιμετωπίζουν οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι. Αρχικά, θα πρέπει να αναρωτηθείτε τι είναι αυτό που θα σας δώσει το κίνητρο να αποταμιεύετε περισσότερο. Αφού βρείτε το κίνητρο, θέστε τους στόχους σας και αποτυπώστε τις λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με το πώς θα μπορέσετε να βάζετε τακτικά στην άκρη ένα ποσό-στόχο για να αυξήσετε σιγά σιγά τις αποταμιεύσεις σας.
Οι χρηματοοικονομικοί σύμβουλοι συνιστούν σε όλους να αποταμιεύουν ποσό ίσο με τα έξοδα τριών μηνών σε έναν λογαριασμό για περιπτώσεις έκτακτης ανάγκης, στον οποίο έχουν εύκολη πρόσβαση.
Βασικά, υπάρχουν 3 επιλογές τις οποίες μπορείτε να διερευνήσετε για να εξοικονομείτε ένα πρόσθετο ποσό που θα φυλάξετε:
- Μειώστε τις δαπάνες – Προσδιορίστε τις δαπάνες που είναι βασικές και απαραίτητες και εκείνες που μπορείτε να παραλείψετε ή να ελαχιστοποιήσετε είτε βάσει όγκου είτε βάσει συχνότητας αγορών. Εντούτοις, είναι καλύτερα να μην «καταπνίξετε» απότομα ή δραστικά από τις επιθυμίες σας, κυρίως εάν πρόκειται για κάτι απλό, ούτε να φτάσετε σε βαθμό στέρησης που, εν τέλει, θα σας οδηγήσει σε ασύστολη δαπάνη. Η διεύρυνση του κενού ανάμεσα στο εισόδημα και στις δαπάνες, θα σας δώσει τη δυνατότητα να εξοικονομείτε περισσότερα χρήματα για αποταμίευση.
- Αυξήστε το εισόδημά σας – Καταβάλλετε μεγαλύτερη προσπάθεια για να αυξήσετε το εισόδημά σας, προκειμένου να μην υποχρεωθείτε να περιορίσετε τις δαπάνες σας. Δημιουργήστε ευκαιρίες για να κερδίζετε και, κατ’ επέκταση, να εξοικονομείτε περισσότερα χρήματα. Εντούτοις, αποφύγετε να το κάνετε αυτό εις βάρος της ισορροπίας ανάμεσα στην εργασία και στην ψυχαγωγία ή βάζοντας σε κίνδυνο την υγεία σας.
- Εφαρμόστε περικοπή και ενίσχυση – Οι αποταμιεύσεις σας θα αυξηθούν ταχύτερα εάν πραγματοποιείτε ταυτόχρονα αυτές τις ενέργειες. Εντούτοις, αυτό θα χρειαστεί μεγάλη αποφασιστικότητα και επιμονή. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι δεν θα πέσετε στην παγίδα να απορροφηθείτε από αυτή τη διαδικασία.
Εάν έχετε τη δυνατότητα να εξοικονομήσετε ποσό ίσο με τα έξοδα έξι μηνών θα πρέπει να μελετήσετε μέσα αποταμίευσης που προσφέρουν ικανοποιητική απόδοση για αυτό το χρηματικό ποσό.
Cómo ahorrar más es un desafío al que se enfrenta la mayoría de la gente. Para empezar, pregúntese qué es lo que va a motivarle para apartar una mayor parte de su dinero. Una vez que haya determinado cuál va a ser su incentivo, márquese sus objetivos y planifique todos los detalles sobre cómo va a poder reservar regularmente una determinada cantidad de sus ingresos para, poco a poco, hacer que sus ahorros crezcan.
Los asesores financieros recomiendan a todo el mundo disponer del equivalente a tres meses de sus gastos habituales en una cuenta fácilmente accesible para hacer frente a posibles emergencias.
En esencia, son tres las posibles opciones de las que dispone para liberar esa suma de dinero extra y poder asignarla a su reserva:
- Reducir gastos: identifique aquellos gastos que sean básicos y esenciales y distíngalos de aquellos otros a los que puede renunciar o que puede reducir, ya sea en cuanto a su volumen o a la frecuencia con la que los realiza. Sin embargo, es recomendable que no deje de satisfacer sus deseos de forma abrupta o drástica –especialmente si se trata de cosas sencillas– ni tampoco llegue al extremo de sentirse privado de ellas. Proceder de este modo podría terminar empujándole a gastar de forma descontrolada. Ampliar la diferencia entre sus ingresos y sus gastos le permitirá disponer de más dinero disponible para aumentar la asignación a sus ahorros.
- Incrementar sus ingresos: si decide no recortar en gastos, deberá esforzarse más por aumentar sus ingresos. Busque oportunidades de poder ganar más dinero y, de esta forma, ahorrar más. Sin embargo, evite hacerlo a costa de perder el equilibrio entre su vida laboral y su descanso o poner en peligro su salud.
- Recorte y trabaje más: sus ahorros crecerán más rápido si es capaz de hacer ambas cosas al mismo tiempo. Sin embargo, debe tener en cuenta que este enfoque requiere de mucha determinación y perseverancia. Asegúrese de no caer en la trampa de preocuparse excesivamente por combinar ambas medidas.
Si es capaz de ahorrar una cantidad equivalente a seis meses de gastos, otra opción es considerar fórmulas de ahorro que el ofrezcan una buena rentabilidad por su dinero.
Hogyan tudsz több pénzt spórolni? Ez egy olyan kihívás, amellyel a legtöbb ember szembenéz. Először is kérdezd meg magadtól – mi az, ami motiválni fog arra, hogy többet spórolj? Amint megvan az ösztönzés, tűzd ki a céljaid, és térképezd fel a részleteket, hogy hogyan leszel képes rendszeresen félretenni a célzott összeget, hogy lassan összegyűljön a megtakarításod.
