What if My Situation Changes?
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Please select your country…Pension Payments during Family Leave
Whilst in work, periods of family leave such as maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave can lead to some confusion amongst employers as to what they need to pay and deduct, as pension contributions.
The general principle whilst an employee is on family leave is that the terms & conditions of employment should continue as normal (that is, the same as if they weren't on leave) with the exception of 'remuneration' which is defined as wages or salary.
This means that employer pension contributions should be paid based upon pensionable earnings applicable before the commencement of the family leave whilst employee contributions are based upon the individual's actual earnings during the leave.
This results in slightly different outcomes for members (and employers) depending upon whether pension contributions are being paid on a contributory or salary sacrifice basis.
If the employee is a member of a scheme on a salary sacrifice basis then the same level of contributions should be paid for the period of paid leave, whilst a contributory member could potentially contribute less as their payments may reduce if the pay received during the family leave period is less than the pre-leave pensionable earnings.
This principle has been cast into doubt by the decision of the employment Appeal Tribunal in the case of Peninsula Business Services Ltd v Donaldson, however the generally accepted view is that the salary sacrificed for a pension contribution does not constitute remuneration once it is sacrificed.
These guidelines are applicable to periods of paid or unpaid statutory absences (such as Ordinary Maternity Leave, 'OML' or paid additional maternity leave) however during a period of unpaid leave taken after family leave entitlement both the employer & the employee may cease contributing unless the contract of employment states otherwise.
Pensions and Death Benefits
The tax treatment of benefits and the availability of pension for beneficiaries is dependent upon the type of pension in place and actions that have already been taken. Usually, the plan holder will have completed a form nominating a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive any benefits due in the event of death. Forms are often referred to as 'Expression of Wish' or 'Nomination of Beneficiary'.
This form is not legally binding, so benefits are distributed under the scheme or pension providers discretionary powers. This means that, from HMRC's perspective, the funds are outside the control of the pension holder meaning they are normally considered to be outside the estate for inheritance tax purposes.
Personal and Workplace Pension Schemes through a Pension Provider
These schemes are personal contracts between the plan holder and the pension provider and where no benefits have been accessed they are known as 'Uncrystallised'.
Upon confirmation of a death the pension provider will review its records to ascertain whether the plan holder 'nominated' any beneficiaries to receive the benefits from the scheme. This pension provider will then usually pay the value of the benefits to the nominated beneficiaries in the form of a lump sum payment, although beneficiaries may request to use the fund to purchase an annuity to provide a regular income.
Flexi-Access Drawdown Pension Policies
Where a pension has been moved into a drawdown arrangement and benefits have been accessed either as income or a lump sum, these funds are known as 'Crystallised benefits'. In the event of death, the value of the fund is passed to the nominated beneficiary(s) who can then choose to take the value of the fund as a lump sum or take regular or ad hoc income from the fund. It should be noted that the nominees do not have to have reached the statutory minimum pension age to take these benefits.
Where an annuity has been purchased and is in payment, the payments being received will cease in the event of death unless a guarantee period has been included. If a spouse's or dependent's pension was included at the point the annuity was purchased this will commence and will continue to be paid in accordance with the terms of the contract.
Retiring due to illness
If you're ill, you may find that you must retire earlier than you expected. Dealing with ill health and retiring at the same time can be difficult but we can help you through it.
Most people think they will get less for their money if they are ill but with annuities the opposite is often true. If you or your dependent have or have had such medical conditions as a stroke, heart disease, cancer or diabetes, you may be able to get a higher income as you or your dependent's life expectancy may be shorter. Not all forms of these conditions will qualify you for enhanced benefits.
Retiring due to redundancy
You never know what's around the corner, so it is possible that your carefully laid plans about when you want to retire could be derailed by something like redundancy. If you're over 55 when you're made redundant, you may have the option of retiring instead of looking for a new job.
Working in retirement
Many people are choosing to work longer if their health allows, but often they want to work fewer hours. Phased retirement can be used to supplement earnings from part-time employment. Instead of, for example, buying an annuity in a single transaction, you spread the purchase over several years. It can be tax-efficient, especially if you aim to keep any taxable income below the higher-rate threshold, which for 2021/22 is £50,270.
Volunteering can get people directly involved in their community in new and challenging ways. You might be embarking on brand-new experiences and making new friends along the way. Many volunteers feel that volunteering helps make the transition into retirement easier. It could be fun too, giving you enjoyment and personal satisfaction while practically supporting worthwhile causes that matter to you.
Volunteering opportunities
From being a trustee, to a mentor, providing administrative or financial support to a charity, befriending an isolated elderly person, fundraising, reading with primary school children, driving people with disabilities to day trips, carrying out conservation work in a nature reserve - the list is endless.
Choosing the right opportunity for you is essential. You will need to consider how much time you can spare and whether you want a regular commitment or not. Many roles can be flexible and fit in with your other commitments. Think about what you want to get out of it. Do you want to meet new people, to develop new skills, do something completely different from your career, or follow a dream? Is there a cause or issue in which you want to get involved? For example, do you want to work with young people, improve the environment or help homeless people?
But don't just think about it - try some opportunities and see what suits you best.
