On Demand exercise videos

Desk Strengthening Exercises


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Healthy summer recipes

As summer has arrived, it's time to switch up your cooking habits and try some more seasonally-appropriate dishes. With the temperatures rising outdoors, the last thing you want to be eating are hot dishes that leave you feeling uncomfortably full…

High-energy foods you should snack on

If you start to feel your energy flagging, it can be really tempting to reach for sugary or caffeinated snacks and drinks to try and get energised again. However, these…


How can you avoid pain at the gym?

Despite what you might have heard, feeling achy after the gym isn’t necessarily a good thing. Yes, sore muscles show that you have worked hard, but they are also uncomfortable and can stop you from being able to workout properly…


How can you fall asleep faster?

Fall Asleep? Sleep is a vital part of good health and getting enough quality sleep every night is hugely important for your mind as well as your body. Ensuring you get plenty of sleep helps you care for your immune…

Self Control

How should you set healthy goals?

Getting healthy is a great way to start the New Year and there are a lot of different ways you can go about it, meaning it is relatively simple to find something that works for you. However, health and fitness…

Physical Health

How technology can improve health and wellbeing

The rise of technology has helped a number of areas of modern day life, even encouraging certain sectors to blossom. For health and fitness enthusiasts, the growth of technology has…


How to avoid injuries when working out

The best way of achieving your fitness and weight loss goals is to ensure your workout regime is consistent. However, many individuals – whether amateur or experienced – can suffer…


How to avoid sugary temptations

Do you have an uncontrollable sweet tooth? If you crave sugary snacks and drinks throughout the day it’s likely you find it difficult to resist temptation. But consuming food and drink that is high in sugar can leave you feeling…

How to avoid weight gain in winter

Many areas of the world are heading toward winter now, with the weather taking a turn for the worst and days getting shorter. Not only does this mean you need to wrap up warm and try and get as much…

Physical Health

How to be healthy at the office

Working in an office job isn’t great for your health. While some people work outdoors in active roles, you spend eight hours a day sat at a desk, burning very few calories and hurting your back from being bent over…