Making Sure you are on Track
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Please select your country…Retirement might still feel like a long way off, but there’s never a bad time to take stock of your finances and your plans. A few simple steps can help you be fully prepared for the future and know what income you can look forward to in retirement.
Retirement checklist
Here's a handy checklist that you can use to help ensure that you have taken all the right steps to maximise your income in retirement.
- Start to think about how much money you might need in retirement
- Gather together all your pension information and statements
- Check your statements for your personal and company pensions
- Check if you have any pensions you weren't aware of through the Pension Tracing Service at gov.uk/find-lost-pension
- Request a state pension statement at gov.uk/state-pension-statement
- Plug missing gaps in your state pension so you're entitled to the full basic state pension
- Check the performance of your pension investments to make sure they're on track
- Ensure your investments suit your current attitude to risk
- Check if you can increase your pension contributions to take advantage of the additional tax relief
- Check whether your employer will match your company pension contributions if you increase them
- Contact your pension company and arrange for your company pension contributions to increase automatically each year
- Consider making additional lump sum contributions to your pension if you receive a bonus, windfall or inheritance
- Consider consolidating your pensions to make it easier to manage your retirement savings
- Start thinking about how you want to take your retirement income, and look into your options
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
Retirement might still feel like a long way off, but there’s never a bad time to take stock of your finances and your plans. A few simple steps can help you be fully prepared for the future and know what income you can look forward to in retirement.
Retirement checklist
Here's a handy checklist that you can use to help ensure that you have taken all the right steps to maximise your income in retirement.
- Start to think about how much money you might need in retirement
- Gather together all your pension information and statements
- Check your statements for your personal and company pensions
- Contact the pension administrator of your previous employer’s pension plan, or indeed your previous employer.
- If the scheme has wound up, the provider should know where the assets have transferred to
- If you are still unable to locate any pensions you are due, contact the Pensions Authority as it keeps a register of company pension schemes.
- Another useful way to track a pension is to ask previous colleagues who also worked with the employer.
- Plug missing gaps in your state pension so you're entitled to the full basic state pension
- Check the performance of your pension investments to make sure they're on track
- Ensure your investments suit your current attitude to risk
- Check if you can increase your pension contributions to take advantage of the additional tax relief
- Check whether your employer will match your company pension contributions if you increase them
- Consider making additional lump sum contributions to your pension if you receive a bonus, windfall or inheritance
- Consider consolidating your pensions to make it easier to manage your retirement savings
- Start thinking about how you want to take your retirement income, and look into your options
The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is really about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. This is where a financial advisor comes in. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Singapore Pte Ltd, registration number 198301525W. Aon Singapore Pte Ltd is a registered insurance broker and exempt financial adviser regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is really about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allows you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. This is where a financial advisor comes in. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen and be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allows you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. This is where a financial advisor comes in. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen and be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
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Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Insurance & Reinsurance Brokers Philippines Inc., registration number 96590. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. This is where a financial advisor comes in. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Hewitt Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. registration number 310000400102466. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
¿Cómo encontrar su propio rumbo financiero? Cuando hablamos sobre finanzas personales y modos de construir su riqueza, parece que cada persona tiene una opinión propia y una forma preferida para acumular riqueza.
Desde su vecino que le gusta dar consejos sobre acciones de la bolsa hasta su colega de trabajo que está siempre pensando en un modo de ‘enriquecer rápidamente’, incluso su suegra que tiene una visión más prudente y que se toma en serio el lema ‘lento pero aplastante’ y ‘esconda en el colchón’. La verdad es que no existe una fórmula para ganar dinero y que garantice el futuro para todos. Cada persona tiene diferentes metas, preferencias y niveles de comodidad. Al decidir su propio rumbo financiero, considere algunos puntos.
Su estilo de vida. Su estilo de vida tiene que ver con entender a lo que usted le da valor en su vida y lo que torna su existencia significante. Cada persona tiene una visión diferente del éxito. Para algunos, es tener una casa grande, dos carros y ser socio de un club. Para otras es poder hacer un viaje internacional una vez por año. Hay gente que sueña en mudarse para la playa y jubilarse temprano. Usted no tiene que comprar la idea de nadie de lo que es una situación ideal. Solamente defina su estilo de vida, establezca metas financieras y defina un plan que permita alcanzar su libertad financiera.
También vale la pena analizar en cuál etapa de su vida usted se encuentra. Talvez usted esté solamente al inicio de su carrera y comenzando a construir sus riquezas, talvez esté comenzando una familia y ahorrando para comprar una casa o talvez ya esté pensando en su jubilación, intentando maximizar su renta para el futuro. Sus metas y necesidades cambian conforme el tiempo pasa. Además de esto, el mundo de hoy es muy diferente de aquel de 30 años atrás. Esto significa que la perspectiva de personas de generaciones diferentes puede no adecuarse a su propio rumbo financiero. No importa en qué fase usted esté, lo importante es tener un plan que corresponda a sus necesidades inmediatas y funcione para sus metas a largo plazo.
Enfóquese en sus metas y objetivos. Cuando hablamos sobre establecer metas, lo importante es hacerlas con precisión y que ellas sean alcanzables. Si las metas tuvieren resultados tangibles, ellas son más fáciles de medir y alcanzar. Nuevamente, nadie es igual a nadie. Sus metas no deben necesariamente ser iguales a las de sus amigos o colegas.
Protéjase de lo inesperado. Mientras le damos mucha atención a crear una gran riqueza para cuando nos jubilemos, muchos de nosotros subestimamos los tres riesgos más inmediatos – muerte prematura, enfermedades o lesiones y pequeños gastos asociados que pueden perjudicarnos financieramente. Asegurarse adecuada y personalmente puede mitigar estos riesgos y mantenerle en el camino de alcanzar sus metas y objetivos financieros.
Busque orientación y orientación Es aquí que el consultor financiero entra. Primeramente, un buen consultor financiero oirá y debatirá ideas con usted, además de ayudar a esclarecer sus metas. El consultor financiero, entonces, le ayudará a elaborar un plan que le ayudará a alcanzar sus metas. Y no se olvide, él estará con usted por un largo período. Sus finanzas e inversiones nunca pueden ser olvidadas, pues, así como las circunstancias económicas cambian, las suyas también cambian. Lo que usted necesita entonces es de un especialista a su lado que le guíe en los momentos más difíciles. Alguien que entienda sus sueños, su actitud y sus recursos – que logre mantenerle en el camino correcto. Es bueno tener a un asociado con usted en su jornada que le ayude a encontrar y a permanecer en su rumbo financiero.
Aviso Legal: Estas informaciones fueron provenientes por Aon y sus Afiliadas. Las informaciones no consideran las metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades particulares de ninguna persona en especial que pueda estar recibiendo los materiales. Consecuentemente, ellas no pueden depender o ser tratadas como sustitutas para situaciones individuales relacionadas a un consejo específico. Busque la ayuda de un consultor financiero con relación a la adecuación de cualquier inversión teniendo en cuenta sus metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades especiales antes de comprometerse en la compra de producto de inversión. También recomendamos que, siempre que sea apropiado, se aconseje con otros profesionales. Las informaciones son suministradas de buena fe y con la confianza de que son precisas en el momento en que fueron suministradas. No tenemos la obligación de actualizar los materiales o corregir ninguna imprecisión que pueda ser aparente posteriormente. Siempre consulte a su fuente primaria, más precisa y actualizada de informaciones.
¿Cómo encontrar su propio rumbo financiero? Cuando hablamos sobre finanzas personales y modos de construir su riqueza, parece que cada persona tiene una opinión propia y una forma preferida para acumular riqueza.
Desde su vecino que le gusta dar consejos sobre acciones de la bolsa hasta su colega de trabajo que está siempre pensando en un modo de ‘enriquecer rápidamente’, incluso su suegra que tiene una visión más prudente y que se toma en serio el lema ‘lento pero aplastante’ y ‘esconda en el colchón’. La verdad es que no existe una fórmula para ganar dinero y que garantice el futuro para todos. Cada persona tiene diferentes metas, preferencias y niveles de comodidad. Al decidir su propio rumbo financiero, considere algunos puntos.
Su estilo de vida. Su estilo de vida tiene que ver con entender a lo que usted le da valor en su vida y lo que torna su existencia significante. Cada persona tiene una visión diferente del éxito. Para algunos, es tener una casa grande, dos carros y ser socio de un club. Para otras es poder hacer un viaje internacional una vez por año. Hay gente que sueña en mudarse para la playa y jubilarse temprano. Usted no tiene que comprar la idea de nadie de lo que es una situación ideal. Solamente defina su estilo de vida, establezca metas financieras y defina un plan que permita alcanzar su libertad financiera.
También vale la pena analizar en cuál etapa de su vida usted se encuentra. Talvez usted esté solamente al inicio de su carrera y comenzando a construir sus riquezas, talvez esté comenzando una familia y ahorrando para comprar una casa o talvez ya esté pensando en su jubilación, intentando maximizar su renta para el futuro. Sus metas y necesidades cambian conforme el tiempo pasa. Además de esto, el mundo de hoy es muy diferente de aquel de 30 años atrás. Esto significa que la perspectiva de personas de generaciones diferentes puede no adecuarse a su propio rumbo financiero. No importa en qué fase usted esté, lo importante es tener un plan que corresponda a sus necesidades inmediatas y funcione para sus metas a largo plazo.
Enfóquese en sus metas y objetivos. Cuando hablamos sobre establecer metas, lo importante es hacerlas con precisión y que ellas sean alcanzables. Si las metas tuvieren resultados tangibles, ellas son más fáciles de medir y alcanzar. Nuevamente, nadie es igual a nadie. Sus metas no deben necesariamente ser iguales a las de sus amigos o colegas.
Protéjase de lo inesperado. Mientras le damos mucha atención a crear una gran riqueza para cuando nos jubilemos, muchos de nosotros subestimamos los tres riesgos más inmediatos – muerte prematura, enfermedades o lesiones y pequeños gastos asociados que pueden perjudicarnos financieramente. Asegurarse adecuada y personalmente puede mitigar estos riesgos y mantenerle en el camino de alcanzar sus metas y objetivos financieros.
Busque orientación y orientación Es aquí que el consultor financiero entra. Primeramente, un buen consultor financiero oirá y debatirá ideas con usted, además de ayudar a esclarecer sus metas. El consultor financiero, entonces, le ayudará a elaborar un plan que le ayudará a alcanzar sus metas. Y no se olvide, él estará con usted por un largo período. Sus finanzas e inversiones nunca pueden ser olvidadas, pues, así como las circunstancias económicas cambian, las suyas también cambian. Lo que usted necesita entonces es de un especialista a su lado que le guíe en los momentos más difíciles. Alguien que entienda sus sueños, su actitud y sus recursos – que logre mantenerle en el camino correcto. Es bueno tener a un asociado con usted en su jornada que le ayude a encontrar y a permanecer en su rumbo financiero.
Aviso Legal: Estas informaciones fueron provenientes por Aon y sus Afiliadas. Las informaciones no consideran las metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades particulares de ninguna persona en especial que pueda estar recibiendo los materiales. Consecuentemente, ellas no pueden depender o ser tratadas como sustitutas para situaciones individuales relacionadas a un consejo específico. Busque la ayuda de un consultor financiero con relación a la adecuación de cualquier inversión teniendo en cuenta sus metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades especiales antes de comprometerse en la compra de producto de inversión. También recomendamos que, siempre que sea apropiado, se aconseje con otros profesionales. Las informaciones son suministradas de buena fe y con la confianza de que son precisas en el momento en que fueron suministradas. No tenemos la obligación de actualizar los materiales o corregir ninguna imprecisión que pueda ser aparente posteriormente. Siempre consulte a su fuente primaria, más precisa y actualizada de informaciones.
¿Cómo encontrar su propio rumbo financiero? Cuando hablamos sobre finanzas personales y modos de construir su riqueza, parece que cada persona tiene una opinión propia y una forma preferida para acumular riqueza.
Desde su vecino que le gusta dar consejos sobre acciones de la bolsa hasta su colega de trabajo que está siempre pensando en un modo de ‘enriquecer rápidamente’, incluso su suegra que tiene una visión más prudente y que se toma en serio el lema ‘lento pero aplastante’ y ‘esconda en el colchón’. La verdad es que no existe una fórmula para ganar dinero y que garantice el futuro para todos. Cada persona tiene diferentes metas, preferencias y niveles de comodidad. Al decidir su propio rumbo financiero, considere algunos puntos.