- *Aviva, Real Retirement Report, Dec 2012.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
Pension Payments during Family Leave
Whilst in work periods of family leave such as maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave can lead to some confusion amongst employers as to what they need to pay and deduct, as pension contributions.
The general principle whilst an employee is on family leave is that the terms & conditions of employment should continue as normal (that is, the same as if they weren't on leave)
Pensions and Death Benefits
The tax treatment of benefits and the availability of pension for beneficiaries is dependent upon the type of pension in place and actions that have already been taken. Usually, the plan holder will have completed a form nominating a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive any benefits due in the event of death. Forms are often referred to as 'Expression of Wish' or 'Nomination of Beneficiary'. This form is not legally binding, so benefits are distributed under the scheme or pension providers discretionary powers.
Pension Schemes through a Pension Provider
These schemes are personal contracts between the plan holder and the pension provider and where no benefits have been accessed they are known as 'Uncrystallised'.
Upon confirmation of a death the pension provider will review its records to ascertain whether the plan holder 'nominated' any beneficiaries to receive the benefits from the scheme. This pension provider will then usually pay the value of the benefits to the nominated beneficiaries in the form of a lump sum payment (subject to revenue rules). Any amount left over after a lump sum has been made, may be used to purchase an annuity.
Approved Retirement Funds
At retirement you may have the option to transfer some or all of your retirement fund to an AMRF/ARF. Approved Retirement Funds are post-retirement investment plans that allow you to continue to invest your pension fund in retirement and draw down money as you need it, rather than buying an annuity. It is an important area on which you should take advice as you may be giving up a guaranteed income for life. You also have the option of purchasing an annuity at any point after setting up an ARF, depending on the funds available.
Where an annuity has been purchased and is in payment, the payments being received will cease in the event of death. If a spouse's or dependent's pension was included at the point the annuity was purchased this will commence and will continue to be paid in accordance with the terms of the contract.
Retiring due to illness
If you're ill, you may find that you must retire earlier than you expected. Dealing with ill health and retiring at the same time can be difficult but we can help you through it.
Most people think they will get less for their money if they are ill but with annuities the opposite is usually true. If you or your dependent have or have had such medical conditions as stroke, heart disease, cancer or diabetes, you may be able to get a higher income, via an Enhanced Annuity, as your or your dependent's life expectancy may be shorter. Not all forms of these conditions will qualify you for enhanced benefits. smoking, height and weight.
Retiring due to redundancy
You never know what's around the corner, so it is possible that your carefully laid plans about when you want to retire could be derailed by something like redundancy. If you're over 55 when you're made redundant, you may have the option of retiring instead of looking for a new job.
Working in retirement
Many people are choosing to work longer if their health allows, but often they want to work fewer hours. In some instances, you may be able to defer the drawdown of your occupational or personal pension.
Your unique skills and experiences are invaluable to your community. You can give so much by volunteering your time and skills. But there are benefits for you as well. A recent study found older people who volunteer are happier, less socially isolated, less depressed, and have a better quality of life than those who do not volunteer.
Volunteering gets people directly involved in their community in new and challenging ways. You'll be embarking on brand-new experiences and making new friends along the way. Many volunteers feel that volunteering helps make the transition into retirement easier. It'll be fun too, giving you enjoyment and personal satisfaction while practically supporting worthwhile causes that matter to you.
Volunteering opportunities
From being a trustee, to a mentor, providing administrative or financial support to a charity, befriending an isolated elderly person, fundraising, reading with primary school children, driving people with disabilities to day trips, carrying out conservation work in a nature reserve - the list is endless.
Choosing the right opportunity for you is essential. You will need to consider how much time you can spare and whether you want a regular commitment or not. Many roles can be flexible and fit in with your other commitments. Think about what you want to get out of it. Do you want to meet new people, to develop new skills, do something completely different from your career, or follow a dream? Is there a cause or issue in which you want to get involved? For example, do you want to work with young people, improve the environment or help homeless people?
But don't just think about it - try some opportunities and see what suits you best.
You know that good habits such as 'exercising', 'assessing', ‘nourishing' and 'reviewing' accelerate your wellness. These are essential for your health and vitality.
Many of you monitor your physical fitness and well-being via your fitness device and/or regular health checks. How many of us monitor our financial wellbeing regularly as well?
Most of us spend 40-80 hours a week at work earning money for ourselves and contributing to our employers’ bottom line. How much time do we devote to our own Financial Wellbeing? 20hrs? 15hrs? 5hrs? None? It’s quite scary.
You must define your financial wellbeing in more concrete terms than merely by your level of available personal finances. It’s important to develop a healthy awareness and understanding of your personal circumstances and goals. To transform your financial wellness, you must know your current financial situation and future goals. You must take concrete actions now so that you are well prepared for any future planned or planned circumstances.
To address your Financial Wellbeing holistically you need to adopt the ‘Prepare”, “Protect”, “Plan” and “Preserve” framework.
Prepare |
Get in control of your finances |
Protect |
Manage financial shocks |
Plan |
Get on track to meet your financial goals |
Preserve |
Create financial freedom |
Once you have transformed your financial wellbeing, addressing these areas. You now need to ensure you have a regular review process so to manage to any changes in your situation.
