On Demand exercise videos

Desk Strengthening Exercises


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How to stay active while injured

If you’re a self-confessed fitness fanatic who loves to exercise regularly, we know how much of a nightmare it is when you develop an injury. Whether it’s big or small, an injury of any severity will mean that you have…

Mental Wellbeing

How to stay healthy this winter

Winter is always a tough time to stay healthy. It’s a lot harder to get up and exercising when it’s freezing outside and all you want to do is curl up under a blanket. Our diet tends to suffer as…

How to up your running game

Many Well One members look to exercise as a way to boost their Health Score by increasing their physical activity. This is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and you can find an activity that suits your personality and…


How yoga can boost your Health Score

Now the weather is improving, you're probably thinking of more season-appropriate exercise measures, such as swapping the treadmill for running outdoors and taking up tennis or squash. While you might…


Indoor workout tips

Now that we’re well into summer, many of you will be heading outside in a bid to make the most of the sunshine. This could also mean that those of you who normally go to the gym will switch up…


Is lack of sleep affecting your work?

Some days, it seems like you can’t get anything done at work. You spend all your time at your desk with your head in your hands, trying to finish a…

Low Intensity MET Exercises

There is a great deal of information both online and in fitness magazines about the health benefits of high intensity exercises, with little regard for low intensity activities. Find out the health benefits of low intensity exercises in this second post on MET (metabolic equivalent of Task). The Well One energy models are based on MET which

Motivate yourself: How to push yourself to stay fit

Some people struggle physically with exercise, while some find their bodies react badly to their attempts to eat healthily. However,…

Self Control

My Fitness before and after

MY FITNESS… by Christian Jacinto Picaso During my teenage years I used to do a lot of sports such as Karate, Unihockey, Pingpong and Mountain Biking. I was really fit then, but I had to stopped because it was conflicting with…


Nutrition mistakes we all make

When it comes to health and nutrition, most of us will think we have most of the key points down. We know what we should and shouldn’t eat and the effect that food can have on our health – or…