Su estilo de vida. Su estilo de vida tiene que ver con entender a lo que usted le da valor en su vida y lo que torna su existencia significante. Cada persona tiene una visión diferente del éxito. Para algunos, es tener una casa grande, dos carros y ser socio de un club. Para otras es poder hacer un viaje internacional una vez por año. Hay gente que sueña en mudarse para la playa y jubilarse temprano. Usted no tiene que comprar la idea de nadie de lo que es una situación ideal. Solamente defina su estilo de vida, establezca metas financieras y defina un plan que permita alcanzar su libertad financiera.
También vale la pena analizar en cuál etapa de su vida usted se encuentra. Talvez usted esté solamente al inicio de su carrera y comenzando a construir sus riquezas, talvez esté comenzando una familia y ahorrando para comprar una casa o talvez ya esté pensando en su jubilación, intentando maximizar su renta para el futuro. Sus metas y necesidades cambian conforme el tiempo pasa. Además de esto, el mundo de hoy es muy diferente de aquel de 30 años atrás. Esto significa que la perspectiva de personas de generaciones diferentes puede no adecuarse a su propio rumbo financiero. No importa en qué fase usted esté, lo importante es tener un plan que corresponda a sus necesidades inmediatas y funcione para sus metas a largo plazo.
Enfóquese en sus metas y objetivos. Cuando hablamos sobre establecer metas, lo importante es hacerlas con precisión y que ellas sean alcanzables. Si las metas tuvieren resultados tangibles, ellas son más fáciles de medir y alcanzar. Nuevamente, nadie es igual a nadie. Sus metas no deben necesariamente ser iguales a las de sus amigos o colegas.
Protéjase de lo inesperado. Mientras le damos mucha atención a crear una gran riqueza para cuando nos jubilemos, muchos de nosotros subestimamos los tres riesgos más inmediatos – muerte prematura, enfermedades o lesiones y pequeños gastos asociados que pueden perjudicarnos financieramente. Asegurarse adecuada y personalmente puede mitigar estos riesgos y mantenerle en el camino de alcanzar sus metas y objetivos financieros.
Busque orientación y orientación Es aquí que el consultor financiero entra. Primeramente, un buen consultor financiero oirá y debatirá ideas con usted, además de ayudar a esclarecer sus metas. El consultor financiero, entonces, le ayudará a elaborar un plan que le ayudará a alcanzar sus metas. Y no se olvide, él estará con usted por un largo período. Sus finanzas e inversiones nunca pueden ser olvidadas, pues, así como las circunstancias económicas cambian, las suyas también cambian. Lo que usted necesita entonces es de un especialista a su lado que le guíe en los momentos más difíciles. Alguien que entienda sus sueños, su actitud y sus recursos – que logre mantenerle en el camino correcto. Es bueno tener a un asociado con usted en su jornada que le ayude a encontrar y a permanecer en su rumbo financiero.
Aviso Legal: Estas informaciones fueron provenientes por Aon y sus Afiliadas. Las informaciones no consideran las metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades particulares de ninguna persona en especial que pueda estar recibiendo los materiales. Consecuentemente, ellas no pueden depender o ser tratadas como sustitutas para situaciones individuales relacionadas a un consejo específico. Busque la ayuda de un consultor financiero con relación a la adecuación de cualquier inversión teniendo en cuenta sus metas específicas de inversión, situación financiera o necesidades especiales antes de comprometerse en la compra de producto de inversión. También recomendamos que, siempre que sea apropiado, se aconseje con otros profesionales. Las informaciones son suministradas de buena fe y con la confianza de que son precisas en el momento en que fueron suministradas. No tenemos la obligación de actualizar los materiales o corregir ninguna imprecisión que pueda ser aparente posteriormente. Siempre consulte a su fuente primaria, más precisa y actualizada de informaciones.
Como encontrar seu próprio rumo financeiro? Quando falamos sobre finanças pessoais e modos de construir sua riqueza, parece que cada pessoa tem uma opinião própria e um jeito preferido para acumular riqueza.
Desde o seu vizinho que gosta de dar dicas sobre ações da bolsa até o seu colega de trabalho que está sempre pensando num modo de ‘enriquecer rapidamente’, até mesmo sua sogra que tem uma visão mais prudente e que leva o lema ‘devagar e sempre’ e ‘esconda no colchão’ a sério. A verdade é que não existe uma fórmula de ganhar dinheiro e que garanta o futuro para todos. Cada pessoa tem diferentes metas, preferências e níveis de conforto. Ao decidir o seu próprio rumo financeiro, considere alguns pontos.
Seu estilo de vida. Seu estilo de vida tem a ver com entender o que você dá valor na sua vida e o que torna sua existência significante. Cada pessoa tem uma visão diferente do sucesso. Para alguns, é ter uma casa grande, dois carros e ser sócio de um clube. Para outras é conseguir fazer uma viagem internacional uma vez por ano. Tem gente que sonha em se mudar para praia e se aposentar cedo. Você não tem que comprar a ideia de ninguém do que é uma situação ideal. Apenas defina o seu estilo de vida, estabeleça metas financeiras e defina um plano que permita alcançar sua liberdade financeira.
Também vale a pena analisar em qual estágio da vida você se encontra. Talvez você esteja apenas no começo de sua carreira e começando a construir suas riquezas, talvez esteja começando uma família e economizando para comprar uma casa ou talvez já esteja de olho na sua aposentadoria, tentando maximizar sua renda para o futuro. Suas metas e necessidades mudam conforme o tempo passa. Além disso, o mundo de hoje é bem diferente daquele de 30 anos atrás. Isso significa que a perspectiva de pessoas de gerações diferentes pode não se adequar ao seu próprio rumo financeiro. Não importa em que fase você esteja, o importante é ter um plano que corresponda às suas necessidades imediatas e funcione para suas metas de longo prazo.
Foco nas suas metas e objetivos. Quando falamos sobre estabelecer metas, o importante é fazê-las com precisão e que elas sejam atingíveis. Se as metas tiverem resultados tangíveis, elas são mais fáceis de medir e atingir. Mais uma vez, ninguém é igual a ninguém. Suas metas não devem necessariamente ser iguais às de seus amigos ou colegas.
Proteja-se do inesperado. Enquanto damos muita atenção em criar uma grande riqueza para quando nos aposentarmos, muitos de nós subestimam os três riscos mais imediatos – morte prematura, doenças ou lesões e pequenas despesas associadas que podem nos prejudicar financeiramente. Segurar-se adequada e pessoalmente pode mitigar esses riscos e mantê-lo no caminho de atingir suas metas e objetivos financeiros.
Busque orientação e aconselhamento É aqui que o consultor financeiro entra. Primeiramente, um bom consultor financeiro irá ouvir e debater ideias com você, além de ajudar a esclarecer suas metas. O consultor financeiro irá, então, ajudá-lo a elaborar um plano que irá lhe ajudar a atingir suas metas. E não se esqueça, ele vai estar com você por um longo período. Suas finanças e investimentos nunca podem ser esquecidos, pois assim como as circunstâncias econômicas mudam, as suas também. O que você precisa então é de um especialista ao seu lado que te guie nos momentos mais difíceis. Alguém que entenda seus sonhos, sua atitude e seus recursos – que consiga te manter no caminho certo. É bom ter um parceiro com você em sua jornada que te ajude a encontrar e permanecer no seu rumo financeiro.
Aviso Legal: Estas informações foram provenientes da Aon Holdings Corretores de Seguros LTDA. As informações não consideram as metas específicas de investimento, situação financeira ou necessidades particulares de qualquer pessoa em especial que possa estar recebendo os materiais. Consequentemente, elas não podem depender ou serem tratadas como substitutas para situações individuais relacionadas a um conselho específico. Procure o auxílio de um consultor financeiro em relação à adequação de qualquer investimento levando em conta suas metas específicas de investimento, situação financeira ou necessidades especiais antes de se comprometer na compra de produto de investimento. Também recomendamos que, sempre que apropriado, aconselhe-se com outros profissionais. As informações são fornecidas de boa fé e com a confiança de que são precisas no momento em que foram fornecidas. Não temos a obrigação de atualizar os materiais ou corrigir qualquer imprecisão que possa ficar aparente posteriormente. Sempre consulte sua fonte primária, mais precisa e atualizada de informações.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen, be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
Author is not a financial advisor, tax professional or legal advisor. The article and its content is for informational purposes only, reader should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. All information, data, strategies, reports, articles and all other features of this article are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered or inferred as personalized investment advice. Article may contain errors, and the reader should not make any financial or investment decision based solely on what the reader reads in this article and writing. It shall be reader’s responsibility to perform its own due diligence, and reader must make its own decisions. Be advised and aware that financial and investment decisions involve risk. Author accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of author’s writings, products, services, website, or other content, including contents of this article. Reader is responsible for its own investment research and decisions. Reader should seek the advice of a qualified investment advisor and fully understand any and all risks before investing or making any financial decision. Author make no representation that any reader will or is likely to experience results as cited in this article. All results of author’s recommendations are not based on actual investments by author and are based upon a hypothesis, available statistics and surveys which have limitations and do not reflect all components of actual investments. Reader’s actual results may vary based upon many factors. All content and references to third-party sources is provided solely for convenience. This information may be inaccurate, use at your own risk.
By reading this article or any of its contents you agree that neither author nor its employees, shareholders, directors, contractors, affiliates, agents, third party content providers or licensors will be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or any other type of claim, liability, cost, damage or loss resulting from reader’s use of any of this content. This includes, but is not limited to, loss or injury caused in whole or in part by contingencies beyond our control.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen, be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen, be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
The information in this report does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations.
While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this report has been obtained from reliable sources, Aon is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this report is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Aon be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information in this report or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen, be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
Hvordan velger du din økonomiske framtid? De fleste har sin egen mening og sine egne preferanser om personlig økonomi og hvordan man bygger opp velstand og formue.
Du kan ha en nabo som strør om seg med tips om aksjemarkedet, en kollega som alltid har forslag til “raske penger” eller en svigermor som mener at det alltid er bra å gjemme penger under madrassen. Sannheten er at det ikke finnes én bestemt framgangsmåte for å legge seg opp formue som passer for alle. De fleste har ulike målsetninger, preferanser og komfortsoner. Når du tar økonomiske beslutninger om fremtiden, bør du vurdere flere ting.
Din personlige livsstil Dette handler om innsikt i hva du verdsetter i livet og hva som gjør det meningsfullt å leve. Suksess betyr ulike ting for ulike mennesker. For noen betyr det stort hus, to biler og medlemskap i golfklubben. For andre betyr det lange utenlandsreiser én gang i året. Andre kan drømme om å starte helt forfra igjen og pensjonere seg tidlig. Du trenger ikke å tilpasse deg andres oppfatninger av hva som er best. Du trenger bare å finne ut hvilken levemåte du selv ønsker og sette deg mål slik at du oppnår økonomisk frihet.
Det kan også være vel verdt å gjøre opp status for din livsfas. Du kan være i startfasen av en karriere og starte å bygge opp formuen, tenke på å stifte familie og spare til bolig, eller det kan være du ser fram mot pensjonistlivet og sparer så mye som mulig. Målsetningene og behovene endrer seg gjennom ulike livsfaser. Dessuten er verden i dag en helt annen enn for tretti år siden. Det betyr at tidligere generasjoners perspektiver ikke trenger å være relevante for din egen økonomiske framtid. Uansett livsfase er det viktig å ha en plan som møter dine umiddelbare behov og fungerer for å nå dine langsiktige mål.
Fokus på målsetninger og formål Det er viktige å sette opp så nøyaktige og oppnåelige målsetninger du kan. Målsetninger som gir håndfaste resultater er lettere å måle og bli tilfreds med. Husk at vi alle er ulike, og at målsetningene dine ikke trenger å gjenspeile målsetningene til dine venner eller kolleger.
Beskyttelse mot overraskelser Det er mye oppmerksomhet omkring å bygge opp formue fram mot pensjonstilværelsen. Men de fleste undervurderer tre mer overhengende risikofaktorer: for tidlig død, sykdom og skade. Utgiftene som følger med, kan medføre økonomisk ruin. Personlige forsikringsavtaler kan forebygge slik risiko og sørge for at du fortsatt kan nå dine økonomiske mål.
Søke veiledning og råd En god økonomisk rådgiver kan først og fremst lytte til deg, gi deg tilbakemelding og hjelpe deg med å tydeliggjøre målsetningene. Rådgiveren vil deretter hjelpe deg med å lage en plan som setter deg i stand til å nå målene. Og glem ikke at en slik rådgiver har et langsiktig oppdrag. Investeringene og finansene dine er ikke noe man gjør seg ferdig med og glemmer. Din egen situasjon kan endre seg akkurat som samfunnsøkonomien. Da trenger du en ekspert som kan veilede deg gjennom tøffe tider og uventede hendelser. Dette må være en rådgiver som har forståelse for dine drømmer, livsholdninger og ressurser, og er dyktig nok til å holde deg på rett spor. Det er godt å ha en samarbeidspartner som hjelper deg på rett vei mot en trygg økonomisk fremtid.