Should your situation change between reviews, go back to your plan and recalibrate your financial wellbeing and adjust your plans and required activity to stay in track.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Singapore Pte Ltd, registration number 198301525W. Aon Singapore Pte Ltd is a registered insurance broker and exempt financial adviser regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
You know that good habits such as 'exercising', 'assessing', ‘nourishing' and 'reviewing' accelerate your wellness. These are essential for your health and vitality.
Many of you monitor your physical fitness and well-being via your fitness device and/or regular health checks. How many of us monitor our financial wellbeing regularly as well?
Most of us spend 40-80 hours a week at work earning money for ourselves and contributing to our employers’ bottom line. How much time do we devote to our own financial wellbeing? 20hrs? 15hrs? 5hrs? None? It’s quite scary.
You must define your financial wellbeing in more concrete terms than merely by your level of available personal finances. It’s important to develop a healthy awareness and understanding of your personal circumstances and goals. To transform your financial wellness, you must know your current financial situation and future goals. You must take concrete actions now so that you are well prepared for any future planned or unplanned circumstances.
To address your financial wellbeing holistically you need to adopt the following framework.
Prepare |
Get in control of your finances |
Protect |
Manage financial shocks |
Plan |
Get on track to meet your financial goals |
Preserve |
Create financial freedom |
Once you have transformed your financial wellbeing, addressing these areas. You now need to ensure you have a regular review process to manage any changes in your situation.
Should your situation change between reviews, go back to your plan and recalibrate your financial wellbeing and adjust your plans and required activity to stay in track.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Hong Kong Limited. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent later. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
You know that good habits such as 'exercising', 'assessing', ‘nourishing' and 'reviewing' accelerate your wellness. These are essential for your health and vitality.
Many of you monitor your physical fitness and well-being via your fitness device and/or regular health checks such as your company annual physical examination. But how many of us monitor our financial wellbeing regularly as well?
Most of us spend 40-80 hours a week at work earning money for ourselves and contributing to our employers’ bottom line. How much time do we devote to our own Financial Wellbeing? 20hrs? 15hrs? 5hrs? None? It’s quite scary.
You must define your financial wellbeing in more concrete terms than merely by your level of available personal finances. It’s important to develop a healthy awareness and understanding of your personal circumstances and goals. To transform your financial wellness, you must know your current financial situation and future goals. You must take concrete actions now so that you are well prepared for any future planned or planned circumstances.
To address your Financial Wellbeing holistically you need to adopt the “Prepare”, “Protect”, “Plan” and “Preserve” framework.
Prepare |
Get in control of your finances |
Protect |
Manage financial shocks |
Plan |
Get on track to meet your financial goals |
Preserve |
Create financial freedom |
Once you have transformed your financial wellbeing by addressing these areas, you now need to ensure that you have a regular review process to manage to any changes in your situation.
Should your situation change between reviews, go back to your plan and recalibrate your financial wellbeing and adjust your plans and required activity to stay on track.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Insurance & Reinsurance Brokers Philippines Inc., registration number 96590. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
You know that good habits such as 'exercising', 'assessing', ‘nourishing' and 'reviewing' accelerate your wellness. These are essential for your health and vitality.
Many of you monitor your physical fitness and well-being via your fitness device and/or regular health checks. How many of us monitor our financial wellbeing regularly as well?
Most of us spend 40-80 hours a week at work earning money for ourselves and contributing to our employers’ bottom line. How much time do we devote to our own Financial Wellbeing? 20hrs? 15hrs? 5hrs? None? It’s quite scary.
You must define your financial wellbeing in more concrete terms than merely by your level of available personal finances. It’s important to develop a healthy awareness and understanding of your personal circumstances and goals. To transform your financial wellness, you must know your current financial situation and future goals. You must take concrete actions now so that you are well prepared for any future planned or planned circumstances.
To address your Financial Wellbeing holistically you need to adopt the ‘Prepare”, “Protect”, “Plan” and “Preserve” framework.
Prepare |
Get in control of your finances |
Protect |
Manage financial shocks |
Plan |
Get on track to meet your financial goals |
Preserve |
Create financial freedom |
Once you have transformed your financial wellbeing, addressing these areas. You now need to ensure you have a regular review process so to manage to any changes in your situation.
Should you situation change between reviews, go back to your plan and recalibrate your financial wellbeing and adjust your plans and required activity to stay in track.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Hewitt Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. registration number 310000400102466. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
准备 |
掌控您的财务 |
保护 |
管理财务变动 |
计划 |
让理财步入正轨,实现您的理财目标 |
保持 |
实现财务自由 |
Usted sabe que los buenos hábitos como ‘ejercitarse’, ‘evaluar’, ‘alimentarse’ y ‘analizar’ aceleran su bien estar. Ellos son esenciales para su salud y vitalidad.
Muchos de ustedes monitorean su condicionamiento físico y su salud por medio de su aplicación de condicionamiento y/o verificaciones regulares de salud, como en el examen físico anual de su empresa. ¿Pero cuántos de nosotros también monitorean su propia salud financiera regularmente?
