Bienestar financiero

Getting Control of Your Finances

Get control of your finances by following some helpful tips.

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Getting your finances in control

Review your Spending

Whatever your financial position, we can all benefit from regular reviews of our spending to reduce outgoings.

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Review Your Spending

Money Worries

Discover the common signs of money worries and how to reduce financial stress.

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Money Worries


Five ways to improve your sleep pattern

Achieving a healthy lifestyle is more than just watching what you eat and making sure you get a regular amount of exercise. This is why the Well One healthscore focuses…


How technology can improve your fitness

In the modern age, smartphones and their various apps have become a common sight of everyday life. This can make daily life more enjoyable for many people, from amusing you…


Why water is key to health

All health-conscious people are well aware that it is good practice to drink the recommended amount of water each day. Not only does this help with weight loss, but it can also help you keep as fit and healthy as…


The Crossfit Craze! Is it right for you?

With different fads popping up in the fitness industry all the time, We take a look a crossfit and its validity as a fitness program. As it grows in popularity, more and more people wonder if it is something they should try. In this article, we look at what it is all about, its pros and cons and if it is the right program for you.

Salud Física

3 best ways to stretch at your desk

Most of nowadays working time consists in a bunch of sitting-at-your-desk actions. Replying to emails, writing and editing documents, filling-out forms and spreadsheets with numbers. But there’s more: when home, after your deserved meal, you’ll probably be sitting on your (beloved) couch to watch a new episode of your favourite TV series. …

Want to increase your fitness this year?

Want to increase your fitness this year? Before you go and spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars, euros, pounds or francs on a gym membership consider the following: Try walking, jogging, or running. They’re easy to do at any time of day, you don’t have to go far to do it and it’s inexpensive. Try it, and measure your progress with QUENTIQ to


Workouts for maximum calorie burning

There is no such thing as a standard workout. Some people hit the gym because they want to pile on as much muscle as possible, others just want to maintain…

Workout myths debunked

If you have recently started working out, it can take a while before you establish a comfortable workout regime that’s tailored to your own needs. With so many fitness tips and advice readily available, it can be tricky to get…


Why your scales don’t always show your weight loss

When you’re trying to get fit and healthy, one of the easiest ways of measuring your success is to step…

Why you should ditch the gym for the running track

During the winter, exercising outdoors seems like such a chore. It’s so difficult to leave your warm house and go out into the cold in order to run, and doing…