Comment trouver le parcours financier qui vous convient ? Lorsqu’il s’agit de finances personnelles et de moyens d’accroître son patrimoine, il semble que chacun ait une opinion, et une voie privilégiée pour accroître la richesse.
Il y a votre voisin qui aime partager ses conseils boursiers, votre collègue de travail qui a un toujours un bon plan pour « devenir riche rapidement », votre belle-mère qui expose une approche plus prudente du type « petit à petit et régulièrement, en cachant son argent sous le matelas ». Une chose est certaine, il n’existe pas d’approche unique pour enrichir son patrimoine et se préparer pour l’avenir. Chacun a des objectifs, des préférences et des niveaux de confort différents. Au moment de choisir votre parcours financier, vous devez prendre quelques points en considération.
Votre style de vie préféré Il s’agit de comprendre ce qui vous tient à cœur dans la vie et ce qui va donner un sens à votre existence. Chaque personne à sa propre définition du succès. Certaines personnes vont privilégier le fait de posséder une grande maison, deux voitures et faire partie d’un club. Pour d’autres, il s’agira de pouvoir voyager à l’étranger une fois par an. D’autres encore rêvent peut-être d’un changement de cap et d’une retraite anticipée. Ne vous conformez pas à l’idée que se font les autres d’une situation idéale. Il vous suffit de déterminer le mode de vie que vous souhaitez, de vous fixer des objectifs financiers et d’établir un plan qui vous permettra d’atteindre la liberté financière.
Il est également utile de faire le point sur l’étape actuelle de votre vie. Vous êtes peut-être au début de votre carrière et vous commencez à vous constituer un patrimoine, ou vous pensez à fonder une famille et à épargner pour une épargne logement ou votre retraite approche et vous essayez maintenant de maximiser votre épargne. Vos objectifs et vos besoins évoluent au fur et à mesure de votre parcours dans la vie. De plus, le monde actuel n’est plus ce qu’il était il y a trente ans, ce qui signifie que la vision des personnes appartenant à d’autres générations n’est pas forcément applicable à votre propre parcours financier. Quelle que soit votre étape de vie, il est important d’avoir un plan qui vous permet de répondre à vos besoins immédiats et de contribuer à la réalisation de vos objectifs à long terme.
Se concentrer sur ses ambitions et objectifs. Lorsqu’il s’agit de fixer des objectifs, il est essentiel de les rendre précis et réalisables. Si les objectifs ont des résultats tangibles, ils sont plus faciles à mesurer et à satisfaire. Encore une fois, gardez à l’esprit que chaque personne est différente et que vos objectifs ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux de vos pairs ou collègues.
Prévoir l’imprévu. Alors que nous accordons beaucoup d’attention à accumuler un patrimoine suffisant pour la retraite, nous sommes trop nombreux à sous-estimer trois risques plus immédiats : le décès prématuré, la maladie ou les accidents, et les dépenses connexes qui pourraient nous paralyser financièrement. La mise en place d’une assurance personnelle appropriée peut atténuer ces risques de manière immédiate et vous permettre d’atteindre vos objectifs financiers sans détour.
Solliciter des conseils et des avis. Avant tout, un bon conseiller financier sera à l’écoute, vous fera part de ses réflexions sur vos idées et vous aidera à clarifier vos objectifs. Il vous aidera ensuite à élaborer un plan qui vous aidera à atteindre ces objectifs. Gardez toujours à l’esprit que ce sont des objectifs à long terme. Vos finances et vos investissements ne peuvent jamais être « figés et oubliés », car les circonstances économiques changent, tout comme votre situation. Vous aurez besoin d’un expert à vos côtés pour vous guider dans les moments difficiles ou en cas de gains inattendus. Quelqu’un qui comprend vos rêves, votre attitude et vos ressources et qui a les compétences nécessaires pour vous garder sur la bonne voie. Il est appréciable d’avoir un partenaire qui vous accompagne dans votre démarche et vous aide à définir votre parcours financier et ensuite à garder le cap.
Hoe vind je je eigen financiële pad? Als het gaat om persoonlijke financiën en manieren om je vermogen op te bouwen, lijkt het erop dat iedereen een mening heeft - en een voorkeurspad voor vermogensopbouw.
Van je buurman die graag zijn beurstips deelt, tot een vriend op het werk die voortdurend komt aandragen met schema’s om ‘snel rijk te worden’, tot je schoonmoeder die kiest voor ‘langzaam en gestaag’, namelijk de ‘stop het geld onder het bed’ aanpak. De waarheid is dat er geen eenduidige aanpak is om vermogen te genereren en jezelf klaar te stomen voor de toekomst. Iedereen heeft andere doelstellingen, voorkeuren en comfortniveaus. Bij het bepalen van je eigen financiële pad zijn er een paar dingen waar je rekening moet mee houden.
Je voorkeurslevensstijl. Dit gaat over inzicht in wat je belangrijk vindt in het leven en wat je bestaan zinvol gaat maken. Succes betekent verschillende dingen voor verschillende mensen. Voor sommigen betekent het een groot huis, twee auto's en lidmaatschap van een club. Voor anderen is het eenmaal per jaar een grote reis kunnen maken. Anderen dromen misschien nog steeds van een huis aan zee en vervroegd pensioen. Je hoeft niet te passen binnen het idee van een ideale situatie van iemand anders. Je hoeft alleen maar te achterhalen welke levensstijl je wilt, jezelf financiële doelstellingen stellen en een plan maken waarmee je je financiële vrijheid kunt bereiken
Het loont ook de moeite om de balans op te maken van de levensfase waarin je je bevindt. Misschien sta je nog maar net aan het begin van je carrière en begin je je vermogen op te bouwen, misschien denk je aan een gezin en sparen voor een borgsom voor een huis of het plannen van je pensioen en probeer je je spaarpot zo groot mogelijk te maken. Je doelstellingen en behoeften veranderen afhankelijk van de levensfase waarin je je bevindt. Daarnaast is de wereld een heel andere plek geworden dan dertig jaar geleden, wat betekent dat het perspectief van mensen van verschillende generaties mogelijk niet van toepassing is op je eigen financiële pad. Het maakt niet uit waar je je bevindt, het is belangrijk om een plan te hebben waarmee je aan je onmiddellijke behoeften kunt voldoen en aan je langetermijndoelstellingen kunt werken.
Focus op je doelstellingen. Als het gaat om het stellen van doelstellingen, is het belangrijk om ze nauwkeurig en haalbaar te maken. Als doelstellingen tastbare resultaten opleveren, zijn ze gemakkelijker te meten en te belonen. Houd er nogmaals rekening mee dat iedereen anders is en dat jouw doelstellingen niet noodzakelijkerwijs dezelfde zijn als die van je kennissen of collega’s.
Bescherm jezelf tegen het onverwachte. Hoewel er veel aandacht wordt besteed aan het creëren van voldoende vermogen om met pensioen te gaan, worden drie meer onmiddellijke risico's te vaak onderschat door velen onder ons: vroegtijdig overlijden, ziekte of letsel en de daarmee samenhangende onkosten die ons financieel zouden kunnen verlammen. Het implementeren van een passende persoonlijke verzekering kan deze risico's onmiddellijk verminderen en je op koers houden om je financiële doelstellingen en objectieven te bereiken.
Zoek begeleiding en advies. Eerst en vooral moet een goed financieel adviseur luisteren en een klankbord zijn voor jou, iemand waarmee je je ideeën kunt bespreken en die je helpt je doelstellingen te verduidelijken. Hij/zij zal je dan helpen om een plan op te stellen waarmee je die doelstellingen kunt realiseren. En vergeet niet, het plan moet voor de lange termijn zijn. Je financiën en investeringen mogen nooit een eenmalige actie zijn. Net zoals de economische omstandigheden veranderen, veranderen ook je eigen omstandigheden. Wat je dan nodig hebt, is een expert aan je zijde die je door de moeilijke tijden en de meevallers leidt. Iemand die je dromen, houding en middelen begrijpt - die de vaardigheden heeft om je op het goede spoor te houden. Het is goed om een partner te hebben die onderweg met je samenwerkt om je helpt op je financiële pad te blijven.
Hvordan finder du din egen økonomiske vej? Når det drejer sig om personlig økonomi og måder at opbygge aktiver på, har alle tilsyneladende en mening – og en foretrukken vej til formuevækst.
Fra din nabo, der gerne deler sine børstips, til din ven på arbejdet, der konstant har et "bliv-rig-i-en-fart"-komplot i gang, til din svigermor, der er fortaler for en mere forsigtig "stille og rolig, sy det ind i madrassen"-tilgang. Sandheden er, at der ikke findes en universalmetode til at opbygge en større formue og sikre din egen økonomiske fremtid. Alle har forskellige formål, præferencer og grænser for, hvad de føler sig trygge ved. Når du bestemmer dig for din egen økonomiske vej, er der nogle ting, du skal overveje.
Din foretrukne livsstil. Dette handler om at forstå, hvad du sætter pris på i livet, og hvad der vil gøre din eksistens meningsfuld. Succes betyder forskellige ting for forskellige personer. For nogle er det et stort hus, to biler og klubmedlemsskaber. For andre er det muligheden for at tage på udenlandsrejser en gang om året. Andre igen drømmer måske om en radikal ændring og om at gå tidligt på pension. Du behøver ikke at ensrette dine egne ønsker efter andres idéer om det perfekte. Du skal bare finde ud af, hvilken livsstil du gerne vil have, sætte dine økonomiske mål og udarbejde en plan, der gør det muligt for dig at opnå økonomisk frihed.
Det er også værd at danne dig et skøn over, hvor du befinder dig i livet. Måske er du lige startet på din karriere og er ved at opbygge din formue, tænker på at starte familie og spare op til en udbetaling på et hus, eller måske har sat næsen op efter pension og at prøve at maksimere din opsparing. Dine mål og behov skifter gennem livet. Derudover er verden et meget anderledes sted, end det var for tredive år siden, hvilket betyder, at tidligere generationers perspektiver måske ikke passer til din egen økonomiske vej. Uanset hvor du er i livet, er det vigtigt at have en plan, der gør det muligt for dig at imødekomme dine behov samt arbejde hen mod dine langsigtede mål.
Fokusér på dine målsætninger. Når det kommer til at sætte sig mål, er det vigtigste at gøre dem præcise og realistiske. Hvis dine mål har håndgribelige udfald, er de nemmere at måle og belønne. Her skal du igen huske, at alle er forskellige, og at dine mål ikke nødvendigvis er mindre end dine jævnaldrendes eller kollegers mål.
Beskyt dig mod det uventede. Selvom der er meget fokus på at skabe rigelig formue til pensionering, undervurderer mange af os tre mere presserende risici: for tidlig død, sygdom eller tilskadekomst og de dertilhørende direkte udgifter, der kan beskadige os økonomisk. Ved at implementere hensigtsmæssige livs-, ulykkes- og sygeforsikringer kan disse risici kan afbødes øjeblikkeligt og holde dig på sporet i forhold til dine økonomiske målsætninger.
Søg vejledning og råd. Først og fremmest vil en god økonomisk rådgiver være en sparringspartner, som du kan udveksle ideer med, og som kan hjælpe dig med at præcisere dine mål. De kan være behjælpelige, når du udarbejder den plan, der skal hjælpe dig med at opnå dine mål. Og husk på, at de bør være med på lang sigt. Din økonomi og dine investeringer er ikke statiske, for på samme måde som økonomiske omstændigheder ændrer sig, så forandres dine omstændigheder også. Du har derfor brug for en ekspert, der er på din side, til at guide dig gennem de svære tider og uventede ekstra indtægter. En, der forstår dine drømme, holdninger og ressourcer, og som har evnerne til at holde dig på rette spor. Det er godt at have en partner, som du kan samarbejde med, imens du prøver at finde frem til og blive på din økonomiske vej.
Πώς θα χαράξετε την πορεία σας σε ό,τι αφορά τα οικονομικά Όταν πρόκειται για την προσωπική οικονομική σας κατάσταση και τους τρόπους με τους οποίους μπορείτε να αυξήσετε την περιουσία σας, φαίνεται ότι έχουν όλοι άποψη, καθώς και την καλύτερη πρόταση για την αύξηση της περιουσίας σας.