La mayoría de las personas gasta entre 40 y 80 horas por semana trabajando para nosotros mismos y contribuyendo a los resultados de nuestros empleadores. ¿Cuánto tiempo le dedicamos a nuestra salud financiera? ¿20 horas? ¿15 horas? ¿5 horas? ¿Nada? Es aterrador, ¿no es verdad?
Usted debe definir su salud financiera en términos más concretos que solamente por su nivel de finanzas personales disponibles. Es importante tener una consciencia saludable y comprender sus circunstancias y metas personales. Para transformar su salud financiera, usted debe conocer su situación financiera actual y metas futuras. Tome acciones concretas hoy, de modo que usted esté bien preparado para cualesquiera circunstancias o futuro planificado.
Para abordar su salud financiera de forma holística, usted debe adoptar la estructura “Preparar”, “Proteger”, “Planificar” y “Preservar”.
Preparar |
Asumir el control de sus finanzas |
Proteger |
Gestionar problemas financieros |
Planificar |
Orientarse para alcanzar sus metas financieras |
Preservar |
Crear libertad financiera |
Una vez que usted revolucionó su salud financiera, abordando estas áreas, ahora es necesario garantizar que un proceso de revisión regular sea hecho para gestionar cualesquiera cambios en su situación.
En el caso que su situación cambie entre las revisiones, regrese a su plan y realinee su salud financiera y ajuste sus planes y actividades necesarios para permanecer en el rumbo correcto.
Aviso Legal: Estas informaciones fueron provenientes por Aon y sus Afiliadas. Las informaciones no consideran las metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades particulares de ninguna persona en especial que pueda estar recibiendo los materiales. Consecuentemente, ellas no pueden depender o ser tratadas como sustitutas para situaciones individuales relacionadas a un consejo específico. Busque la ayuda de un consultor financiero con relación a la adecuación de cualquier inversión teniendo en cuenta sus metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades especiales antes de comprometerse en la compra de producto de inversión. También recomendamos que, siempre que sea apropiado, se aconseje con otros profesionales. Las informaciones son suministradas de buena fe y con la confianza de que son precisas en el momento en que fueron suministradas. No tenemos la obligación de actualizar los materiales o corregir ninguna imprecisión que pueda ser aparente posteriormente. Siempre consulte a su fuente primaria, más precisa y actualizada de informaciones.
Usted sabe que los buenos hábitos como ‘ejercitarse’, ‘evaluar’, ‘alimentarse’ y ‘analizar’ aceleran su bien estar. Ellos son esenciales para su salud y vitalidad.
Muchos de ustedes monitorean su condicionamiento físico y su salud por medio de su aplicación de condicionamiento y/o verificaciones regulares de salud, como en el examen físico anual de su empresa. ¿Pero cuántos de nosotros también monitorean su propia salud financiera regularmente?
La mayoría de las personas gasta entre 40 y 80 horas por semana trabajando para nosotros mismos y contribuyendo a los resultados de nuestros empleadores. ¿Cuánto tiempo le dedicamos a nuestra salud financiera? ¿20 horas? ¿15 horas? ¿5 horas? ¿Nada? Es aterrador, ¿no es verdad?
Usted debe definir su salud financiera en términos más concretos que solamente por su nivel de finanzas personales disponibles. Es importante tener una consciencia saludable y comprender sus circunstancias y metas personales. Para transformar su salud financiera, usted debe conocer su situación financiera actual y metas futuras. Tome acciones concretas hoy, de modo que usted esté bien preparado para cualesquiera circunstancias o futuro planificado.
Para abordar su salud financiera de forma holística, usted debe adoptar la estructura “Preparar”, “Proteger”, “Planificar” y “Preservar”.
Preparar |
Asumir el control de sus finanzas |
Proteger |
Gestionar problemas financieros |
Planificar |
Orientarse para alcanzar sus metas financieras |
Preservar |
Crear libertad financiera |
Una vez que usted revolucionó su salud financiera, abordando estas áreas, ahora es necesario garantizar que un proceso de revisión regular sea hecho para gestionar cualesquiera cambios en su situación.
En el caso que su situación cambie entre las revisiones, regrese a su plan y realinee su salud financiera y ajuste sus planes y actividades necesarios para permanecer en el rumbo correcto.
Aviso Legal: Estas informaciones fueron provenientes por Aon y sus Afiliadas. Las informaciones no consideran las metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades particulares de ninguna persona en especial que pueda estar recibiendo los materiales. Consecuentemente, ellas no pueden depender o ser tratadas como sustitutas para situaciones individuales relacionadas a un consejo específico. Busque la ayuda de un consultor financiero con relación a la adecuación de cualquier inversión teniendo en cuenta sus metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades especiales antes de comprometerse en la compra de producto de inversión. También recomendamos que, siempre que sea apropiado, se aconseje con otros profesionales. Las informaciones son suministradas de buena fe y con la confianza de que son precisas en el momento en que fueron suministradas. No tenemos la obligación de actualizar los materiales o corregir ninguna imprecisión que pueda ser aparente posteriormente. Siempre consulte a su fuente primaria, más precisa y actualizada de informaciones.