Pénzügyi tanácsadók azt ajánlják, hogy mindenkinek három havi kiadásnak megfelelő összeget kellene félretennie egy könnyen hozzáférhető számlán vészhelyzet esetére.
Alapvetően 3 lehetőség van, amelyet kipróbálhatsz, hogy plusz pénzt szabadíts fel, amelyet tartalékolhatsz:
- Faragj le a kiadásokból – az alapvetőket és nélkülözhetetleneket válaszd külön azoktól, amelyeket el lehet hagyni vagy minimalizálni lehet a vásárlások mértékének vagy gyakoriságának csökkentésével. Azonban jobb, ha nem válsz meg hirtelen és drasztikusan az összes vágyaidra fordított kiadástól, főleg ha ezek csak egyszerű dolgok, és nem mész el olyan mértékig, hogy megfosztva érezd magad, nehogy ez végül arra késztessen, hogy dőzsölően költekezz. A bevételek és a kiadások közötti rés szélesítése lehetővé teszi számodra, hogy többet fordíthass a megtakarításokra.
- Növeld a bevételed – küzdj keményebben, hogy növeld a bevételed, főleg ha úgy döntesz, hogy nem változtatsz a kiadásaidon. Teremts lehetőséget, hogy többet keress, és így többet takaríthass meg. Azonban ezt ne úgy tedd, hogy az a munka-pihenés egyensúly rovására menjen, vagy hogy kockára tedd az egészséged.
- Csökkentsd le és növeld meg – a megtakarításaid gyorsabban fognak nőni, ha mindkettőt egyszerre csinálod. Azonban ehhez sok elszántságra és kitartásra lenne szükség. Figyelj rá, hogy ne ess abba a csapdába, hogy túlságosan ezzel vagy elfoglalva.
Ha képes vagy megspórolni hat havi kiadásnak megfelelő összeget, fontolóra veheted a megtakarítási eszközöket, amelyek jó megtérülést eredményeznek ezért a pénzért.
How can you save more? It’s a challenge that confronts most people. Initially, ask yourself – what is that something that will motivate you to save more? Once the drive is there, set your goals and map out the details on how you will be able to regularly set aside a target amount to slowly build up your savings.
Financial advisers recommend that everyone should save the equivalent of three months outgoings in an easily accessible account for emergencies.
Basically, there are 3 options that you can explore to free up extra sum of money that you can keep in reserve:
- Cut down on expenses – identify the ones that are basic and essential from those that can be given up or minimized either by volume or frequency of buys. However, it is better that you do not get rid abruptly or drastically of your wants more so if they are just simple ones nor go to the extent of feeling deprived lest it eventually push you to spend in splurge. Widening the gap between income and expenses will free you up to allot more for savings.
- Increase your income – strive harder to augment your income more so if you opt not to touch on your expenses. Create opportunities to earn more to save more. However, avoid doing this at the expense of letting go work-play balance or putting your health at risk.
- Trim down and beef up – your savings will grow faster if you can do both simultaneously. However, this would take a lot of determination and perseverance. Make sure though that you will not run into the trap of being too much pre-occupied with it.
If you are able to save up to six months’ worth of outgoings you might consider savings vehicles that offer a good return for this money.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
Comment économiser davantage ? C’est un défi qui se pose à la plupart d'entre nous. Demandez-vous, pour commencer, ce qui vous motiverait à économiser davantage. Une fois que vous avez trouvé votre motivation, fixez-vous des objectifs et planifiez en détails la manière dont vous allez économiser régulièrement une somme cible afin d’augmenter progressivement votre épargne.
Les conseillers financiers recommandent que tout le monde économise l’équivalent de trois mois de dépenses sur un compte facilement accessible en cas d’urgence.
Il y a trois avenues à explorer pour dégager une somme en vue de la mettre en réserve :
- Réduisez vos dépenses. Déterminez les dépenses essentielles et celles dont vous pouvez vous passer ou que pouvez réduire en termes de volume ou de fréquence d’achat. Il vaut cependant mieux ne pas abandonner soudainement ou de manière radicale vos envies, particulièrement s’il s’agit d’envies simples, afin de ne pas arriver à un sentiment de privation qui pourrait finir par vous pousser à dépenser sans compter. Augmentez l’écart entre vos revenus et vos dépenses pour avoir davantage d’argent disponible à épargner.
- Augmentez vos revenus. Efforcez-vous d’augmenter vos revenus, notamment si vous choisissez de ne pas réduire vos dépenses. Créez des opportunités pour gagner plus d’argent afin d’épargner davantage. Évitez cependant de le faire si cela menace l’équilibre entre votre vie personnelle et professionnelle ou présente un risque pour votre santé.
- Votre épargne s’accumulera plus vite si vous parvenez à réduire vos dépenses et à augmenter vos revenus simultanément. Cela demandera cependant une grande détermination et de la persévérance. Veillez aussi à ce que cela ne devienne pas votre préoccupation principale.
Si vous parvenez à économiser une somme équivalente à six mois de dépenses, envisagez des instruments d’épargne proposant un bon rendement pour cet argent.
Wie können Sie mehr Geld sparen? Das ist eine Herausforderung, vor der die meisten Menschen stehen. Fragen Sie sich zunächst: Was genau ist es, das Sie motivieren wird, mehr zu sparen? Sobald Sie Ihre Motivation gefunden haben, setzen Sie sich Ziele und planen Sie, wie Sie es im Einzelnen schaffen können, regelmäßig einen bestimmten Betrag beiseite zu legen, um Ihr Sparvermögen Stück für Stück aufzubauen.
Finanzberater empfehlen, dass jeder einen Betrag zurücklegen sollte, der den Ausgaben für drei Monate entspricht. Dieser sollte für Notfälle auf einem Konto liegen, auf das Sie jederzeit leicht zugreifen können.