Από τον γείτονα που του αρέσει να δίνει συμβουλές για τις μετοχές μέχρι κάποιον φίλο από την εργασία σας που διαθέτει μια αστείρευτη πηγή σχεδίων για «γρήγορα πλούτη» και την πεθερά σας που προτείνει μια πιο συνετή, σταθερή και «αθόρυβη» προσέγγιση για να γίνετε πλούσιοι. Η αλήθεια είναι ότι δεν υπάρχει μια γενική προσέγγιση που να συμβάλλει στην αύξηση της περιουσίας σας και στο να εξασφαλίσετε το μέλλον σας. Όλοι έχουν διαφορετικούς στόχους, προτιμήσεις και επίπεδα άνεσης. Κατά τη λήψη της απόφασης για την πορεία που θα ακολουθήσετε όσον αφορά τα οικονομικά σας, υπάρχουν μερικά πράγματα που πρέπει να λαμβάνετε υπ’ όψιν.
Ο τρόπος ζωής που προτιμάτε. Αυτό αφορά το να κατανοήσετε τι έχει αξία για σας στη ζωή και τι θα δώσει νόημα στην υπάρξή σας. Η επιτυχία έχει διαφορετική σημασία για τον καθένα μας. Για κάποιους, σημαίνει ένα μεγάλο σπίτι, δύο αυτοκίνητα και μια συνδρομή σε λέσχη. Για άλλους, σημαίνει να μπορούν να ταξιδεύουν στο εξωτερικό κάθε χρόνο. Άλλοι μπορεί να ονειρεύονται μια ριζική αλλαγή και την πρόωρη συνταξιοδότηση. Δεν χρειάζεται να ενστερνιστείτε την άποψη κάποιου άλλου όσον αφορά την ιδανική κατάσταση. Πρέπει απλώς να αντιληφθείτε ποιον τρόπο ζωής θέλετε, να ορίσετε οικονομικούς στόχους και να καταρτίσετε ένα σχέδιο που θα σας δώσει τη δυνατότητα να αποκτήσετε οικονομική ελευθερία.
Επίσης, αξίζει να αξιολογήσετε την τρέχουσα φάση της ζωής σας. Μπορεί να βρίσκεστε στην αρχή της σταδιοδρομίας σας και να ξεκινάτε τη δημιουργία της περιουσίας σας, να σκέφτεστε τη δημιουργία οικογένειας και να αποταμιεύετε χρήματα για προκαταβολή για αγορά σπιτιού ή να στοχεύετε στη συνταξιοδότηση και να προσπαθείτε να μεγιστοποιήσετε τις αποταμιεύσεις σας. Οι στόχοι και οι ανάγκες σας μεταβάλλονται ανάλογα με τη φάση της ζωής στην οποία βρίσκεστε. Επιπλέον, ο κόσμος διαφέρει πολύ από αυτό που ήταν πριν από τριάντα χρόνια, πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι η άποψη των ατόμων που ανήκουν σε διαφορετική γενιά ενδέχεται να μην ταιριάζει στη δική σας διαδρομή όσον αφορά τα οικονομικά. Ανεξάρτητα από τη φάση στην οποία βρίσκεστε, είναι σημαντικό να έχετε ένα σχέδιο που θα σας δώσει τη δυνατότητα να ανταποκριθείτε στις άμεσες ανάγκες σας και, παράλληλα, να ασχοληθείτε με την επίτευξη των μακροπρόθεσμων στόχων σας.
Εστιάστε στους στόχους σας. Όσον αφορά τον καθορισμό στόχων, είναι σημαντικό να είναι ακριβείς και εφικτοί. Εάν οι στόχοι έχουν απτά αποτελέσματα, είναι πιο εύκολο να εκτιμηθούν και να αποφέρουν αποτελέσματα. Και πάλι, έχετε κατά νου ότι ο κάθε άνθρωπος είναι διαφορετικός και ότι οι στόχοι σας δεν αντικατοπτρίζουν απαραίτητα τους στόχους των φίλων ή των συναδέλφων σας.
Προστατευτείτε από το αναπάντεχο. Μολονότι μεγάλο μέρος της προσοχής επικεντρώνεται στη συγκέντρωση άφθονων περιουσιακών στοιχείων για την περίοδο της συνταξιοδότησης, πολλοί από εμάς υποτιμούν τρεις πιο άμεσους κινδύνους – τον πρόωρο θάνατο, την ασθένεια ή τον τραυματισμό και τις σχετικές έκτακτες δαπάνες που θα μπορούσαν να προκαλέσουν την οικονομική καταστροφή μας. Η κατάλληλη ασφάλιση μπορεί να μετριάσει άμεσα αυτούς τους κινδύνους και να σας βοηθήσει να διατηρήσετε την πορεία σας σε ό,τι αφορά την επίτευξη των οικονομικών στόχων σας.
Ζητήστε καθοδήγηση και συμβουλές. Πρωτίστως, ένας ικανός χρηματοοικονομικός σύμβουλος θα ακούσει τις ιδέες σας και θα σας βοηθήσει να αποσαφηνίσετε τους στόχους σας. Στη συνέχεια, θα σας βοηθήσει να καταρτίσετε ένα σχέδιο που θα συμβάλλει στην επίτευξη των στόχων σας. Και μην ξεχνάτε ότι ο σύμβουλος θα είναι δίπλα σας για πολύ καιρό. Δεν πρέπει ποτέ να θεωρήσετε ότι τα οικονομικά και οι επενδύσεις σας είναι κάτι με το οποίο θα ασχοληθείτε μία φορά και θα τα ξεχάσετε, καθώς η κατάσταση της οικονομίας μεταβάλλεται όπως και η δική σας. Αυτό που χρειάζεστε, λοιπόν, είναι η υποστήριξη ενός ειδικού ο οποίος θα σας καθοδηγεί τόσο κατά τις δύσκολες στιγμές όσο και κατά τις περιπτώσεις όπου προκύπτουν έκτακτα έσοδα. Ο ειδικός αυτός θα κατανοεί τα όνειρα, τη στάση και τους πόρους σας, ενώ θα διαθέτει τις δεξιότητες που χρειάζονται για να σας ωθεί να διατηρείτε τη σωστή πορεία. Είναι καλό να έχετε έναν «συνοδοιπόρο» στο ταξίδι σας, ο οποίος θα σας βοηθήσει να βρείτε και να συνεχίσετε την πορεία σας σε ό,τι αφορά τα οικονομικά.
¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez si sus finanzas van por el buen camino? Cuando hablamos de finanzas personales y formas de construir un patrimonio, cada cual tiene su opinión, y por supuesto un método preferido;
desde su vecino –al que le encanta compartir sus consejos sobre inversión en bolsa–, pasando por su compañero de trabajo –quien dispone de innumerables fórmulas para hacerse rico de la noche a la mañana–, hasta su suegra –que hace gala del tradicional enfoque, lento pero prudente, de guardar sus ahorros debajo del colchón–. Lo cierto es que, en lo que concierne a la generación de riqueza y la garantía de la estabilidad económica futura, no existe una fórmula universal que sirva para todos, sino que cada uno tiene sus propios objetivos, preferencias y niveles de confort. Por ello, son varios los factores que deberá considerar a la hora de decidir el camino que quiere que sigan sus finanzas.
Decida qué estilo de vida le gustaría llevar. En este punto, deberá determinar qué es lo que valora en la vida y qué va a hacer que su existencia tenga sentido para usted. La definición de «éxito» varía mucho de unas personas a otras, y mientras que para algunos consiste en tener una casa grande, dos coches y pertenecer al club social local, para otros pasa por tener la oportunidad de hacer un viaje al extranjero una vez al año. Por otra parte, están aquellos que sueñan con dar un giro radical de sus vidas y jubilarse anticipadamente. Ni que decir tiene su idea de una «vida ideal» no tiene por qué parecerse a la de otras personas; simplemente deberá pensar en el estilo de vida que quiere llevar, establecer sus objetivos y trazar un plan que le permita alcanzar la libertad financiera.
También conviene que haga balance de la etapa de su vida en la que se encuentra. Puede que se encuentre al comienzo de su carrera empezando a construir su patrimonio, pensando en formar una familia y ahorrando para comprar una casa, o quizá ya esté con la mente puesta en jubilarse y en tratar de maximizar los fondos de su pensión. Sus objetivos y necesidades van cambiando a lo largo de su vida. Además, hoy el mundo es un lugar muy distinto del que era hace treinta años, de modo que la perspectiva de las generaciones anteriores podría no ser aplicable a los planes financieros que usted tiene hoy. Pero sea cual sea el momento de su vida en el que se encuentre, es importante que cuente con un plan que le permita satisfacer sus necesidades inmediatas al tiempo que avanza hacia la consecución de sus objetivos a largo plazo.
Céntrese en sus metas y objetivos. A la hora de establecer objetivos, lo más importante es asegurarse de que son precisos y alcanzables. Además, cuando estos llevan asociados resultados tangibles, resultan más fáciles de medir y recompensar. Una vez más, recuerde que cada persona es distinta, y que sus objetivos no tienen por qué replicar necesariamente los de sus seres queridos o colegas.
Protéjase frente a los imprevistos. Mientras que es común que la gente preste mucha atención a la creación de un patrimonio abundante para la jubilación, con demasiada frecuencia subestimamos tres riesgos más inmediatos, como serían una muerte prematura, sufrir lesiones o enfermedades o incurrir en gastos imprevistos que puedan truncar nuestra planificación financiera. La contratación de pólizas de seguro personales adecuadas puede permitirle mitigar estos riesgos inmediatamente e impedir que cualquier imprevisto le aparte del camino hacia la consecución de sus metas y objetivos financieros.
Busque consejo y asesoramiento. Sin duda alguna, un buen asesor financiero es siempre el mejor recurso para plantear sus ideas y aclarar sus objetivos. Una vez que le haya expuesto sus planes, este le ayudará a trazar un plan con el que alcanzar sus metas. Y recuerde que este deberá acompañarle a lo largo de toda su vida; las finanzas e inversiones no son algo que pueda dejarse «solucionado de por vida», ya que al igual que las circunstancias económicas mundiales cambian, es muy probable que las suyas lo hagan también. Por tanto, necesitará a su lado a un experto que le guíe tanto en los momentos buenos como en los difíciles; un asesor que conozca bien sus aspiraciones, su predisposición y sus recursos y que posea las competencias necesarias para hacerle seguir avanzando por el buen camino. Se alegrará de contar con un socio que le acompañe en este viaje y le ayude a encontrar el camino adecuado para sus finanzas y a no salirse de él.
Hogyan találhatod meg a saját pénzügyi utad? Amikor személyes pénzügyekről és a vagyon összegyűjtéséről van szó, úgy tűnik, mindenkinek van véleménye – és egy preferált terve a vagyonfelhalmozásra.
A közvetlen szomszédodtól kezdve, aki szereti megosztani a tőzsdés tippjeit, a munkahelyi barátodon át, akinek folyamatosan „gazdagodj meg gyorsan” tervei vannak, az anyósodig, aki egy megfontoltabb „lassan és óvatosan járj, rejtsd el az ágy alá” megközelítést alkalmaz. Az az igazság, hogy nem létezik egységes megoldás az anyagi javak megteremtésére, és a jövőre való felkészülésre. Mindenkinek mások a céljai, a preferenciái és a komfortszintjei. Amikor a saját pénzügyi utadról döntesz, van néhány dolog, amelyet meg kell fontolnod.
Az életmód, mait előnyben részesítesz. Ez arról szól, hogy megértsd, mit értékelsz az életben, és mi ad értelmet a létezésednek. A siker különböző embereknek különböző dolgokat jelent. Néhányaknak egy nagy házat, két autót és klubtagságot. Másoknak azt, hogy tehessen egy tengerentúli utat évente egyszer. Mások pedig lehet, hogy továbbra is környezetváltozásról és korai nyugdíjba vonulásról álmodoznak. Nem kell senki más, ideális helyzettel kapcsolatos elképzelésének megfelelned. Csak meg kell határoznod azt az életmódot, amit szeretnél, pénzügyi terveket kitűznöd és egy tervet készítenek, amely lehetővé teszi a pénzügyi szabadságod elérését.
Érdemes továbbá megnézned, hogy az élet melyik szakaszában vagy. Lehet, hogy épp a karriered elején állsz, és a vagyonod kezded el gyűjteni, a családalapításon gondolkodsz, és egy ingatlan előlegére spórolsz, vagy a nyugdíjadat tartod szem előtt, és a megtakarításod próbálod maximalizálni. Az élet során változnak a céljaid és az igényeid. Továbbá a világ egy nagyon más hely most, mint amilyen harminc évvel ezelőtt volt; különböző generációk képviselőinek szemlélete nem feltétlen alkalmazható a te saját pénzügyi utadra. Nem számít, hogy hol vagy most, fontos, hogy legyen egy terved, amely lehetővé teszi az azonnali igényeid kielégítését, illetve segít megvalósítani a hosszú távú céljaidat.
