5 snacks to replace your high-calorie favourites

Watching what you eat – whether to lose weight or just improve your health – doesn’t mean missing out on all the foods you love. There are plenty of swaps…


5 grains you should be eating

Grains are an important part of your diet and yet, the chances are you aren't eating enough of them. All grains are chock full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help to maintain good health, improve the strength of your…

10 a day: New guidance says you need more vegetables

It’s been the rule of thumb for years that a healthy diet contains at least five portions of fruit and…

Are you blowing your diet after the gym?

So you’ve left the gym after a enjoying a particularly good session and your stomach starts to rumble. You know you shouldn’t really have a snack or that you should…

Could souping be the new juicing?

Juicing has been around for a while and is often used as a form of detoxing. The idea is to get as many nutrients as possible from fruit and vegetables in an easy way, cutting down on solid food as…

How clean is too clean when it comes to your diet?

There’s always a new healthy eating trend or diet popping up with people saying it is the best thing for clean eating. Whether it’s a cookbook, blog or Instagram posts…

How many calories can you cut in a day?

When it comes to being healthy, losing weight and generally getting fitter, you need to consider how many calories you are consuming every day. Eating and drinking too many calories…

Nutrition myths: Which foods should you avoid?

There are always numerous foods that we are being told we should eat in order to be our healthiest selves. However, very few of them come with scientific backing, meaning…

What to eat and drink after working out

What you eat and drink after a workout is important. Not only can opting for the wrong foods totally undo the hard work you’ve just put in, but the things…

Can you survive without carbs?

There’s always a lot of hype around carbs, which can make it a bit confusing when you’re trying to eat healthily. We’re told that some carbs are good while others are bad, that you should avoid them to lose weight…