Grundsätzlich gibt es drei Möglichkeiten, die Sie erwägen können, um den nötigen Betrag für diesen Notgroschen aufzubringen:
- Schränken Sie Ihre Ausgaben ein – Trennen Sie notwendige und elementare Ausgaben von denen, die Sie entweder streichen oder in ihrer Menge oder Häufigkeit reduzieren können. Dies sollte allerdings mit Augenmaß geschehen. Versagen Sie sich Ihre Wünsche nicht komplett und nicht von heute auf morgen, besonders, wenn es sich um Kleinigkeiten handelt. Das Gefühl übergroßen Verzichts könnte Sie sonst dazu verleiten, beim nächsten Einkauf über die Stränge zu schlagen. Wenn Sie die Differenz zwischen Einkommen und Ausgaben vergrößern, bleibt Ihnen mehr Geld zum Sparen.
- Bessern Sie Ihr Einkommen auf – Bemühen Sie sich verstärkt um eine Steigerung Ihrer Einkünfte. Dies gilt besonders dann, wenn Sie sich entschieden haben, an Ihren Ausgaben nichts zu ändern. Schaffen Sie Gelegenheiten, um mehr zu verdienen, damit Sie mehr sparen können. Dies sollte jedoch nicht auf Kosten der Work-Life-Balance oder Ihrer Gesundheit geschehen.
- Ausgaben kürzen, Einnahmen aufstocken – Wenn Ihnen beides gleichzeitig gelingt, werden Ihre Ersparnisse umso schneller wachsen. Sie benötigen dafür allerdings große Entschlossenheit und viel Durchhaltevermögen. Machen Sie nicht den Fehler, sich allzu stark darauf zu konzentrieren.
Wenn Sie einen Betrag angespart haben, der Ihren Ausgaben für sechs Monate entspricht, könnten Sie über eine Anlagemöglichkeit nachdenken, die Ihnen eine gute Rendite bietet.
Come si può risparmiare di più? È una sfida che molti devono affrontare. Per iniziare, chiediti che cos’è che ti motiva a risparmiare di più? Una volta individuato l’elemento trainante, fissa gli obiettivi e specifica in dettaglio in che modo potrai mettere da parte regolarmente un importo prestabilito per aumentare pian piano i tuoi risparmi.
I consulenti finanziari consigliano di mettere da parte una cifra pari alle uscite di tre mesi su un conto per le emergenze facilmente accessibile.
In pratica, esistono 3 alternative da esaminare per ottenere una somma di denaro extra da accantonare:
- Taglia le spese: distingui quelle fondamentali e indispensabili da quelle a cui puoi rinunciare o ridurre al minimo per volume o frequenza degli acquisti. Tuttavia, è meglio non mettere fine in modo brusco o drastico alle compere di ciò che desideri, specialmente se si tratta di cose semplici e non fino al punto da sentirtene privato tanto da spingerti eventualmente a spendere e spandere. Ampliando il divario tra entrate e uscite potrai destinare più denaro ai risparmi.
- Aumenta il reddito: impegnati di più per aumentare ulteriormente il reddito in modo da non dover ridurre le spese. Crea maggiori opportunità di guadagno per risparmiare di più. Tuttavia, evita di farlo compromettendo l'equilibrio lavoro-svago o mettendo a rischio la salute.
- Riduci e potenzia: i tuoi risparmi aumenteranno più velocemente se riesci a fare entrambe le cose contemporaneamente. Tuttavia, occorre essere molto determinati e perseveranti. Assicurati però di non cadere nel tranello di ossessionarti troppo.
Se riesci a risparmiare una cifra pari alle uscite di massimo sei mesi, puoi concludere che lo strumento di risparmio ti offre un buon rientro di denaro.
Comment économiser davantage ? C’est un défi qui se pose à la plupart d'entre nous. Demandez-vous, pour commencer, ce qui vous motiverait à économiser davantage. Une fois que vous avez trouvé votre motivation, fixez-vous des objectifs et planifiez en détails la manière dont vous allez économiser régulièrement une somme cible afin d’augmenter progressivement votre épargne.
Les conseillers financiers recommandent que tout le monde économise l’équivalent de trois mois de dépenses sur un compte facilement accessible en cas d’urgence.
Il y a trois avenues à explorer pour dégager une somme en vue de la mettre en réserve :
- Réduisez vos dépenses. Déterminez les dépenses essentielles et celles dont vous pouvez vous passer ou que pouvez réduire en termes de volume ou de fréquence d’achat. Il vaut cependant mieux ne pas abandonner soudainement ou de manière radicale vos envies, particulièrement s’il s’agit d’envies simples, afin de ne pas arriver à un sentiment de privation qui pourrait finir par vous pousser à dépenser sans compter. Augmentez l’écart entre vos revenus et vos dépenses pour avoir davantage d’argent disponible à épargner.
- Augmentez vos revenus. Efforcez-vous d’augmenter vos revenus, notamment si vous choisissez de ne pas réduire vos dépenses. Créez des opportunités pour gagner plus d’argent afin d’épargner davantage. Évitez cependant de le faire si cela menace l’équilibre entre votre vie personnelle et professionnelle ou présente un risque pour votre santé.
- Votre épargne s’accumulera plus vite si vous parvenez à réduire vos dépenses et à augmenter vos revenus simultanément. Cela demandera cependant une grande détermination et de la persévérance. Veillez aussi à ce que cela ne devienne pas votre préoccupation principale.
Si vous parvenez à économiser une somme équivalente à six mois de dépenses, envisagez des instruments d’épargne proposant un bon rendement pour cet argent.
Come si può risparmiare di più? È una sfida che molti devono affrontare. Per iniziare, chiediti che cos’è che ti motiva a risparmiare di più? Una volta individuato l’elemento trainante, fissa gli obiettivi e specifica in dettaglio in che modo potrai mettere da parte regolarmente un importo prestabilito per aumentare pian piano i tuoi risparmi.
I consulenti finanziari consigliano di mettere da parte una cifra pari alle uscite di tre mesi su un conto per le emergenze facilmente accessibile.