Usted sabe que los buenos hábitos como ‘ejercitarse’, ‘evaluar’, ‘alimentarse’ y ‘analizar’ aceleran su bien estar. Ellos son esenciales para su salud y vitalidad.
Muchos de ustedes monitorean su condicionamiento físico y su salud por medio de su aplicación de condicionamiento y/o verificaciones regulares de salud, como en el examen físico anual de su empresa. ¿Pero cuántos de nosotros también monitorean su propia salud financiera regularmente?
La mayoría de las personas gasta entre 40 y 80 horas por semana trabajando para nosotros mismos y contribuyendo a los resultados de nuestros empleadores. ¿Cuánto tiempo le dedicamos a nuestra salud financiera? ¿20 horas? ¿15 horas? ¿5 horas? ¿Nada? Es aterrador, ¿no es verdad?
Usted debe definir su salud financiera en términos más concretos que solamente por su nivel de finanzas personales disponibles. Es importante tener una consciencia saludable y comprender sus circunstancias y metas personales. Para transformar su salud financiera, usted debe conocer su situación financiera actual y metas futuras. Tome acciones concretas hoy, de modo que usted esté bien preparado para cualesquiera circunstancias o futuro planificado.
Para abordar su salud financiera de forma holística, usted debe adoptar la estructura “Preparar”, “Proteger”, “Planificar” y “Preservar”.
Preparar |
Asumir el control de sus finanzas |
Proteger |
Gestionar problemas financieros |
Planificar |
Orientarse para alcanzar sus metas financieras |
Preservar |
Crear libertad financiera |
Una vez que usted revolucionó su salud financiera, abordando estas áreas, ahora es necesario garantizar que un proceso de revisión regular sea hecho para gestionar cualesquiera cambios en su situación.
En el caso que su situación cambie entre las revisiones, regrese a su plan y realinee su salud financiera y ajuste sus planes y actividades necesarios para permanecer en el rumbo correcto.
Aviso Legal: Estas informaciones fueron provenientes por Aon y sus Afiliadas. Las informaciones no consideran las metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades particulares de ninguna persona en especial que pueda estar recibiendo los materiales. Consecuentemente, ellas no pueden depender o ser tratadas como sustitutas para situaciones individuales relacionadas a un consejo específico. Busque la ayuda de un consultor financiero con relación a la adecuación de cualquier inversión teniendo en cuenta sus metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades especiales antes de comprometerse en la compra de producto de inversión. También recomendamos que, siempre que sea apropiado, se aconseje con otros profesionales. Las informaciones son suministradas de buena fe y con la confianza de que son precisas en el momento en que fueron suministradas. No tenemos la obligación de actualizar los materiales o corregir ninguna imprecisión que pueda ser aparente posteriormente. Siempre consulte a su fuente primaria, más precisa y actualizada de informaciones.
Você sabe que bons hábitos como ‘se exercitar’, ‘avaliar’, ‘se alimentar’ e ‘analisar’ aceleram seu bem estar. Eles são essenciais para sua saúde e vitalidade.
Muitos de vocês monitoram seu condicionamento físico e saúde por meio do seu aplicativo de condicionamento e/ou verificações regulares de saúde, como no exame físico anual da sua empresa. Mas quantos de nós também monitora a própria saúde financeira regularmente?
A maioria das pessoas gasta entre 40 e 80 horas por semana trabalhando para nós mesmos e contribuindo para os resultados de nossos empregadores. Quanto tempo dedicamos para a nossa saúde financeira? 20 horas? 15 horas? 5 horas? Nada? É assustador, não é mesmo?
Você deve definir sua saúde financeira em termos mais concretos do que apenas pelo seu nível de finanças pessoais disponíveis. É importante ter uma consciência saudável e compreender suas circunstâncias e metas pessoais. Para transformar sua saúde financeira, você deve conhecer sua situação financeira atual e metas futuras. Tome ações concretas hoje, de modo que você fique bem preparado para quaisquer circunstâncias ou futuro planejado.
Para abordar a sua saúde financeira de forma holística, você precisa adotar a estrutura “Preparar”, “Proteger”, “Planejar” e “Preservar”.
Preparar |
Assumir o controle de suas finanças |
Proteger |
Gerenciar problemas financeiros |
Planejar |
Orientar-se para atingir suas metas financeiras |
Preservar |
Criar liberdade financeira |
Uma vez que você revolucionou sua saúde financeira, abordando essas áreas, é preciso agora garantir que um processo de revisão regular seja feito para gerenciar quaisquer mudanças em sua situação.
Caso sua situação mude entre as revisões, volte ao seu plano e realinhe sua saúde financeira e ajuste seus planos e atividades necessários para permanecer no rumo certo.
