On Demand exercise videos

Desk Strengthening Exercises


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Eating out: Compromising not sacrificing

Eating healthily, whether for weight loss or just to improve your fitness and wellbeing, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy evenings out with your partner or friends. While it can be…


Get the most out of your new gym

Joining a new gym is a great way to keep in shape – but in order to make the most of the place, you need to do more than simply secure a membership. To ensure you get as much as…


Breakfasts that will set you up for the day

We all know the old saying ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ – so why is it so common to feel ravenous again by 10am, or to skip…

Getting back into exercise after injury

When you’ve injured yourself, you need to ensure that you take it easy and allow your body the time it needs to repair itself. Once you’re feeling in tip-top condition…

How to choose the right running shoes

If you enjoy a good run or are trying to get into the habit of jogging regularly, you need to think about more than just your technique. It is important…

Quick and easy on-the-go lunch ideas

With the new year in full swing, many of you will be sticking to your vows to keep healthy and become fitter. This means that you won’t be rushing to…

Keeping warm when exercising outdoors

Winter is on its way, which means it’s time to make some changes to your usual outdoor workout regime. There’s no better feeling than exercising in the fresh air with…

Self Control

How to boost your body confidence

Do you often look in the mirror and dislike what you see? While most of us have days where we feel great about ourselves, it’s pretty normal to get hung up on body insecurities from time to time – especially…


A guide to gym etiquette

Whether you’re a regular gym-goer or you’ve only recently signed up for a membership, the rules of gym etiquette apply to everyone. While there are no strict guidelines, there are a number of ways to conduct, or not conduct, yourself…


Recipe: Healthy snacks

When following a healthy, balanced diet that’s packed full of fruits, pulses and vegetables, we know how difficult it can be to resist those cravings for sweet treats. While it is okay to indulge in moderation, it’s also easy to…