In pratica, esistono 3 alternative da esaminare per ottenere una somma di denaro extra da accantonare:
- Taglia le spese: distingui quelle fondamentali e indispensabili da quelle a cui puoi rinunciare o ridurre al minimo per volume o frequenza degli acquisti. Tuttavia, è meglio non mettere fine in modo brusco o drastico alle compere di ciò che desideri, specialmente se si tratta di cose semplici e non fino al punto da sentirtene privato tanto da spingerti eventualmente a spendere e spandere. Ampliando il divario tra entrate e uscite potrai destinare più denaro ai risparmi.
- Aumenta il reddito: impegnati di più per aumentare ulteriormente il reddito in modo da non dover ridurre le spese. Crea maggiori opportunità di guadagno per risparmiare di più. Tuttavia, evita di farlo compromettendo l'equilibrio lavoro-svago o mettendo a rischio la salute.
- Riduci e potenzia: i tuoi risparmi aumenteranno più velocemente se riesci a fare entrambe le cose contemporaneamente. Tuttavia, occorre essere molto determinati e perseveranti. Assicurati però di non cadere nel tranello di ossessionarti troppo.
Se riesci a risparmiare una cifra pari alle uscite di massimo sei mesi, puoi concludere che lo strumento di risparmio ti offre un buon rientro di denaro.
Wie können Sie mehr Geld sparen? Das ist eine Herausforderung, vor der die meisten Menschen stehen. Fragen Sie sich zunächst: Was genau ist es, das Sie motivieren wird, mehr zu sparen? Sobald Sie Ihre Motivation gefunden haben, setzen Sie sich Ziele und planen Sie, wie Sie es im Einzelnen schaffen können, regelmäßig einen bestimmten Betrag beiseite zu legen, um Ihr Sparvermögen Stück für Stück aufzubauen.
Finanzberater empfehlen, dass jeder einen Betrag zurücklegen sollte, der den Ausgaben für drei Monate entspricht. Dieser sollte für Notfälle auf einem Konto liegen, auf das Sie jederzeit leicht zugreifen können.
Grundsätzlich gibt es drei Möglichkeiten, die Sie erwägen können, um den nötigen Betrag für diesen Notgroschen aufzubringen:
- Schränken Sie Ihre Ausgaben ein – Trennen Sie notwendige und elementare Ausgaben von denen, die Sie entweder streichen oder in ihrer Menge oder Häufigkeit reduzieren können. Dies sollte allerdings mit Augenmaß geschehen. Versagen Sie sich Ihre Wünsche nicht komplett und nicht von heute auf morgen, besonders, wenn es sich um Kleinigkeiten handelt. Das Gefühl übergroßen Verzichts könnte Sie sonst dazu verleiten, beim nächsten Einkauf über die Stränge zu schlagen. Wenn Sie die Differenz zwischen Einkommen und Ausgaben vergrößern, bleibt Ihnen mehr Geld zum Sparen.
- Bessern Sie Ihr Einkommen auf – Bemühen Sie sich verstärkt um eine Steigerung Ihrer Einkünfte. Dies gilt besonders dann, wenn Sie sich entschieden haben, an Ihren Ausgaben nichts zu ändern. Schaffen Sie Gelegenheiten, um mehr zu verdienen, damit Sie mehr sparen können. Dies sollte jedoch nicht auf Kosten der Work-Life-Balance oder Ihrer Gesundheit geschehen.
- Ausgaben kürzen, Einnahmen aufstocken – Wenn Ihnen beides gleichzeitig gelingt, werden Ihre Ersparnisse umso schneller wachsen. Sie benötigen dafür allerdings große Entschlossenheit und viel Durchhaltevermögen. Machen Sie nicht den Fehler, sich allzu stark darauf zu konzentrieren.
Wenn Sie einen Betrag angespart haben, der Ihren Ausgaben für sechs Monate entspricht, könnten Sie über eine Anlagemöglichkeit nachdenken, die Ihnen eine gute Rendite bietet.
Nasıl daha fazla tasarruf yapabilirsiniz? Başlangıçta kendinize sorun - sizi daha fazla tasarruf etmeye motive edecek şey nedir? Bu konuyu netleştirdiğinizde, hedeflerinizi ona göre belirleyin. Belirlediğiniz bu oranı düzenli olarak yatırıma nasıl yönlendireceğinizi tasarlayın.
Finansal danışmanlar, acil durumlarda kolayca erişebileceğiniz ve sizi 3 ay boyunca geçindirebilecek kadar tutarın bir köşede saklanmasını tavsiye etmektedir..
Bu rakamı biriktirebilmek için 3 seçenek önerilmektedir:
- Masrafları azaltın – harcamalarını hacmi veya sıklığına göre vazgeçilebilir veya en aza indirilebilir şekilde kategorize edin. Bununla birlikte isteklerinizden bir anda ve tamamen vazgeçmemeniz size ileride oluşabilecek yoksunluk hissinden kurtaracaktır. Gelir ve gider arasındaki farkı pozitif yönde arttırmak tasarruf için daha fazla fırsat sunacaktır.
- Gelirinizi arttırın – Giderlerinizi azaltmayı tercih etmiyorsanız gelirinizi arttırma yollarını araştırabilirsiniz.
Hem giderinizi azaltın hem de gelirinizi arttırın– İkisini aynı anda yapabiliyorsanız tasarruflarınız daha hızlı artar. Ancak bu işlem uzun soluklu azim ve kararlılık gerektireceğinden size çok fazla meşgul edebilir. Tüm bu çalışmalardan sonra tasarruf miktarınız 6 ay boyunca giderlerinizi karşılayacak tutara ulaştıdığında uzun dönemli yatırım araşlarını düşünmeye başlayabilirsiniz.