Fókuszálj a céljaidra. A cél kitűzésénél az a fontos, hogy pontos és elérhető legyen. Ha a céloknak kézzelfogható eredményük van, könnyebb mérni és jutalmazni őket. Itt se felejtsd el, hogy mindenki különböző, és a terveid nem feltétlen tükrözik a társaidét vagy munkatársaidét.
Védd magad a váratlan eseményekkel szemben. Míg nagy figyelmet fordítanak arra, hogy a nyugdíjas időszakra bőséges vagyon halmozzanak fel, túl sokan becsülnek alá három közepes kockázatot – a korai elhalálozást, a betegséget vagy sérülést és ehhez kapcsolódó közvetlenül fizetett kiadásokat, amelyek megnyomoríthatnak anyagilag. Megfelelő személyes biztosítás kötése azonnal csökkentheti ezeket a kockázatokat, és segíthet a pénzügyi célok és feladatok megvalósítása felé haladni.
Kérj útmutatást és tanácsot. Egy jó pénzügyi tanácsadó mindenekelőtt meghallgat, és véleményezi az ötleteidet, és segít tisztázni a céljaidat. Azután segít kialakítani egy tervet, amellyel elérheted azokat a célokat. És ne felejtsd el, alkalmasnak kell lennie a hosszú távú együttműködésre. A pénzügyeidet és befektetéseidet sosem tekintheted befejezettnek és letudhatónak, hiszen a gazdasági körülményekkel együtt a tieid is változnak. Ilyenkor egy szakemberre van szükséged, aki átvezet a nehéz időszakokon és a váratlan helyzeteken. Valaki, aki ismeri az álmaidat, a hozzáállásodat és a forrásaidat – akinek megvannak a képességei, hogy jó úton tartson. Jó, ha van egy partnered, akivel együtt dolgozol a folyamat során, hogy segítsen megtalálnod és követned a pénzügyi utadat.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
Comment trouver sa voie sur le plan financier ? Il semble que tout le monde ait sa propre conception et sa propre approche de la gestion des finances personnelles et de la manière de faire fructifier son patrimoine.
De votre voisin qui aime partager ses conseils sur le marché boursier à votre collègue de travail qui n’est jamais à court d’idées pour devenir riche rapidement, en passant par votre belle-mère qui opte pour une épargne plus prudente « dans un bas de laine », la variété ne manque pas. La vérité est qu’il n’existe pas d’approche universelle pour constituer un patrimoine et bien se préparer financièrement pour l’avenir. Tout le monde a des objectifs, des préférences et des niveaux de confort différents. Prenez cependant en compte les points suivants lorsque vous décidez de votre propre voie à suivre sur le plan financier.
Votre mode de vie privilégié. Il s’agit de comprendre ce qui est précieux pour vous dans la vie et ce qui va contribuer à une existence agréable. La réussite se traduit par différentes choses pour différentes personnes. Pour certaines, elle s'exprime par une grande maison, deux voitures et l'adhésion à un club privé. Pour d’autres, il s’agit de voyager à l’étranger une fois par an. D’autres encore rêvent d’un changement radical et d’une retraite anticipée. Peu importe que votre situation idéale ne soit pas celle des autres. Il vous suffit simplement de déterminer le mode de vie que vous voulez, de vous fixer des objectifs financiers et d’élaborer une stratégie pour atteindre l’indépendance financière.
Tenez compte également de l'étape à laquelle vous êtes actuellement. Peut-être venez-vous juste de commencer votre carrière et de créer votre patrimoine, ou envisagez-vous de fonder une famille et vous économisiez pour les arrhes d’une maison ou encore vous attendez votre retraite prochaine et essayez de maximiser votre épargne. Vos objectifs et vos besoins évoluent au fil des étapes de la vie. De plus, le monde est bien différent de ce qu’il était trente ans en arrière, ainsi, le point de vue de personnes issues d'une autre génération peut ne pas être applicable à votre propre parcours financier. Quelle que soit votre situation, il est important d’avoir un plan qui vous permet de répondre à vos besoins immédiats, tout en œuvrant pour atteindre vos objectifs à long terme.
Priorité aux objectifs. Pour ce qui est de se fixer des objectifs, le plus important est de choisir des objectifs précis et réalisables. Si vos objectifs ont des résultats tangibles, ils sont plus faciles à mesurer et à apprécier. N’oubliez pas que tout le monde est différent et que vos objectifs ne seront pas forcément les mêmes que ceux de vos amis ou collègues.
Soyez prévoyant. Bien qu’une attention toute particulière soit accordée à la création d’une richesse suffisante pour la retraite, nous sommes trop nombreux à sous-estimer trois risques plus immédiats, à savoir un décès prématuré, une maladie ou une blessure et les dépenses imprévues associées qui pourraient nous mettre à mal financièrement. Une assurance personnelle appropriée peut atténuer ces risques immédiatement, sans compromettre vos objectifs financiers.
Demandez conseil. Avant tout, un bon conseiller financier écoutera vos idées et vous aidera à préciser vos objectifs. Il vous aidera ensuite à élaborer un plan pour vous aider à atteindre ces objectifs. N’oubliez pas qu’il est conseillé de le laisser vous accompagner dans la durée. Vos finances et vos investissements ne seront jamais définitifs car les circonstances économiques et personnelles changent. Vous avez donc besoin d’un spécialiste à vos côtés pour vous guider dans les périodes difficiles, comme prospères. Un spécialiste qui comprend vos rêves, votre attitude et vos ressources et qui a les compétences requises pour vous maintenir sur la bonne voie. Il est utile d’avoir un partenaire qui vous aide à trouver et à rester sur la bonne voie en termes de finances.
Wie finden Sie den für Sie richtigen finanziellen Weg? Wenn es um persönliche Finanzen und die Möglichkeiten zur Vermögensbildung geht, hat jeder eine Meinung – und eine bevorzugte Methode, um Vermögen zu vermehren.
Das kann Ihr Nachbar sein, der Ihnen gerne Börsentipps gibt, Ihr Arbeitskollege mit seinem nicht enden wollenden Vorrat an Ideen, die schnellen Reichtum versprechen, oder Ihre Schwiegermutter, die eine eher besonnene und konservative Strategie bevorzugt. Tatsächlich gibt es keine allgemeingültige Methode, um Vermögen aufzubauen und die Zukunft abzusichern. Jeder hat unterschiedliche Ziele und Vorlieben und ein anderes Komfortniveau. Bevor Sie Ihren individuellen finanziellen Weg einschlagen, sollten Sie ein paar Dinge beachten.
Ihr bevorzugter Lebensstil. Hier geht es darum zu verstehen, was Ihnen im Leben wichtig ist und was Ihrem Dasein Sinn verleiht. Erfolg bedeutet nicht für alle Menschen dasselbe. Für manche ist es ein großes Haus, zwei Autos und eine Club-Mitgliedschaft. Für andere ist es die Möglichkeit, einmal im Jahr eine Auslandsreise zu unternehmen. Wieder andere träumen vielleicht davon, ihr Leben von Grund auf umzukrempeln und in den Vorruhestand zugehen. Ihre Vorstellung vom perfekten Leben muss sich nicht mit der anderer Menschen decken. Finden Sie selbst heraus, welcher Lebensstil Ihrem Wesen entspricht, setzen Sie sich Finanzziele und arbeiten Sie einen Plan aus, der Ihnen zu finanzieller Unabhängigkeit verhilft.
Bedenken Sie auch, in welchem Lebensabschnitt Sie sich befinden. Vielleicht sind Sie auf der Karriereleiter noch recht weit unten und haben gerade erst begonnen, Vermögen aufzubauen, vielleicht möchten Sie eine Familie gründen und sparen auf die Anzahlung für ein Haus oder Sie haben bereits den Ruhestand im Blick und versuchen, Ihre Ersparnisse zu maximieren. Ihre Ziele und Bedürfnisse ändern sich im Verlauf Ihres Lebens. Außerdem ist die Welt heute ein ganz anderer Ort als noch vor dreißig Jahren. Damit ist gemeint, dass sich die Sichtweise der Generationen vor Ihnen möglicherweise nicht auf Ihren finanziellen Weg übertragen lässt. Wie auch immer Ihre aktuelle Situation aussehen mag, es ist wichtig, einen Plan zu haben, der Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihre unmittelbaren Bedürfnisse zu decken und Sie gleichzeitig Ihren langfristigen Zielen näherzubringen.
Konzentrieren Sie sich auf Ihre Ziele. Wenn Sie sich Ziele setzen, kommt es vor allem darauf an, dass sie konkret und erreichbar sind. Wenn Ziele greifbare Ergebnisse haben, sind Sie leichter zu messen und zu belohnen. Denken Sie auch hier daran, dass jeder anders ist und Ihre Ziele sich nicht unbedingt mit denen Ihrer Freunde oder Kollegen decken.
Schützen Sie sich vor unvorhergesehenen Ereignissen. Dem Aufbau von Reichtum und Wohlstand für den Ruhestand gilt eine ganze Menge Aufmerksamkeit, aber drei unmittelbare Risiken werden allzu oft unterschätzt – vorzeitiger Tod, Krankheit oder Verletzung und die damit einhergehenden Ausgaben, die uns finanziell ruinieren könnten. Der Abschluss einer geeigneten Personenversicherung kann diese Risiken sofort mindern und Sie hinsichtlich Ihrer finanziellen Ziele auf Kurs halten.
Nehmen Sie Orientierungshilfe und Beratung in Anspruch. Zuallererst wird ein guter Finanzberater ein offenes Ohr für Ihre Ideen haben und Ihnen helfen, sich über Ihre Ziele klar zu werden. Dann wird er Sie beim Erstellen eines Plans unterstützen, der Ihnen helfen wird, diese Ziele zu erreichen. Und nicht zu vergessen – er sollte auf Dauer für Sie da sein. Denn Ihre Finanzen und Investitionen sind kein einmaliges Projekt, um das man sich nicht mehr kümmern muss, wenn es einmal abgeschlossen ist. Im Zuge wirtschaftlicher Veränderungen ändern sich auch Ihre Umstände. Dann brauchen Sie einen Fachmann an Ihrer Seite, der Sie durch schwere Zeiten geleitet und bei unerwartetem Geldsegen berät. Sie brauchen jemanden, der Ihre Träume, Lebenseinstellung und Ressourcen versteht und die nötigen Fähigkeiten besitzt, um Sie auf dem richtigen Kurs zu halten. Einen Partner zu haben, der mit Ihnen zusammenarbeitet und Ihnen hilft, Ihren finanziellen Weg zu finden und auf ihm zu bleiben, ist von großem Vorteil.
Come si fa a trovare il proprio percorso finanziario? Quando si tratta delle finanze personali e dei modi per incrementare la propria ricchezza, parrebbe che ognuno abbia un’opinione ed un percorso preferito per accumulare averi.
Dal vicino della porta accanto che ama dare dritte sugli investimenti in borsa, all’amico al lavoro che illustra continuamente schemi per arricchirsi rapidamente, alla suocera che propone un approccio più prudente, lento e costante in stile “nascondili sotto il materasso”. La verità è che non esiste un approccio univoco che vada bene per tutti per generare ricchezza e prepararti ad andare incontro al futuro. Ognuno possiede obiettivi, preferenze e livelli di benessere diversi. Nel decidere il tuo personale percorso finanziario, devi tenere conto di alcuni elementi.
Stile di vita preferito. È necessario capire cosa conta per te nella vita e cosa renderà significativa la tua esistenza. La parola successo assume significati diversi in base alle persone chiamate in causa. Per alcuni, vuol dire avere una grande casa, due macchine ed essere socio di un club. Per altri, significa poter fare un viaggio oltreoceano una volta all’anno. Altri potrebbero ancora sognare un cambiamento radicale e un pensionamento anticipato. Non è detto che tra questi esempi di situazioni ideali ci sia quella che fa per te. Devi solo impegnarti ad ottenere lo stile di vita che desideri, impostare gli obiettivi finanziari e fare un piano che ti consenta di conseguire la libertà economica.
Vale anche la pena fare un bilancio per capire in quale fase della vita ti trovi. Potresti essere solo all’inizio della carriera, in cui cominci a crearti il patrimonio, potresti pensare a farti una famiglia e a risparmiare per mettere da parte un deposito per la casa, oppure cominciare a pensare alla pensione e provare ad ottimizzare i risparmi. Gli obiettivi e le esigenze cambiano in base alla fase della vita in cui ti trovi. Inoltre, il mondo è molto diverso rispetto a trent’anni fa, quindi la prospettiva di altre generazioni potrebbe non essere idonea al tuo percorso finanziario. Qualunque sia la fase in cui ti trovi, è importante avere un piano che ti consenta sia di soddisfare le tue immediate esigenze che di lavorare sugli obiettivi a lungo termine.
