On Demand exercise videos

Desk Strengthening Exercises


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Could souping be the new juicing?

Juicing has been around for a while and is often used as a form of detoxing. The idea is to get as many nutrients as possible from fruit and vegetables in an easy way, cutting down on solid food as…


How clean is too clean when it comes to your diet?

There’s always a new healthy eating trend or diet popping up with people saying it is the best thing for clean eating. Whether it’s a cookbook, blog or Instagram posts…


Make your fitness habits stick this new year

Whether your New Year resolution is to get fit, you want to step up your exercise routine or you simply want to improve your health, you need to do more…

Mental Wellbeing

Could walking meditation help you?

The stresses of everyday life can soon take their toll on, leaving you feeling physically and mentally exhausted. While many people hit the gym, try yoga or head to the pool to work out their stress, you don’t necessarily need…

Physical Health

Moving your feet could keep you healthy

We all know we should be moving around more throughout the day in order to stay healthy. However, working in an office can mean you don’t get the chance to…

Physical Health

Get fit at work with desk chair alternatives

If you work in an office, you’re probably already aware that sitting for eight hours a day, five days a week isn’t great for your health. Numerous studies in recent…


How to get started with yoga

You’ve probably read a lot about how great yoga is. From helping you to tone up, become more flexible and relax easier, yoga has a lot of benefits that everyone can enjoy. Many people read about all the pluses of…

Mental Wellbeing

Great ways to release tension

Modern life includes plenty of things that can leave us stressed and tense. From work to school and family, you'll probably encounter numerous things in a day that can trigger a lot of tension. While some levels of stress are…

How many calories can you cut in a day?

When it comes to being healthy, losing weight and generally getting fitter, you need to consider how many calories you are consuming every day. Eating and drinking too many calories…

Nutrition myths: Which foods should you avoid?

There are always numerous foods that we are being told we should eat in order to be our healthiest selves. However, very few of them come with scientific backing, meaning…