Bienestar financiero

Getting Control of Your Finances

Get control of your finances by following some helpful tips.

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Getting your finances in control

Review your Spending

Whatever your financial position, we can all benefit from regular reviews of our spending to reduce outgoings.

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Review Your Spending

Money Worries

Discover the common signs of money worries and how to reduce financial stress.

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Money Worries


Snacks that will satisfy without putting on pounds

Even if you have filling meals regularly, you may need the odd snack to get you through the day, keep your energy up and ensure you’re completely satisfied. It can…

Bienestar mental

Small changes that make a big difference in summer

Whether the summer has started for you or you’re getting ready for it to hit in the next few months, you know that your lifestyle needs to change slightly in…

SAD: How can you combat it?

As the seasons change from summer into autumn, many people find that their energy levels and mood start to dip. This could be due to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is a form of depression that usually triggers symptoms in…


Rookie mistakes to avoid in the gym

Bienestar mental

Relaxation tips for a stress-free mind

Whether you work long hours or you’re just always on the go, sometimes it can be difficult to relax and relieve ourselves from feelings of stress. Constantly feeling tense and…

Recipe: Healthy sweet treats

With the festive season approaching, there’s no doubt that shops and stalls will see an influx of rich, sugary treats that we typically associate with the Christmas period; from mince pies and puddings to cinnamon buns and chocolate sherry trifles….

Quick exercises to wake you up

While you might not feel like it, exercise is a great way to wake yourself up in the morning. In fact, if you tend to feel sluggish when your alarm goes off, you’re likely to find it all the more…


Protein pancakes: The perfect winter breakfast for weight loss

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A good, protein-led meal when you wake…


My Fitness before and after

MY FITNESS… by Christian Jacinto Picaso During my teenage years I used to do a lot of sports such as Karate, Unihockey, Pingpong and Mountain Biking. I was really fit then, but I had to stopped because it was conflicting with…


Motivate yourself: How to push yourself to stay fit

Some people struggle physically with exercise, while some find their bodies react badly to their attempts to eat healthily. However,…