Concentrati su obietti e traguardi. Quando imposti gli obiettivi, è importante che siano precisi e raggiungibili. Se gli obiettivi mirano a dei risultati tangibili, è facile valutarli e sentirsi gratificato. Inoltre, tieni presente che ognuno è diverso e i tuoi obiettivi non rispecchiano necessariamente quelli dei tuoi amici e colleghi.
Proteggiti dagli imprevisti. Mentre viene dedicata molta attenzione alla creazione di un vasto patrimonio per la pensione, troppi di noi sottovalutano tre rischi più immediati: morte prematura, malattia o infortunio e le relative spese vive che potrebbero indebolire le finanze. Stipulando un’idonea assicurazione personale è possibile attenuare immediatamente questi rischi restando sulla pista giusta che porta agli obiettivi e ai traguardi finanziari.
Chiedere assistenza e consulenza. Innanzitutto, un buon consulente finanziario fungerà da cassa di risonanza facendo saltare fuori idee e aiutandoti a chiarire gli obiettivi. Poi ti assisterà nella creazione di un piano che ti aiuterà a raggiungere questi obiettivi. E non dimenticare, dovrà rimanerti accanto nel lungo termine. Le tue finanze e i tuoi investimenti non devono mai essere impostati e poi dimenticati: le circostanze economiche cambiano quindi anche loro dovranno adattarsi e mutare. Di conseguenza, avrai bisogno di un esperto dalla tua parte che ti guidi nei momenti difficili e negli imprevisti, una persona che capisca i tuoi sogni, la tua mentalità e le tue risorse e che abbia le competenze per tenerti sulla pista giusta. È ottimo avere un consulente che lavori insieme a te lungo questo cammino per aiutarti a trovare e restare sulla giusta strada finanziaria.
Comment trouver sa voie sur le plan financier ? Il semble que tout le monde ait sa propre conception et sa propre approche de la gestion des finances personnelles et de la manière de faire fructifier son patrimoine.
De votre voisin qui aime partager ses conseils sur le marché boursier à votre collègue de travail qui n’est jamais à court d’idées pour devenir riche rapidement, en passant par votre belle-mère qui opte pour une épargne plus prudente « dans un bas de laine », la variété ne manque pas. La vérité est qu’il n’existe pas d’approche universelle pour constituer un patrimoine et bien se préparer financièrement pour l’avenir. Tout le monde a des objectifs, des préférences et des niveaux de confort différents. Prenez cependant en compte les points suivants lorsque vous décidez de votre propre voie à suivre sur le plan financier.
Votre mode de vie privilégié. Il s’agit de comprendre ce qui est précieux pour vous dans la vie et ce qui va contribuer à une existence agréable. La réussite se traduit par différentes choses pour différentes personnes. Pour certaines, elle s'exprime par une grande maison, deux voitures et l'adhésion à un club privé. Pour d’autres, il s’agit de voyager à l’étranger une fois par an. D’autres encore rêvent d’un changement radical et d’une retraite anticipée. Peu importe que votre situation idéale ne soit pas celle des autres. Il vous suffit simplement de déterminer le mode de vie que vous voulez, de vous fixer des objectifs financiers et d’élaborer une stratégie pour atteindre l’indépendance financière.
Tenez compte également de l'étape à laquelle vous êtes actuellement. Peut-être venez-vous juste de commencer votre carrière et de créer votre patrimoine, ou envisagez-vous de fonder une famille et vous économisiez pour les arrhes d’une maison ou encore vous attendez votre retraite prochaine et essayez de maximiser votre épargne. Vos objectifs et vos besoins évoluent au fil des étapes de la vie. De plus, le monde est bien différent de ce qu’il était trente ans en arrière, ainsi, le point de vue de personnes issues d'une autre génération peut ne pas être applicable à votre propre parcours financier. Quelle que soit votre situation, il est important d’avoir un plan qui vous permet de répondre à vos besoins immédiats, tout en œuvrant pour atteindre vos objectifs à long terme.
Priorité aux objectifs. Pour ce qui est de se fixer des objectifs, le plus important est de choisir des objectifs précis et réalisables. Si vos objectifs ont des résultats tangibles, ils sont plus faciles à mesurer et à apprécier. N’oubliez pas que tout le monde est différent et que vos objectifs ne seront pas forcément les mêmes que ceux de vos amis ou collègues.
Soyez prévoyant. Bien qu’une attention toute particulière soit accordée à la création d’une richesse suffisante pour la retraite, nous sommes trop nombreux à sous-estimer trois risques plus immédiats, à savoir un décès prématuré, une maladie ou une blessure et les dépenses imprévues associées qui pourraient nous mettre à mal financièrement. Une assurance personnelle appropriée peut atténuer ces risques immédiatement, sans compromettre vos objectifs financiers.
Demandez conseil. Avant tout, un bon conseiller financier écoutera vos idées et vous aidera à préciser vos objectifs. Il vous aidera ensuite à élaborer un plan pour vous aider à atteindre ces objectifs. N’oubliez pas qu’il est conseillé de le laisser vous accompagner dans la durée. Vos finances et vos investissements ne seront jamais définitifs car les circonstances économiques et personnelles changent. Vous avez donc besoin d’un spécialiste à vos côtés pour vous guider dans les périodes difficiles, comme prospères. Un spécialiste qui comprend vos rêves, votre attitude et vos ressources et qui a les compétences requises pour vous maintenir sur la bonne voie. Il est utile d’avoir un partenaire qui vous aide à trouver et à rester sur la bonne voie en termes de finances.
Come si fa a trovare il proprio percorso finanziario? Quando si tratta delle finanze personali e dei modi per incrementare la propria ricchezza, parrebbe che ognuno abbia un’opinione ed un percorso preferito per accumulare averi.
Dal vicino della porta accanto che ama dare dritte sugli investimenti in borsa, all’amico al lavoro che illustra continuamente schemi per arricchirsi rapidamente, alla suocera che propone un approccio più prudente, lento e costante in stile “nascondili sotto il materasso”. La verità è che non esiste un approccio univoco che vada bene per tutti per generare ricchezza e prepararti ad andare incontro al futuro. Ognuno possiede obiettivi, preferenze e livelli di benessere diversi. Nel decidere il tuo personale percorso finanziario, devi tenere conto di alcuni elementi.
Stile di vita preferito. È necessario capire cosa conta per te nella vita e cosa renderà significativa la tua esistenza. La parola successo assume significati diversi in base alle persone chiamate in causa. Per alcuni, vuol dire avere una grande casa, due macchine ed essere socio di un club. Per altri, significa poter fare un viaggio oltreoceano una volta all’anno. Altri potrebbero ancora sognare un cambiamento radicale e un pensionamento anticipato. Non è detto che tra questi esempi di situazioni ideali ci sia quella che fa per te. Devi solo impegnarti ad ottenere lo stile di vita che desideri, impostare gli obiettivi finanziari e fare un piano che ti consenta di conseguire la libertà economica.
Vale anche la pena fare un bilancio per capire in quale fase della vita ti trovi. Potresti essere solo all’inizio della carriera, in cui cominci a crearti il patrimonio, potresti pensare a farti una famiglia e a risparmiare per mettere da parte un deposito per la casa, oppure cominciare a pensare alla pensione e provare ad ottimizzare i risparmi. Gli obiettivi e le esigenze cambiano in base alla fase della vita in cui ti trovi. Inoltre, il mondo è molto diverso rispetto a trent’anni fa, quindi la prospettiva di altre generazioni potrebbe non essere idonea al tuo percorso finanziario. Qualunque sia la fase in cui ti trovi, è importante avere un piano che ti consenta sia di soddisfare le tue immediate esigenze che di lavorare sugli obiettivi a lungo termine.
Concentrati su obietti e traguardi. Quando imposti gli obiettivi, è importante che siano precisi e raggiungibili. Se gli obiettivi mirano a dei risultati tangibili, è facile valutarli e sentirsi gratificato. Inoltre, tieni presente che ognuno è diverso e i tuoi obiettivi non rispecchiano necessariamente quelli dei tuoi amici e colleghi.
Proteggiti dagli imprevisti. Mentre viene dedicata molta attenzione alla creazione di un vasto patrimonio per la pensione, troppi di noi sottovalutano tre rischi più immediati: morte prematura, malattia o infortunio e le relative spese vive che potrebbero indebolire le finanze. Stipulando un’idonea assicurazione personale è possibile attenuare immediatamente questi rischi restando sulla pista giusta che porta agli obiettivi e ai traguardi finanziari.
Chiedere assistenza e consulenza. Innanzitutto, un buon consulente finanziario fungerà da cassa di risonanza facendo saltare fuori idee e aiutandoti a chiarire gli obiettivi. Poi ti assisterà nella creazione di un piano che ti aiuterà a raggiungere questi obiettivi. E non dimenticare, dovrà rimanerti accanto nel lungo termine. Le tue finanze e i tuoi investimenti non devono mai essere impostati e poi dimenticati: le circostanze economiche cambiano quindi anche loro dovranno adattarsi e mutare. Di conseguenza, avrai bisogno di un esperto dalla tua parte che ti guidi nei momenti difficili e negli imprevisti, una persona che capisca i tuoi sogni, la tua mentalità e le tue risorse e che abbia le competenze per tenerti sulla pista giusta. È ottimo avere un consulente che lavori insieme a te lungo questo cammino per aiutarti a trovare e restare sulla giusta strada finanziaria.
Wie finden Sie den für Sie richtigen finanziellen Weg? Wenn es um persönliche Finanzen und die Möglichkeiten zur Vermögensbildung geht, hat jeder eine Meinung – und eine bevorzugte Methode, um Vermögen zu vermehren.
Das kann Ihr Nachbar sein, der Ihnen gerne Börsentipps gibt, Ihr Arbeitskollege mit seinem nicht enden wollenden Vorrat an Ideen, die schnellen Reichtum versprechen, oder Ihre Schwiegermutter, die eine eher besonnene und konservative Strategie bevorzugt. Tatsächlich gibt es keine allgemeingültige Methode, um Vermögen aufzubauen und die Zukunft abzusichern. Jeder hat unterschiedliche Ziele und Vorlieben und ein anderes Komfortniveau. Bevor Sie Ihren individuellen finanziellen Weg einschlagen, sollten Sie ein paar Dinge beachten.
Ihr bevorzugter Lebensstil. Hier geht es darum zu verstehen, was Ihnen im Leben wichtig ist und was Ihrem Dasein Sinn verleiht. Erfolg bedeutet nicht für alle Menschen dasselbe. Für manche ist es ein großes Haus, zwei Autos und eine Club-Mitgliedschaft. Für andere ist es die Möglichkeit, einmal im Jahr eine Auslandsreise zu unternehmen. Wieder andere träumen vielleicht davon, ihr Leben von Grund auf umzukrempeln und in den Vorruhestand zugehen. Ihre Vorstellung vom perfekten Leben muss sich nicht mit der anderer Menschen decken. Finden Sie selbst heraus, welcher Lebensstil Ihrem Wesen entspricht, setzen Sie sich Finanzziele und arbeiten Sie einen Plan aus, der Ihnen zu finanzieller Unabhängigkeit verhilft.
Bedenken Sie auch, in welchem Lebensabschnitt Sie sich befinden. Vielleicht sind Sie auf der Karriereleiter noch recht weit unten und haben gerade erst begonnen, Vermögen aufzubauen, vielleicht möchten Sie eine Familie gründen und sparen auf die Anzahlung für ein Haus oder Sie haben bereits den Ruhestand im Blick und versuchen, Ihre Ersparnisse zu maximieren. Ihre Ziele und Bedürfnisse ändern sich im Verlauf Ihres Lebens. Außerdem ist die Welt heute ein ganz anderer Ort als noch vor dreißig Jahren. Damit ist gemeint, dass sich die Sichtweise der Generationen vor Ihnen möglicherweise nicht auf Ihren finanziellen Weg übertragen lässt. Wie auch immer Ihre aktuelle Situation aussehen mag, es ist wichtig, einen Plan zu haben, der Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihre unmittelbaren Bedürfnisse zu decken und Sie gleichzeitig Ihren langfristigen Zielen näherzubringen.
Konzentrieren Sie sich auf Ihre Ziele. Wenn Sie sich Ziele setzen, kommt es vor allem darauf an, dass sie konkret und erreichbar sind. Wenn Ziele greifbare Ergebnisse haben, sind Sie leichter zu messen und zu belohnen. Denken Sie auch hier daran, dass jeder anders ist und Ihre Ziele sich nicht unbedingt mit denen Ihrer Freunde oder Kollegen decken.
