On Demand exercise videos

Desk Strengthening Exercises


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Exercise and Your Joints

Overcoming the Challenges of Weak Knees, Wrists, and Ankles People who have joint problems can have trouble exercising, as the pain of their injury may be just too great to take advantage of the health benefits of working out. The…

What damage does skipping the gym really do?

We all have those days when the last thing we want to do is go to the gym. Sometimes you might manage to drag yourself in, whereas other days you…

Mental Wellbeing

How to not take work stress home with you

Work is one of the biggest causes of stress for many people and can contribute to tension from others parts of our lives. While a small amount of stress may…

5 snacks to replace your high-calorie favourites

Watching what you eat – whether to lose weight or just improve your health – doesn’t mean missing out on all the foods you love. There are plenty of swaps…


5 grains you should be eating

Grains are an important part of your diet and yet, the chances are you aren't eating enough of them. All grains are chock full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help to maintain good health, improve the strength of your…


What exercises could help you reduce pain?

If you suffer from pain, whether due to an injury or a long-term condition, you might think that exercise will only make it worse. However, certain exercises could help to…


10 a day: New guidance says you need more vegetables

It’s been the rule of thumb for years that a healthy diet contains at least five portions of fruit and…


Could a nap a day keep the doctor away?

Once you reach a certain age, you’re told that napping is no longer an option. There seems to be an idea that adults shouldn’t nap, even though they may hit…

Are you blowing your diet after the gym?

So you’ve left the gym after a enjoying a particularly good session and your stomach starts to rumble. You know you shouldn’t really have a snack or that you should…

Mental Wellbeing

Simple ways to boost your mood

boost your mood