- 減少支出:識別出哪些是基本支出與必要支出,並且從降低購買數量/頻率上來減少不必要的支出。但是,最好不要突然或徹底擺脫您想要的東西 (如果它們只是小而簡單的東西),也不要讓自己感到被剝奪、壓抑,以免最後弄巧成拙變成大肆揮霍。擴大您的收支差異將使您有更多的餘額用在儲蓄上。
- 增加收入:如果您不想節省花費的話,就盡力地增加收入,創造更多賺錢的機會。但若這樣會犧牲您的工作與生活平衡,或使您賠上健康,請您再三慎思這對您來說是否是好的。
- 開源和節流:若開源和節流同時進行,您的資金將更快地增加。然而這需要大量的決心和毅力,且請確保您不會掉入過於鑽牛角尖的陷阱裡。
How can you save more? It’s a challenge that confronts most people. Initially, ask yourself – what is that something that will motivate you to save more? Once the drive is there, set your goals and map out the details on how you will be able to regularly set aside a target amount to slowly build up your savings.
Financial advisers typically recommend that everyone should save the equivalent of three months outgoings in an easily accessible account for emergencies.
Basically, there are 3 options that you can explore to free up extra sum of money that you can keep in reserve:
- Cut down on expenses – identify the ones that are basic and essential from those that can be given up or minimized either by volume or frequency of buys. However, it is better that you do not get rid abruptly or drastically of your wants, even more so if they are just simple ones, nor go to the extent of feeling deprived lest it eventually push you to spend in splurge. Widening the gap between income and expenses will free you up to a lot more for savings.
- Increase your income – strive harder to augment your income, more so if you opt not to touch on your expenses. Create opportunities to earn more to save more. However, avoid doing this at the expense of your work-play balance or putting your health at risk.
- Trim down and beef up – your savings will grow faster if you can do both simultaneously. However, this would take a lot of determination and perseverance. Make sure though that you will not run into the trap of being too much pre-occupied with it.
If you are able to save up to six months’ worth of outgoings you might consider savings vehicles that might offer a higher expected return for this money.
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The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice. Aon can’t provide personalised investment advice or make personalised recommendations – we therefore suggest that you speak to an authorised financial adviser if you want to understand any of these concepts in the context of your personal situation.
How can you save more? It’s a challenge that confronts most people. Initially, ask yourself – what is that something that will motivate you to save more? Once the drive is there, set your goals and map out the details on how you will be able to regularly set aside a target amount to slowly build up your savings.
Financial advisers recommend that everyone should save the equivalent of three months outgoings in an easily accessible account for emergencies.
Basically, there are 3 options that you can explore to free up extra sum of money that you can keep in reserve:
- Cut down on expenses – identify the ones that are basic and essential from those that can be given up or minimized either by volume or frequency of buys. However, it is better that you do not get rid abruptly or drastically of your wants more so if they are just simple ones nor go to the extent of feeling deprived lest it eventually push you to spend in splurge. Widening the gap between income and expenses will free you up to allot more for savings.
- Increase your income – strive harder to augment your income more so if you opt not to touch on your expenses. Create opportunities to earn more to save more. However, avoid doing this at the expense of letting go work-play balance or putting your health at risk.
- Trim down and beef up – your savings will grow faster if you can do both simultaneously. However, this would take a lot of determination and perseverance. Make sure though that you will not run into the trap of being too much pre-occupied with it.
If you are able to save up to six months’ worth of outgoings you might consider savings vehicles that offer a good return for this money.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Vietnam Limited with its Establishment and Operation License No. 26/GP-KDBH . Aon Vietnam Limited is a licensed insurance broker regulated by the Ministry of Finance in Vietnam. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information
Làm thế nào bạn có thể tiết kiệm nhiều hơn? Đó là một thách thức đối với hầu hết mọi người. Ban đầu, hãy tự hỏi - điều gì sẽ thúc đẩy bạn tiết kiệm nhiều hơn? Hãy đặt mục tiêu và vạch ra chi tiết về cách bạn có thể thường xuyên dành dụm một số tiền nhỏ để từ từ xây dựng khoản tiết kiệm của mình.
Các cố vấn tài chính khuyên mọi người nên có một khoản tiết kiệm tương đương ba tháng, có thể dễ dàng lấy ra dành cho các trường hợp khẩn cấp.
Về cơ bản, có 3 cách bạn có thể tham khảo để dành ra thêm ngân sách cho dự phòng:
- Cắt giảm chi phí - xác định những khoản cơ bản và thiết yếu từ những khoản có thể từ bỏ hoặc giảm thiểu theo khối lượng hoặc tần suất mua. Tuy nhiên, tốt hơn là bạn không nên từ bỏ đột ngột hoặc quyết liệt mong muốn của mình vì nếu chúng chỉ là những thứ đơn giản và không đến mức cảm thấy thiếu thốn, bạn sẽ không chi tiêu. Mở rộng khoảng cách giữa thu nhập và chi tiêu sẽ giúp bạn tiết kiệm thoải mái hơn.
- Tăng thu nhập - cố gắng nhiều hơn để tăng thu nhập. Tạo cơ hội kiếm thêm tiền để tiết kiệm nhiều hơn. Tuy nhiên, tránh làm điều này với rủi ro làm mất cân đối giữa làm việc – thư giãn hoặc gây nguy hiểm cho sức khỏe của bạn.
- Cắt giảm và tăng cường – khoản tiết kiệm của bạn sẽ tăng nhanh hơn nếu bạn có thể làm cả hai cùng một lúc. Tuy nhiên, điều này cần rất nhiều quyết tâm và sự kiên trì. Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn sẽ không bị nó ảnh hưởng quá mức.
Nếu bạn có thể tiết kiệm tới sáu tháng, bạn có thể xem xét các phương tiện tiết kiệm mang lại lợi nhuận tốt cho số tiền này.