Schützen Sie sich vor unvorhergesehenen Ereignissen. Dem Aufbau von Reichtum und Wohlstand für den Ruhestand gilt eine ganze Menge Aufmerksamkeit, aber drei unmittelbare Risiken werden allzu oft unterschätzt – vorzeitiger Tod, Krankheit oder Verletzung und die damit einhergehenden Ausgaben, die uns finanziell ruinieren könnten. Der Abschluss einer geeigneten Personenversicherung kann diese Risiken sofort mindern und Sie hinsichtlich Ihrer finanziellen Ziele auf Kurs halten.
Nehmen Sie Orientierungshilfe und Beratung in Anspruch. Zuallererst wird ein guter Finanzberater ein offenes Ohr für Ihre Ideen haben und Ihnen helfen, sich über Ihre Ziele klar zu werden. Dann wird er Sie beim Erstellen eines Plans unterstützen, der Ihnen helfen wird, diese Ziele zu erreichen. Und nicht zu vergessen – er sollte auf Dauer für Sie da sein. Denn Ihre Finanzen und Investitionen sind kein einmaliges Projekt, um das man sich nicht mehr kümmern muss, wenn es einmal abgeschlossen ist. Im Zuge wirtschaftlicher Veränderungen ändern sich auch Ihre Umstände. Dann brauchen Sie einen Fachmann an Ihrer Seite, der Sie durch schwere Zeiten geleitet und bei unerwartetem Geldsegen berät. Sie brauchen jemanden, der Ihre Träume, Lebenseinstellung und Ressourcen versteht und die nötigen Fähigkeiten besitzt, um Sie auf dem richtigen Kurs zu halten. Einen Partner zu haben, der mit Ihnen zusammenarbeitet und Ihnen hilft, Ihren finanziellen Weg zu finden und auf ihm zu bleiben, ist von großem Vorteil.
Finansal yönünüzü nasıl bulursunuz? Konu finans ve geleceğe Yatırım olduğunda herkesin kendince bir fikri ve takip etmek istediği yol olabilir.
Borsa tüyolarını sizinle paylaşmak ve sizi hızlıca zengin etme firkirleri olan arkadaşlarınız olabilir. Kayınvalideniz size “yastık altı” yatırımlarla daha istikrarlı ve yavaş bir birikim yolu önerebilir. Gerçek şu ki, herkese uyan tek bir yaklaşım yoktur. Herkesin farklı amaçları, tercihleri ve beklentileri vardır. Kendi finansal yönünüze karar verirken, göz önünde bulundurmanız gereken birkaç şey vardır.
Yaşam tarzınızBu, hayatta neye değer verdiğinizi ve varlığınızı neyin anlamlı kılacağını anlamakla ilgilidir. Başarı, farklı insanlar için farklı anlamlar ifade eder. Bazıları için büyük bir ev, iki araba ve kulüp üyeliği iken bazıları için ise yılda bir kez yurtdışı gezisidir. Kimisi ise deniz kenarında geçireceği bir erken emeklilik hayali kuruyor olabilir. Başkalarının ideal yaşam fikirlerini benimsemek zorunda değilsiniz. Sadece istediğiniz yaşam tarzını bulmanız, finansal hedefler belirlemeniz ve finansal özgürlüğe ulaşmanızı sağlayacak bir plan yapmanız gerekiyor.
Yaşam döngüsünde hangi aşamada olduğunuz da değerlendirmeye değer. Kariyerinizin başında ve geleceğinizi henüz inşa etmeye başlamış, bir aile kurmayı hedeflemiş, emekliliğinizi planlıyor veya ev satın almaya çalışıyor olabilirsiniz Hayatta ilerledikçe hedefleriniz ve ihtiyaçlarınız da değişir. Dahası, dünya otuz yıl önce olduğundan çok daha farklı bir yer, yani farklı jenerasyonlara ait kişilerin perspektifi kendi finansal yönünüz için geçerli olmayabilir. Nerede olursanız olun, acil ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılamanın yanı sıra uzun vadeli hedeflerinize doğru çalışmanızı sağlayacak bir plana sahip olmak önemlidir.Hedeflerinize odaklanın. Hedef belirleme söz konusu olduğunda önemli nokta hedeflerin kesin ve ulaşılabilir olmasıdır. Hedeflerin somut sonuçları varsa ölçmek daha kolaydır. Yine, herkesin farklı olduğunu ve sizin hedeflerinizin, yaşıtlarınızın veya meslektaşlarınızın hedeflerini yansıtmayabileceğini unutmayın.
Beklenmedik durumlara hazır olun. Emeklilik için yatırım yaparken
çoğumuz üç önemli riski hafife alıyoruz - erken vefat, hastalık veya maluliyet, finansal olarak zorlayacak bazı harcamalar. İhtiyaçlarınıza uygun bir sigorta satın almak; bu riskleri azaltıp, finansal hedeflerinize ulaşmanıza yardımcı olabilir.
Profesyonel tavsiye alın. Her şeyden önce, iyi bir finansal danışman; hedeflerinizi netleştirmenizde ve konuya odaklanmanızda yardımcı olacaktır. Size bu hedeflere ulaşmanızı sağlayacak uzun vadeli bir plan sunar. Finansal yönünüz ve yatırımlarınız asla 'bir seferlik belirlenip, unutulamaz'. Ekonomik şartlar değiştikçe planınız da değişecektir. O zaman ihtiyacınız olan şey, hayatınız boyuncaki değişimlerde size yol gösterecek bir uzmandır. Finansal yönünüzü bulmanıza ve bu yöne sadık kalmanıza yardımcı olmak için bu yolculukta sizinle birlikte çalışacak bir iş ortağına sahip olmak iyidir.
意外事故發生時的保障:儘管大多數人非常關注是否能為退休生活存足退休金,但我們可能低估了另外三種直接風險 – 過早的死亡、疾病、意外傷害而產生的相關費用,這些事故的發生將造成我們在財務上的損失。購買適當的人身保險可以減輕這些風險,協助我們步入實現理財目標的道路。
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed’ approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further, the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
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The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice. Aon can’t provide personalised investment advice or make personalised recommendations – we therefore suggest that you speak to an authorised financial adviser if you want to understand any of these concepts in the context of your personal situation.
How do you find your own financial path? When it comes to personal finances and ways to build your wealth it seems that everyone has an opinion – and a preferred pathway for wealth accrual.
From your next-door neighbour who likes to share his stock market tips to your friend at work who has a constant stream of ‘get rich quick’ schemes, to your mother-in-law who exposes a more prudent ‘slow and steady, hide it under the bed” approach. The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to generating wealth and setting yourself up for the future. Everyone has different objectives, preferences and levels of comfort. When deciding on your own financial path, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Your preferred lifestyle. This is about understanding what you value in life and what’s going to make your existence meaningful. Success means different things for different people. For some, it’s a big house, two cars, and club membership. For others, it’s being able to take an overseas trip once a year. Others still might be dreaming of a sea change and an early retirement. You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s idea of an ideal situation. You just need to work out the lifestyle you want, set financial goals and a plan that allow you to achieve financial freedom.
It’s also worth taking stock of what stage of life you’re in. You may be just at the start of your career and beginning to build your wealth, thinking of starting a family and saving for a home deposit or setting your sights on retirement and trying to maximise your savings pot. Your goals and needs shift as you move through life. Further the world’s a very different place to what it was thirty years ago, meaning the perspective of those in different generations may not be applicable to your own financial pathway. No matter where you’re at, it’s important to have a plan that enables you to meet your immediate needs as well as work towards your long-term goals.
Focus on your goals and objectives. When it comes to goal setting the important thing is to make them precise and achievable. If goals have tangible outcomes they are easier to measure and reward. Again, keep in mind that everyone is different, and your goals won’t necessarily mirror those of your peers or colleagues.
Protect from the unexpected. Whilst much attention is given to creating ample wealth for retirement, too many of us underestimate three more immediate risks - premature death, illness or injury, and the associated out-of-pocket expenses which could cripple us financially. Implementing appropriate personal insurance can mitigate these risks immediately and keep you on track in meeting your financial goals and objectives.
Seek Guidance and Advice. First and foremost, a good financial advisor will listen be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off and help you clarify your goals. They will then assist you in creating a plan that’s going to help you achieve those goals. And don’t forget, they should be in it for the long haul. Your finances and investments can never be a ‘set and forget,’ for just as economic circumstances change so will your own. What you need then is an expert in your corner guiding you through the rough times and the windfalls. One who understands your dreams, attitude and resources – who has the skills to keep you on the right track. It’s good to have a partner to work with you on the journey to help you find and stay on your financial path.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Vietnam Limited with its Establishment and Operation License No. 26/GP-KDBH . Aon Vietnam Limited is a licensed insurance broker regulated by the Ministry of Finance in Vietnam. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information
Làm thế nào để bạn tìm thấy con đường tài chính của riêng bạn? Khi nói đến tài chính cá nhân và cách để giàu có, dường như mọi người đều có ý kiến - và cách ưa thích là tích lũy của cải.
Từ người hàng xóm nhà bên, người thích chia sẻ những lời khuyên về thị trường chứng khoán cho bạn tại nơi làm việc, người luôn có kế hoạch 'làm giàu nhanh chóng', đến mẹ chồng của bạn, người thẳng tính nhưng có cách tiếp cận “chậm mà chắc, bí kiếp giấu dưới gầm giường”. Sự thật là không có cách tiếp cận phù hợp để giàu có và thiết lập cho tương lai. Mỗi người có mục tiêu, sở thích và mức độ thoải mái khác nhau. Khi quyết định con đường tài chính của riêng bạn, có một vài điều mà bạn cần xem xét.
Lối sống ưa thích của bạn. Đây là hiểu về những gì bạn trân trọng trong cuộc sống và những gì làm cho cuộc sống của bạn có ý nghĩa. Thành công có nghĩa khác nhau đối với những người khác nhau. Đối với một số người, là có một ngôi nhà lớn, hai chiếc xe và là hội viên của các câu lạc bộ. Đối với những người khác, là có thể thực hiện một chuyến đi nước ngoài mỗi năm một lần. Còn những người khác mơ về biển cả và nghỉ hưu sớm. Bạn không cần phải phù hợp với ý tưởng của bất cứ ai. Bạn chỉ cần thực hiện lối sống mà bạn muốn, đặt ra các mục tiêu tài chính và một kế hoạch cho phép bạn đạt được tự do tài chính.
Bạn cũng nên nắm bắt giai đoạn của cuộc đời. Bạn có thể chỉ mới bắt đầu sự nghiệp và bắt đầu xây dựng sự giàu có của mình, hãy nghĩ đến việc xây dựng một gia đình và tiết kiệm tiền ký gửi hoặc đặt mục tiêu nghỉ hưu và cố gắng tối đa hóa tiết kiệm của bạn. Mục tiêu và nhu cầu của bạn thay đổi khi bạn thay đổi trong cuộc sống. Hơn nữa, thế giới đã rất khác so với ba mươi năm trước, nghĩa là quan điểm của những người khác thế hệ có thể không phù hợp với con đường tài chính của riêng bạn. Bất kể bạn ở đâu, bạn cũng có một kế hoạch cho phép bạn đáp ứng nhu cầu trước mắt cũng như hướng tới các mục tiêu dài hạn của bạn.
Tập trung vào mục tiêu của bạn. Khi nói đến xây dựng mục tiêu, điều quan trọng là xây dựng chính xác để có thể đạt được. Nếu mục tiêu có kết quả rõ ràng, sẽ dễ đo lường và khen thưởng hơn. Một lần nữa, hãy nhớ rằng mọi người đều khác biệt và mục tiêu của bạn không nhất thiết phải giống mục tiêu của đồng nghiệp hoặc bạn bè bạn.
Bảo vệ khỏi những điều bất ngờ. Mặc dù mọi người rất quan tâm đến tích lũy để nghỉ hưu nhưng quá nhiều người trong chúng ta đánh giá thấp ba rủi ro trước mắt - tử vong sớm, bệnh tật hoặc chấn thương và các khoản chi quá mức có thể làm tê liệt tài chính của chúng ta. Có kế hoạch bảo hiểm cá nhân phù hợp có thể giảm thiểu những rủi ro này ngay lập tức và giúp bạn đi đúng hướng trong việc đáp ứng các mục tiêu tài chính.
