On Demand exercise videos

Desk Strengthening Exercises


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How to boost your workout with the latest tech

We live in a world of incredible technology. Twenty years ago, top-of-the-line computers would be much less impressive than the phone you carry around in your pocket, for example. We…


How to break out of bad eating habits

Whether you lead a busy lifestyle or are simply lacking in motivation to be healthy, you may have fallen into bad eating habits. After a long day, it's easy to…

Mental Wellbeing

How to bust stress with positivity

Life can be stressful sometimes. This can be due to problems at work, a difficult relationship, or just being too busy. While we can accept this, it would be a bad idea to treat stress as an unavoidable problem that…


How to choose the best gym for you

When it comes to keeping fit, there are a number of ways to do so: from jogging around your local park, heading to a sports class at your local leisure centre or joining a gym. Now that it’s winter in…

Physical Health

How to choose the right workout clothes

When it comes to working out, it’s important to do so in the right clothes. Exercising in clothes that are too tight and uncomfortable can have a negative impact on…

Physical Health

How to cut down on sitting

Sitting is bad for you. You probably already figured that it’s better to go for a run than lounge on the sofa for an hour, but you might not realise how much damage spending a day sitting down at work…

How to deal with crowded gyms

We’re well into the first month of the year, which means many people have signed up for gym memberships in a bid to get in shape and shed any excess Christmas weight. While this is all well and good, an…


How to eat enough protein without meat

Going vegetarian – or vegan, if you’re even more dedicated – is becoming increasingly popular. You might decide to give up meat and/or dairy for health reasons, to reduce harm…

How to exercise without trying

If you aren’t a huge fan of exercising, but know that you need to introduce it into your lifestyle, it’s time to get your act together. While gym memberships can be expensive and you don’t particularly enjoy running on track,…

How to get active on your day off

f you work a full-time job, it’s likely you only get a limited number of days off each year. This means that when you do book a day off, you’ll want to make the most of it. While some people…