Tuyên bố miễn trừ trách nhiệm: Thông tin này được cung cấp bởi Công ty TNHH Aon Việt Nam với Giấy phép Thành lập và Hoạt động số 26/ GP-KDBH. Công ty TNHH Aon Việt Nam là công ty môi giới bảo hiểm được cấp giấy phép dưới sự quản lý của Bộ Tài chính tại Việt Nam. Các thông tin này không tính đến các mục tiêu đầu tư cụ thể, tình hình tài chính hoặc nhu cầu riêng biệt của bất kỳ đối tượng cụ thể nào nhận được tài liệu này. Theo đó, bạn không nên dựa vào hoặc coi tài liệu này như một phương thức thay thế cho sự tư vấn riêng biệt liên quan đến các tình huống cụ thể. Vui lòng tìm kiếm sự tư vấn từ chuyên gia cố vấn tài chính về sự phù hợp của bất kỳ sản phẩm đầu tư nào có tính đến các mục tiêu đầu tư cụ thể, tình hình tài chính hoặc nhu cầu riêng biệt của bạn trước khi bạn cam kết mua sản phẩm đầu tư. Bạn cũng nên có được sự tư vấn chuyên biệt khác khi cần thiết. Thông tin này được cung cấp dựa trên sự trung thực và được cho là chính xác vào thời điểm biên soạn. Chúng tôi không có nghĩa vụ phải cập nhật các tài liệu hoặc sửa chữa bất kỳ thông tin không chính xác nào là những thông tin được làm rõ sau này. Bạn luôn cần phải tham khảo các nguồn thông tin chính hoặc các thông tin chính xác hơn hoặc cập nhật hơn.
คุณจะเก็บออมให้มากขึ้นได้อย่างไร นี่คือความท้าทายที่ผู้คนส่วนใหญ่ต้องเผชิญหน้า เริ่มแรกให้ถามตัวเองว่าอะไรคือสิ่งที่จะจูงใจให้คุณเก็บออมมากยิ่งขึ้น เมื่อมีแรงจูงใจแล้วให้ตั้งเป้าหมายและวางแผนรายละเอียดวิธีการจัดสรรจำนวนเงินเป้าหมายเป็นประจำเพื่อค่อยๆ สร้างเงินออมของคุณ
ที่ปรึกษาทางการเงินแนะนำว่าทุกคนควรออมเงินให้เทียบเท่ากับรายจ่ายของสามเดือน เก็บไว้ในบัญชีที่เข้าถึงได้ง่ายในกรณีฉุกเฉิน
โดยทั่วไปมี 3 ตัวเลือกที่คุณสามารถสำรวจเพื่อเพิ่มจำนวนเงินพิเศษที่คุณจะสำรองไว้ได้ ดังนี้
- การลดค่าใช้จ่าย - แยกรายจ่ายที่เป็นพื้นฐานและจำเป็นออกจากค่าใช้จ่ายที่ไม่จำเป็นหรือลดลงได้ตามปริมาณหรือความถี่ในการซื้อ อย่างไรก็ตาม จะดีกว่าถ้าคุณจะไม่กำจัดการซื้อตามความต้องการของคุณอย่างกะทันหันหรืออย่างรุนแรงหากเป็นเพียงสิ่งที่เรียบง่าย และอย่าให้ถึงกับรู้สึกขาดแคลน มิฉะนั้นสุดท้ายแล้วจะผลักดันให้คุณใช้จ่ายอย่างสุรุ่ยสุร่าย การขยายช่องว่างระหว่างรายได้และค่าใช้จ่ายจะช่วยให้คุณมีอิสระในการเก็บออมได้มากขึ้น
- การเพิ่มรายได้ของคุณ - พยายามให้มากขึ้นในการเพิ่มรายได้ หากคุณเลือกที่จะไม่จัดการค่าใช้จ่าย สร้างโอกาสที่จะเพิ่มรายได้ให้มากขึ้นเพื่อเก็บออมเพิ่มขึ้น อย่างไรก็ตาม หลีกเลี่ยงการทำเช่นนี้หากต้องแลกมาด้วยการยอมเสียสมดุลระหว่างการทำงานกับการพักผ่อน หรือทำให้เกิดความเสี่ยงต่อสุขภาพของคุณ
- ลดรายจ่ายและเสริมกำลัง - เงินออมของคุณจะเติบโตเร็วขึ้นหากคุณสามารถทำทั้งสองอย่างได้พร้อมกัน อย่างไรก็ตาม จะต้องใช้ความมุ่งมั่นและความเพียรเป็นอย่างมาก ดูแลให้แน่ใจว่าคุณจะไม่ติดกับดักจากการหมกมุ่นเกินไป
หากคุณสามารถเก็บออมได้จนเทียบเท่ากับรายจ่ายของหกเดือน คุณอาจพิจารณาเครื่องมือสำหรับออมทรัพย์ที่ให้ผลตอบแทนที่ดีจากเงินนี้
Hur kan du spara mer? Det är en utmaning som de flesta ställs inför. Fråga först dig själv vad som skulle kunna motivera dig att spara mer. När du väl har drivkraften sätter du upp mål och utarbetar detaljerna för hur du regelbundet ska kunna avsätta ett målbelopp för att långsamt bygga upp besparingarna.
Finansiella rådgivare rekommenderar att alla borde ha besparingar motsvarande tre månaders utgifter på ett lättillgängligt konto för nödsituationer.
Det finns på det hela taget tre alternativ som du kan utforska för att frigöra extra penningbelopp att ha i reserv:
- Skär ned på utgifterna – identifiera vilka utgifter som är grundläggande och ofrånkomliga till skillnad från de som inte är nödvändiga eller som kan minimeras – antingen vad gäller volym eller frekvens av inköp. Men det är bäst att inte göra abrupta och drastiska nedskärningar av utgifter som du lägger på önskningar, särskilt om de är små eller leder till att du känner dig berövad på något. Det kan leda till att du plötsligt spenderar större belopp. Genom att vidga gapet mellan inkomster och utgifter får du utrymme att lägga mer på besparingar.
- Öka din inkomst – arbeta hårdare för att öka din inkomst om du inte vill förändra dina utgifter. Skapa möjligheter att tjäna mer för att spara mer. Undvik dock att göra det om det påverkar balansen mellan arbete och fritid för mycket eller sätter din hälsa på spel.