Aviso Legal: Estas informações foram provenientes da Aon Holdings Corretores de Seguros LTDA. As informações não consideram as metas específicas de investimento, situação financeira ou necessidades particulares de qualquer pessoa em especial que possa estar recebendo os materiais. Consequentemente, elas não podem depender ou serem tratadas como substitutas para situações individuais relacionadas a um conselho específico. Procure o auxílio de um consultor financeiro em relação à adequação de qualquer investimento levando em conta suas metas específicas de investimento, situação financeira ou necessidades especiais antes de se comprometer na compra de produto de investimento. Também recomendamos que, sempre que apropriado, aconselhe-se com outros profissionais. As informações são fornecidas de boa fé e com a confiança de que são precisas no momento em que foram fornecidas. Não temos a obrigação de atualizar os materiais ou corrigir qualquer imprecisão que possa ficar aparente posteriormente. Sempre consulte sua fonte primária, mais precisa e atualizada de informações.
Ücretli İzin Süresince Emeklilik Ödemeleri
Annelik, babalık, evlat edinme gibi aile ile bağlantılı ücretli izin süreçlerinde, çalışılmayan süre ücretli izin süresi olarak kabul edildiğinden, tüm SGK ödemeleri devam edecektir. Bir çalışan ücretli izindeyken temel prensip, tüm hakların normal olarak devam etmesi gerektiğidir.
Emeklilik ve Ölüm Yardımları
Çalışanın vefat etmesi durumunda aile bireyleri SGK kapsamı altındadır. Bunun için çalışanın, en az 900 günlük prim ödeneğinin olması ve en az 5 yıllık sigortalı olması gerekmektedir. Plan, dul eşi; 18 yaşın altındaki çocukları (üniversite öğrencisi ise 25 yaş, lise öğrencisi ise 20 yaş); engelli ise 18 yaşında veya daha büyük olan çocukları; kendi başına sosyal güvenlik yardımı almayan her yaşta evli, dul, boşanmış, işsiz kızları; herhangi bir emeklilik maaşı kalırsa bağımlı ebeveynleri kapsamaktadır.
Ödenecek maaş miktarı nasıl belirlenir?
- Eşin emekli maaşı: vefat eden kişinin aldığı veya almaya hak kazandığı emekli maaşının % 50'si (çocuk yoksa ve eş çalışmıyorsa veya emekli maaşı almıyorsa % 75’i).
- Yetim aylığı: vefat eden kişinin aldığı veya çocuk başına almaya hak kazandığı emekli maaşının % 25'i; Tam yetim için % 50’si.
- Diğer ödenekler: vefat eden kişinin aldığı veya almaya hak kazandığı emekli aylığının% 25'i sigortalının ebeveynlerine ödenir.
- Hayatta kalanların alabileceği toplam ödenek, vefat eden kişinin aldığı veya almaya hak kazandığı emekli aylığının% 100'ü dür.
Hastalık veya kaza nedeniyle emekliye ayrılma
Çalışan hasta ise, beklenenden daha erken emekli olması mümkündür. Veya çalışan kaza sonucu malul kalırsa erken emekli olabilir. Bir devlet hastanesi tarafından maluliyet durumunun belgelenmesi gerekmektedir. Bundan sonra çalışan emekli olacaktır.
Emekli olarak çalışmak
Birçok insan sağlığı izin veriyorsa daha uzun süre çalışmayı tercih ediyor olabilir. 1992'den önce çalışmaya başlayan çalışanlar için emeklilik yaşı daha düşük olabilir. Bu çalışanlar emekli olabilirler ve bir yandan çalışmaya devam ederken, diğer yandan emeklilik maaşı almaya hak kazanabilir.
Bu makalenin içeriği bireysel finansal tavsiye değildir.
Pension Payments during Family Leave
Since the work periods of family leave such as maternity, paternity, adoption are accepted as paid leave period, all SGK benefits will continue. The general principle whilst an employee is on family leave is that the terms & conditions of employment should continue as normal.
Pensions and Death Benefits
Survivors’ pensions are provided under SGK. The employee must be the recipient of a pension or entitled to a pension at the time of death, with at least 5 years of coverage including at least 900 days of paid contributions. The plan covers widow(er); children under age 18 (age 25 if a university student, age 20 if a high school student); son age 18 or older who is disabled and unemployed; unmarried, widowed, divorced, unemployed daughter at any age who is not receiving social security benefits in her own right; dependent parents if any pension remains after allocations to the widow, widower, and orphans. A funeral grant is payable if the deceased had at least 360 days of insurance.
What is the benefit amount?
- Spouse’s pension: 50% of the pension the deceased received or was entitled to receive (75% if there are no children and the spouse is not working or receiving a pension).
- Orphan’s pension: 25% of the pension the deceased received or was entitled to receive per child; 50% for full orphan.
- Other eligible survivors: 25% of the pension the deceased received or was entitled to receive is payable to the insured’s parents.
- The maximum total survivors’ benefit is 100% of the pension the deceased received or was entitled to receive.
Retiring due to illness or accident
If the employee is ill, s/he may find that s/he must retire earlier than expected. or the employee may get disabled because of accident. It has to be declared by a public hospital. The employee may get retired.
Working as retired
Many people are choosing to work longer if their health allows. For the employees who started to work before 1992, may have a lower retirement age. They can get retired and can start to get retirement salary while continuing to work.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
Hvis der sker ændringer i dit privatliv, anbefaler vi altid, at du kontakter os for at få en gennemgang af din pensionsordning og dine forsikringer, så Aon kan komme med anbefalinger til eventuelle ændringer.