- Skär ned och öka resurserna – dina besparingar växer snabbare om du kan göra båda samtidigt. Detta kräver dock mycket beslutsamhet och ihärdighet. Se till att du inte går i fällan och blir för fixerad vid det här.
Om du kan spara ett belopp motsvarande sex månaders utgifter kanske du ska beakta olika sparkonton som ger god avkastning på de här pengarna.
Penulis bukan konsultan keuangan, konsultan pajak, atau konsultan hukum. Artikel dan isinya hanya untuk tujuan informasi, pembaca tidak disarankan untuk menafsirkan informasi atau material lain apa pun sebagai saran hukum, perpajakan, investasi, finansial, atau saran lain. Semua informasi, data, strategi, laporan, artikel, dan semua fitur lain dari artikel ini disediakan untuk tujuan informasi dan edukasi semata dan tidak seharusnya dianggap atau ditafsirkan sebagai saran investasi personal untuk pembaca. Mungkin ada kesalahan pada artikel ini, dan pembaca sebaiknya tidak mengambil keputusan finansial atau investasi berdasarkan apa yang mereka baca dalam artikel dan tulisan ini saja. Merupakan tanggung jawab pembaca untuk melakukan uji tuntas mandiri dan pembaca harus mengambil keputusan sendiri. Pahamilah dan berhati-hatilah karena keputusan keuangan dan investasi mengandung risiko. Penulis tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian langsung maupun yang timbul akibat penggunaan tulisan, produk, layanan, situs, atau konten lain yang ditulis oleh penulis, termasuk konten artikel ini. Pembaca bertanggung jawab atas penelitian dan keputusan investasinya sendiri. Pembaca sebaiknya meminta saran penasihat keuangan yang berkualifikasi dan sepenuhnya memahami semua risiko sebelum berinvestasi atau mengambil keputusan finansial apa pun. Penulis tidak menjamin bahwa pembaca akan atau memperoleh hasil sebagaimana yang dikutip dalam artikel ini. Semua hasil rekomendasi penulis tidak didasarkan pada investasi aktual yang dilakukan sendiri oleh penulis dan didasarkan pada hipotesis, statistik, serta survei yang ada, yang memiliki batasan dan tidak mencerminkan semua komponen investasi sesungguhnya. Hasil nyata yang diterima pembaca mungkin berbeda-beda disebabkan berbagai faktor. Semua konten dan referensi sumber pihak ketiga disediakan semata-mata untuk kemudahan. Informasi ini mungkin tidak akurat, gunakan dengan penuh tanggung jawab. Dengan membaca artikel ini atau isinya, Anda setuju bahwa baik penulis maupun karyawannya, pemegang saham, direktur, kontraktor, afiliasi, agen, penyedia konten pihak ketiga, atau pemberi lisensi tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas segala bentuk klaim, tanggung jawab, biaya, kerusakan, atau kerugian, langsung, tidak langsung, maupun insidental akibat penggunaan bagian konten ini oleh pembaca. Termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, kerugian atau cedera yang semuanya atau sebagian disebabkan oleh kemungkinan di luar kendali kami.
Life throws lots of surprises at you, many of them financial: the refrigerator dies, the radiator on the car goes out, we get a surprise tax bill, or a job is terminated. If you lack an emergency fund there are other options, including credit cards, payday loans, pawnshop loans or loans from family members or friends. Each of these options have their own problems: high interest rates, making them difficult to pay back, as well as potential conflict with people close to you.
It's at that point, when you hit a financial bottom, when you realize the importance of setting aside a certain amount of cash for unforeseen occurrences. Doing so can buy you peace of mind while sacrificing spending for the short term. Ideally, you want to have this cash saved up sooner rather than later so that you don't suffer a major inconvenience when something does go wrong.
What Is an Emergency Fund?
An emergency fund is an account set aside to gather money for emergency use. The emergency itself may be anything, but it's wise to plan for the worst, which means loss of your ability to earn income. Conventional wisdom says to save for three to six months' worth of your daily expenses, though others suggest more, especially during periods of economic uncertainty. This includes rent, mortgage, major bills, food, etc. Paradoxically, you tend to need an emergency fund the most when you're not financially stable, like when you're just starting out, which is when it is the most difficult to save. Emergency funds are something that you can't create overnight. It can take a year or more to build a fund sufficient to meet your minimum emergency needs and years to build up a more robust amount of savings. Some people add to them over the course of years instead.
Emergency funds take time to build.
Ideally, you want to pay for emergency expenses with existing funds.
If you must, then start small and build on it.
Use existing money if you can
Ideally, you want to pay for emergency expenses with existing funds. Though credit will do the job as well as cash in your savings account, it comes with expensive strings attached. Interest on credit cards, just like the interest on savings accounts, adds up over the months, so you end up paying off a bill higher than what you originally incurred. In addition, credit card companies may levy extra fees or higher rates if you go over your limit or forget to pay your bill, adding to the overall cost. An additional advantage of using existing money is that it can earn interest or dividends if sitting in an account in a financial institution.
First, track your expenses
You should know your spending and earning habits well enough to decide how large of an emergency fund you're going to need. If your income is not stable—which is true for many self-employed consumers—you may need a larger fund than someone who gets a steady paycheck does. Begin by determining how much money you spend in a month, including housing-related expenses, utilities, car payments, gas, insurance, food, and loan payments. Since a loss of income-earning ability will mean cutting out unnecessary expenses during that time, focus on the necessary ones. Once you have your total dollar amount, multiply it by the number of months you think you'll need. With this goal in mind, determine a safe amount to sock away each month or week. At first, it's probably best to set aside a small amount, but be consistent with it.
Start small
Don't be discouraged if the amount you need to save seems impossibly large. With the help of budgeting and automatic savings plans, you can begin saving a small amount. It's beneficial to even have one month of expenses in an emergency fund versus nothing. And as you get pay increases, tax refunds or cash gifts, you can sock away more, increasing the size of the fund over time.
Where to Keep Your Emergency Fund
In the old days, people would talk about keeping their money under the mattress at home. But that was before deposit insurance and credit union share insurance were created to protect accounts at financial institutions. Now you can stash your cash there and earn interest or dividends on it, and keep it away from mice, too.
Ideally, you want to store your emergency cushion in a liquid, easily accessible account that does not lose its value.
Many institutions offer accounts for specially designated purposes, such as emergency funds.
Liquidity is ideal
Ideally, you want to store your emergency cushion in a liquid, easily accessible account that does not lose its value, so you know how much money you have available in the event of an emergency and you can withdraw money quickly. Savings accounts offer excellent liquidity. So do money market accounts. Though they hold their value, time deposits such as certificates and savings bonds are not very liquid, though you can take your money out prematurely; however, you will likely be penalized for early withdrawals and lose some of the earnings you've built up.
What is not ideal
Not all accounts are suitable for emergency funds. Retirement accounts, for example, should stay put so they can have growth potential over the course of decades. Taking money out prematurely can cost you a huge amount of growth and early withdrawal penalties and taxes over the long term. Tapping a revolving credit account, such as credit cards, can end up costing you much more in finance charges than you need to cover your emergency expense.
Some people choose stocks or other market-based investments for their emergency funds due to those investments' potential to grow in value over time. While this can indeed happen, remember that the volatility of the market may put you at a disadvantage when it's time to take your money out. You may end up with less than you put in.
Special accounts for an emergency fund
Many credit unions and banks now offer certificates or savings accounts for specially designated purposes, such as emergency funds. Having an account specially tailored for an emergency can be a psychological boost that motivates saving. If your institution does not offer one of these types of accounts, there are still many choices that you can use for this purpose anyway.
Finding Money to Save for an Emergency Fund
One of the biggest objections to starting up an emergency fund is "I don't have enough to set aside for one." But often, you do. Spend a month tracking every cent, and you will probably see where money is slipping through the cracks. Are there any services or expenses you could do without or cut back on? Are you expecting a big tax refund soon?
Add your emergency fund to your regular bills; this will give it a sense of priority.
Bonuses, tax refunds, and loose change can go into your fund.
Some ideas
Doing a Web search on emergency funds can bring up some surprising tips for finding spare cash. Some are harsh and draconian. Others are well thought out and recommended by financial advisors. Here are some of the more common suggestions:
- Treat it as a bill. Add your emergency fund to your regular bills; this will give it a sense of priority. If you need to start small, such as $10 per month, that's still a good start.
- Unnecessary expenses. Take stock of all the goods and services that you use that are not strictly necessary, such as services you could perform yourself, spur-of-the-moment spending choices, or excessive insurance coverage. After you've cut them out, you might try staying in that mindset, but instead putting the money that you would have spent on them into your emergency fund.
- Loose change. Put all loose change into a special jar just for your emergency fund.
- Bonuses or raises at work. If you get a bonus or raise, put all or most of it into your fund.
- Cash gifts. If you get a cash gift for your birthday, a holiday or another special occasion, you can add it to your emergency fund.
- Tax refunds. Due to their size, these are the most likely source of funds and are a good way to begin an emergency fund.
- Adjusting your income tax withholding. If your yearly tax refund is typically quite large, you can adjust your tax withholding so that less is withheld each month; put that difference into your fund so it builds up earnings.
- An automatic savings account. You can set up automatic transfers of money on a periodic basis from one account to another. An advantage of this is that it can save you the time and energy otherwise needed to locate money to save. Just be sure you have adequate funds in your source account to cover the transfer.
- Investment earnings. If you've got stocks, bonds or mutual funds that pay regular income, you can divert that into your emergency stash for a while.
Once you have your fund in place at a financial institution, you can start accumulating earnings on it.
Summary of Building an Emergency Fund
Once you've got your emergency fund fully funded, you can breathe more easily. Maybe you can start up your cable subscription again, or drink a few more lattes each week. Building a cash cushion is an exercise in discipline that you might have to repeat again years later if you need to meet unexpected expenses.
Now that you understand what an emergency fund is, we'd like you to think about setting one up if you haven't already.
Practical Ideas You Can Start with Today
- Create an emergency fund of 3 to 6 months' living expenses.
Como pode poupar mais dinheiro? A maioria das pessoas enfrenta este desafio. Inicialmente, pergunte-se a si próprio qual é a sua motivação para poupar mais. Assim que a motivação existir, defina os seus objetivos e os detalhes sobre como conseguirá colocar regularmente de lado um valor objetivo para aumentar lentamente as suas poupanças.
Os consultores financeiros recomendam que todas as pessoas tenham o equivalente a três meses de despesas numa conta de fácil acesso para emergências.
Basicamente, pode explorar três opções para libertar algum dinheiro que pode manter numa poupança:
- Cortar nas despesas: identifique as despesas básicas e essenciais daquelas que pode abdicar ou reduzir, seja em volume ou frequência de compra. No entanto, o ideal é que não abdique de forma abrupta ou drástica das coisas de que gosta, principalmente se forem simples. De igual forma, não deve chegar ao ponto de sentir privação, que poderá por levar a gastos superiores. Aumentar o intervalo entre as receitas e as despesas vai permitir atribuir um valor maior às poupanças.
- Aumentar as suas receitas: esforce-se por aumentar as suas receitas, principalmente se optar por não tocar nas suas despesas. Crie oportunidades para ganhar mais para poupar mais. Contudo, evite fazê-lo prejudicando o equilíbrio entre trabalho e lazer ou colocando a sua saúde em risco.
- Reduzir e reforçar: as suas poupanças vão aumentar mais rapidamente se conseguir fazer ambos em simultâneo. No entanto, isto requer muita determinação e perseverança. Certifique-se de que não corre o risco de ficar demasiado preocupado com esta questão.
Se conseguir poupar até seis meses de despesas poderá considerar instrumentos de poupança que oferecem um bom retorno deste dinheiro.
O conteúdo deste artigo não constitui um aconselhamento financeiro individual.