Ændringer kan omfatte: at blive gift, skilt, få børn, barselsorlov, når voksne børn forlader hjemmet, køb af et nyt hus, jobskifte og større ændringer i din løn.
出産休暇:女性従業員には14週間(出産前6週間 [多胎妊娠の場合は出産前14週間] プラス出産後8週間)、報酬の3分の2を法定給付として、加入の健康保険組合 (HIA) を通じて給付します。HIAの中には、さらに多めの給付金を長期間給付するところもあります。
従業員が無給の病気休暇(休職を含みます)を取る場合、報酬の3分の2を法定給付として最長1年6カ月間、加入の健康保険組合 (HIA) を通じて給付します。HIAによっては、さらに多めの給付金が長期間給付されます。
Pembayaran Pensiun selama Cuti Keluarga
Sementara dalam masa kerja cuti keluarga seperti bersalin, paternitas, adopsi, dan cuti bersama orang tua dapat menimbulkan kebingungan perusahaan mengenai apa yang perlu mereka bayar dan kurangi, sebagai iuran pensiun.
Prinsip umum sementara seorang karyawan cuti keluarga adalah bahwa syarat & ketentuan kerja harus berlanjut seperti biasa (yaitu, sama seperti jika mereka tidak cuti)
Tunjangan Pensiun dan Kematian
Perlakuan pajak atas tunjangan dan ketersediaan pensiun untuk penerima manfaat tergantung pada jenis pensiun yang ada dan tindakan yang telah diambil. Biasanya, pemegang polis asuransi akan mengisi formulir yang mencalonkan penerima manfaat atau penerima manfaat untuk menerima manfaat apa pun karena kematian. Formulir sering disebut sebagai 'Ungkapan Keinginan' atau 'Nominasi Penerima Manfaat'. Formulir ini tidak mengikat secara hukum, sehingga tunjangan didistribusikan di bawah skema atau wewenang kebijaksanaan penyedia pensiun.
Skema Pensiun melalui Penyedia Pensiun
Skema ini adalah kontrak pribadi antara pemegang polis asuransi dan penyedia pensiun dan jika tidak ada manfaat yang diakses, skema ini dikenal sebagai 'Belum Dikristalisasi'.
Setelah konfirmasi kematian, penyedia pensiun akan meninjau catatannya untuk memastikan apakah pemegang polis asuransi 'menominasikan' penerima manfaat untuk menerima manfaat dari skema. Penyedia pensiun ini biasanya akan membayar nilai manfaat kepada penerima manfaat yang ditunjuk dalam bentuk pembayaran lump sum (tunduk pada aturan pendapatan).
Dana Pensiun yang Disetujui
Saat pensiun, Anda mungkin memiliki opsi untuk mentransfer sebagian atau seluruh dana pensiun Anda. Dana Pensiun yang Disetujui adalah program investasi pasca-pensiun yang memungkinkan Anda untuk terus menginvestasikan dana pensiun Anda di masa pensiun dan menarik uang sesuai kebutuhan, alih-alih membeli anuitas. Ini adalah area penting di mana Anda harus mempertimbangkan saran karena Anda mungkin memberikan penghasilan yang dijamin seumur hidup. Anda juga memiliki opsi untuk membeli anuitas, tergantung dana yang tersedia.
Jika anuitas telah dibeli dan sedang dalam pembayaran, pembayaran yang diterima akan berhenti jika terjadi kematian. Jika pensiun dari pasangan atau tanggungan dimasukkan pada saat anuitas dibeli, ini akan dimulai dan akan terus dibayar sesuai dengan ketentuan kontrak.
Pensiun karena sakit
Jika Anda sakit, Anda mungkin harus pensiun lebih awal dari yang Anda harapkan. Kesehatan yang buruk dan pensiun pada saat yang sama mungkin sulit tetapi kami dapat membantu Anda melewatinya.
Kebanyakan orang berpikir mereka akan mendapatkan lebih sedikit dari uang mereka jika mereka sakit, tetapi dengan anuitas yang sebaliknya biasanya benar. Jika Anda atau tanggungan Anda memiliki atau pernah memiliki kondisi medis seperti stroke, penyakit jantung, kanker atau diabetes, Anda mungkin bisa mendapatkan penghasilan yang lebih tinggi, melalui Anuitas yang Ditingkatkan, karena usia harapan hidup Anda atau tanggungan Anda mungkin lebih pendek. Tidak semua bentuk kondisi ini akan memungkinkan Anda memenuhi syarat untuk manfaat yang ditingkatkan, antara lain: merokok, tinggi dan berat badan.
Pensiun karena redundansi
Anda tidak pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi, jadi ada kemungkinan bahwa rencana yang Anda buat dengan hati-hati ketika ingin pensiun bisa terganggu oleh sesuatu seperti redundansi. Jika Anda berusia lebih dari 55 tahun ketika tidak dibutuhkan lagi, Anda mungkin memiliki pilihan untuk pensiun daripada mencari pekerjaan baru.
Bekerja di masa pensiun
Banyak orang memilih untuk bekerja lebih lama jika kesehatan mereka memungkinkan, tetapi seringkali mereka ingin bekerja lebih sedikit. Dalam beberapa kasus, Anda mungkin dapat menunda penarikan pensiun kerja atau pribadi Anda.
Keterampilan dan pengalaman unik Anda sangat berharga bagi komunitas Anda. Anda dapat memberi begitu banyak dengan menyumbangkan waktu dan keterampilan Anda. Tetapi ada manfaatnya bagi Anda juga. Sebuah studi baru-baru ini menemukan orang tua sukarelawan lebih bahagia, lebih sedikit terisolasi secara sosial, lebih sedikit depresi, dan memiliki kualitas hidup yang lebih baik daripada mereka yang bukan sukarelawan.
Menjadi sukarelawan membuat orang terlibat langsung dalam komunitas mereka dengan cara-cara baru dan menantang. Anda akan memulai pengalaman baru dan mendapat teman baru sepanjang proses kegiatan sukarela. Banyak sukarelawan merasa bahwa menjadi sukarelawan membantu transisi ke masa pensiun lebih mudah. Juga menyenangkan, memberi Anda kesenangan dan kepuasan pribadi sambil secara praktis mendukung hal-hal yang bermanfaat bagi Anda.
Peluang Menjadi Relawan
Dari menjadi wali, menjadi mentor, memberikan dukungan administratif atau keuangan untuk amal, berteman dengan orang tua yang terisolasi, penggalangan dana, membaca dengan anak-anak sekolah dasar, mengajak orang-orang cacat ikut perjalanan sehari, melakukan pekerjaan konservasi di cagar alam - daftar ini tidak ada habisnya.
Memilih peluang yang tepat untuk Anda sangatlah penting. Anda perlu mempertimbangkan berapa banyak waktu yang dapat Anda sisihkan dan apakah Anda ingin berkomitmen rutin atau tidak. Banyak peran yang fleksibel dan sesuai dengan komitmen lain Anda. Pikirkan tentang apa yang ingin Anda dapatkan dari kegiatan tersebut. Apakah Anda ingin bertemu orang baru, untuk mengembangkan keterampilan baru, melakukan sesuatu yang sama sekali berbeda dari karier Anda, atau mengikuti mimpi? Apakah ada kegiatan amal atau masalah umum di mana Anda ingin terlibat? Misalnya, apakah Anda ingin bekerja dengan orang-orang muda, memperbaiki lingkungan, atau membantu para tunawisma?
Untuk informasi selengkapnya:
Die Arbeitslosenversicherung stellt bei Arbeitsplatzverlust, Kurzarbeit, wetterbedingtem Arbeitsausfall und Insolvenz des Arbeitgebers Leistungen bereit. Sie kommt auch für Wiedereingliederungsmaßnahmen auf. Alle Erwerbstätigen sind verpflichtet, in das Arbeitslosenversicherungssystem einzuzahlen. Selbständige sind nicht durch eine Arbeitslosenversicherung abgedeckt.
Die Arbeitslosenversicherung sichert ein Gehalt in Höhe von maximal 148.200 CHF ab.
Berufstätige Mütter haben in den ersten 14 Wochen nach der Geburt eines Kindes Anspruch auf Mutterschaftsbeihilfe. Zum Ausgleich ihrer Einkommenseinbußen erhalten sie 80 % ihres bisherigen Durchschnittseinkommens, vorbehaltlich eines Höchstbetrags von 196 CHF pro Tag.
L’assurance chômage fournit des prestations en cas de perte d’emploi, de réduction des heures de travail, de l’absence d’emploi en raison des conditions climatiques et d’insolvabilité de l’employeur. Cette assurance prend également en charge les mesures de réinsertion. Toutes les personnes ayant un emploi rémunéré sont obligées de cotiser à une police d’assurance-chômage. Les travailleurs indépendants ne sont pas couverts par l’assurance-chômage.
Le salaire maximum couvert par l’assurance-chômage est de 148 200 CHF.
Allocations de maternité
Les femmes qui travaillent ont droit à des allocations de maternité pendant les 14 premières semaines après la naissance d’un enfant. Afin de compenser leur perte de revenus, elles reçoivent 80 % de leurs revenus moyens précédents, à hauteur de 196 CHF par jour.
Un'assicurazione di disoccupazione offre indennità in caso di perdita del posto di lavoro, orario lavorativo ridotto, mancata opportunità di lavoro a causa delle condizioni meteorologiche e insolvenza del datore di lavoro. Inoltre l’assicurazione provvede al pagamento delle misure di reinserimento. Chiunque goda di un lavoro ben retribuito è obbligato a contribuire al regime assicurativo di disoccupazione. I lavoratori autonomi non godono di una copertura assicurativa di disoccupazione.
Lo stipendio massimo coperto dall’assicurazione di disoccupazione è pari a CHF 148’200.
Indennità per congedo di maternità
Le madri che lavorano hanno diritto ad un’indennità per congedo di maternità per le prime 14 settimane a decorrere dalla data di nascita del figlio. Per compensare la perdita di reddito, ricevono l’80% della retribuzione media percepita in precedenza, per un importo massimo giornaliero di CHF 196.