Tìm kiếm Hướng dẫn và Tư vấn. Đầu tiên và quan trọng nhất, một cố vấn tài chính giỏi sẽ lắng nghe bạn để đưa ra ý tưởng và giúp bạn làm rõ mục tiêu của mình. Sau đó, họ sẽ hỗ trợ bạn trong việc lập kế hoạch giúp bạn đạt được những mục tiêu đó. Và đừng quên, họ nên theo dõi lâu dài. Tài chính và đầu tư của bạn không nên bị quên lãng, vì tình hình kinh tế cũng như bản thân bạn sẽ thay đổi. Những gì bạn cần là một chuyên gia hướng dẫn bạn vượt qua thời gian khó khăn. Một người hiểu được ước mơ, thái độ và nguồn lực của bạn – sẽ có kỹ năng giúp bạn đi đúng hướng. Thật tốt khi có một đối tác trên hành trình giúp bạn tìm và tiếp tục con đường tài chính của mình.
Tuyên bố miễn trừ trách nhiệm: Thông tin này được cung cấp bởi Công ty TNHH Aon Việt Nam với Giấy phép Thành lập và Hoạt động số 26/ GP-KDBH. Công ty TNHH Aon Việt Nam là công ty môi giới bảo hiểm được cấp giấy phép dưới sự quản lý của Bộ Tài chính tại Việt Nam. Các thông tin này không tính đến các mục tiêu đầu tư cụ thể, tình hình tài chính hoặc nhu cầu riêng biệt của bất kỳ đối tượng cụ thể nào nhận được tài liệu này. Theo đó, bạn không nên dựa vào hoặc coi tài liệu này như một phương thức thay thế cho sự tư vấn riêng biệt liên quan đến các tình huống cụ thể. Vui lòng tìm kiếm sự tư vấn từ chuyên gia cố vấn tài chính về sự phù hợp của bất kỳ sản phẩm đầu tư nào có tính đến các mục tiêu đầu tư cụ thể, tình hình tài chính hoặc nhu cầu riêng biệt của bạn trước khi bạn cam kết mua sản phẩm đầu tư. Bạn cũng nên có được sự tư vấn chuyên biệt khác khi cần thiết. Thông tin này được cung cấp dựa trên sự trung thực và được cho là chính xác vào thời điểm biên soạn. Chúng tôi không có nghĩa vụ phải cập nhật các tài liệu hoặc sửa chữa bất kỳ thông tin không chính xác nào là những thông tin được làm rõ sau này. Bạn luôn cần phải tham khảo các nguồn thông tin chính hoặc các thông tin chính xác hơn hoặc cập nhật hơn.
คุณจะหาเส้นทางทางการเงินของตัวเองได้อย่างไร เมื่อพูดถึงเรื่องการเงินส่วนบุคคลและวิธีสร้างความมั่งคั่งของคุณ ดูเหมือนว่าทุกคนต่างมีความคิดเห็นและเส้นทางที่ต้องการในการเพิ่มความมั่งคั่ง
ตั้งแต่เพื่อนบ้านของคุณที่ชอบแบ่งปันเคล็ดลับการลงทุนในตลาดหุ้นของเขา หรือเพื่อนร่วมงานของคุณที่มีแผน 'รวยทันใจ' อย่างต่อเนื่อง ไปจนถึงแม่ยายของคุณที่เปิดเผยวิธี ‘ช้าแต่มั่นคงด้วยการแอบซุกไว้ใต้เตียง’ อย่างชาญฉลาด ความจริงก็คือไม่มีวิธีใดที่เหมาะสมกับทุกคนในการสร้างความมั่งคั่งและเตรียมตัวเองให้พร้อมสำหรับอนาคต ทุกคนมีวัตถุประสงค์ ความชื่นชอบ และระดับความสะดวกสบายที่แตกต่างกัน ในการตัดสินใจเส้นทางทางการเงินของคุณ มีบางสิ่งที่คุณต้องพิจารณา
วิถีชีวิตที่คุณต้องการ ซึ่งเกี่ยวกับความเข้าใจว่าคุณให้คุณค่ากับอะไรในชีวิต และสิ่งใดที่จะทำให้การดำรงอยู่ของคุณมีความหมาย ความสำเร็จมีความหมายที่แตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละคน สำหรับบางคนคือการมีบ้านหลังใหญ่ รถสองคัน และเป็นสมาชิกสโมสร สำหรับบางคนคือการได้ไปเที่ยวต่างประเทศปีละครั้ง บางคนอาจยังคงฝันถึงความเปลี่ยนแปลงขนานใหญ่และการเกษียณอายุก่อนกำหนด คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องปรับตัวเองให้ตรงกับความคิดของคนอื่นเรื่องสภาวะอุดมคติ เพียงแค่คุณต้องค่อยๆ สร้างวิถีชีวิตที่คุณต้องการ กำหนดเป้าหมายทางการเงิน และวางแผนที่ช่วยให้คุณบรรลุอิสรภาพทางการเงิน
นอกจากนี้ยังควรพิจารณาว่าคุณอยู่ในช่วงใดของชีวิต คุณอาจอยู่ที่จุดเริ่มต้นของอาชีพการงานและการเริ่มสร้างความมั่งคั่ง คิดถึงการเริ่มต้นครอบครัวและการออมทรัพย์เพื่อการมัดจำบ้าน หรือการวางแผนชีวิตหลังเกษียณอายุและพยายามที่จะเพิ่มเงินออมของคุณให้มากที่สุด เป้าหมายและความต้องการของคุณเปลี่ยนไปในขณะที่คุณดำเนินชีวิต ยิ่งไปกว่านั้น โลกในปัจจุบันแตกต่างอย่างมากกับสิ่งที่เคยเป็นสามสิบปีที่ผ่านมา หมายความว่ามุมมองของคนในรุ่นที่แตกต่างกันอาจไม่สามารถใช้ได้กับเส้นทางการเงินของคุณ ไม่ว่าคุณจะอยู่ในจุดใด สิ่งสำคัญคือต้องมีแผนที่ช่วยให้คุณสามารถตอบสนองความต้องการเฉพาะหน้าของคุณ รวมถึงการทำงานเพื่อเป้าหมายระยะยาวของคุณ
เน้นที่เป้าหมายและวัตถุประสงค์ของคุณ เมื่อพูดถึงการตั้งเป้าหมาย สิ่งสำคัญคือการตั้งเป้าหมายให้แน่นอนและสามารถทำได้จริง หากเป้าหมายมีผลลัพธ์ที่เป็นรูปธรรมจะควบคุมและให้ผลตอบแทนได้ง่ายขึ้น อีกครั้ง โปรดจำไว้ว่าทุกคนแตกต่างกัน และเป้าหมายของคุณไม่จำเป็นต้องเหมือนคนรอบข้างหรือเพื่อนร่วมงานของคุณ
ป้องกันจากสิ่งที่ไม่คาดคิด ในขณะที่เราให้ความสนใจอย่างมากกับการสร้างความมั่งคั่งให้เพียงพอสำหรับการเกษียณอายุ หลายๆ คนมองข้ามความเสี่ยงฉับพลันสามประการ นั่นคือการเสียชีวิตก่อนวัยอันควร การเจ็บป่วยหรือการบาดเจ็บ และค่าใช้จ่ายอื่นๆ นอกเหนือจากงบที่มี ซึ่งอาจทำให้เรามีความบกพร่องทางการเงินได้ การดำเนินการประกันภัยส่วนบุคคลที่เหมาะสมสามารถลดความเสี่ยงเหล่านี้ได้ทันที และช่วยให้คุณยังก้าวตามเส้นทางเพื่อบรรลุเป้าหมายและวัตถุประสงค์ทางการเงินของคุณได้
แสวงหาคำแนะนำและข้อคิดเห็น ก่อนอื่นที่สำคัญที่สุด ที่ปรึกษาทางการเงินที่ดีจะรับฟัง เป็นกระจกให้คุณสามารถสะท้อนความคิดออกไปและช่วยคุณทำเป้าหมายให้ชัดเจน พวกเขาจะช่วยคุณสร้างแผนการที่จะช่วยให้คุณบรรลุเป้าหมายเหล่านั้น และอย่าลืมว่าพวกเขาควรจะอยู่ช่วยคุณในระยะยาว การเงินและการลงทุนของคุณไม่สามารถทำแบบ ‘วางแผนแล้วจบ’ ได้เลย เช่นเดียวกันกับสถานการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เปลี่ยนแปลงตลอดเวลา ของคุณก็เช่นกัน ดังนั้นสิ่งที่คุณต้องการคือผู้เชี่ยวชาญใกล้ตัวคุณ ที่คอยนำทางคุณผ่านทั้งช่วงเวลายากลำบากและสิ่งดีๆ ที่คาดไม่ถึง คนที่เข้าใจความฝัน ทัศนคติ และทรัพยากรของคุณ ผู้ที่มีทักษะในการชี้แนะคุณให้ดำเนินไปในทางที่ถูกต้อง เป็นการดีที่มีคู่หูซึ่งจะทำงานร่วมกับคุณระหว่างเส้นทางเพื่อช่วยคุณค้นหาและรักษาย่างก้าวบนเส้นทางทางการเงินของคุณ
Hur finner du din egen ekonomiska kurs? När det gäller privatekonomi och hur man bygger upp en förmögenhet verkar det som att alla har en åsikt och en prioriterad metod för att få pengarna att växa – från grannen som gillar att dela med sig av aktietips till kollegan som har ett konstant flöde av idéer om hur man snabbt blir rik till din svärmor som tillämpar en försiktigare och långsammare ”gömma pengarna under madrassen”-metod. Sanningen är att det inte finns någon universalmetod för att skapa rikedom och förbereda sig inför framtiden. Alla har olika mål, preferenser och komfortnivåer. När du fattar beslut och gör egna ekonomiska val finns det några saker som du måste ta hänsyn till.
Prioriterad livsstil. Det här handlar om en förståelse för vad du värdesätter här i livet och vad som gör din tillvaro meningsfull. Framgång betyder olika saker för olika människor. För en del är det ett stort hus, två bilar och medlemskap i en klubb. För andra är det möjligheten att resa utomlands en gång om året. Någon kanske drömmer om en total förändring och tidig pension. Du behöver inte passa in i någon annans idé om en perfekt situation. Du behöver bara komma fram till vilken livsstil du vill ha, sätta upp ekonomiska mål och en plan som gör det möjligt för dig att bli ekonomiskt oberoende.
Det är också värt att ta en titt på vilken fas i livet du befinner dig i. Du kanske bara är i början av din karriär och har börjat bygga upp en förmögenhet, funderar på att bilda familj och sparar till handpenningen på en bostad eller siktar på att gå i pension och försöker maximera besparingarna. Dina mål och behov förändras under livets gång. Världen ser inte längre ut som den gjorde för trettio år sedan, vilket innebär att människor från andra generationer kan ha ett perspektiv som inte är tillämpligt på just den ekonomiska kurs du väljer. Oavsett var du befinner dig är det viktigt att ha en plan som gör det möjligt för dig att uppfylla de omedelbara behoven samt arbeta mot dina långsiktiga mål.
Fokusera på dina mål och målsättningar. När det gäller dina mål är det viktigt att de är väldefinierade och realistiska. Realistiska mål är enklare att mäta och uppnå. Återigen – kom ihåg att alla är olika och att du inte nödvändigtvis måste ha samma mål som dina jämnåriga eller kollegor.
Skydda dig mot det oväntade. Mycket uppmärksamhet ägnas åt att skapa stora förmögenheter inför pensionen, men alltför många av oss underskattar tre mer omedelbara risker – förtida bortgång, sjukdomar eller skador, och de relaterade direkta utgifter som skulle göra oss ekonomiskt handikappade. Lämpliga personförsäkringar kan omedelbart mildra dessa risker och hjälpa dig att fokusera på att uppfylla finansiella mål och målsättningar.
Sök vägledning och råd. Bra ekonomiska rådgivare är först och främst personer som du kan bolla idéer med och som kan hjälpa dig att tydliggöra dina mål. De hjälper dig sedan att skapa en plan för att uppnå dessa mål. Och glöm inte att de bör vara en hjälp för dig på lång sikt. Dina finanser och investeringar kan aldrig vara huggna i sten eftersom såväl ekonomiska som personliga omständigheter förändras. Vad du sedan behöver är en expert i din ringhörna som hjälper dig att hantera både svåra tider och glada överraskningar. En som förstår dina drömmar, din inställning och dina resurser – som har kompetensen att hålla dig på rätt spår. Det är bra att ha en partner att arbeta med på resan mot att hitta och hålla din ekonomiska kurs.
Bagaimana Anda menemukan jalur keuangan Anda sendiri? Saat membahas keuangan pribadi dan cara untuk membangun kekayaan Anda, tampaknya setiap orang memiliki pendapat – dan jalur yang lebih disukai untuk menambah kekayaan.
Mulai dari tetangga sebelah Anda yang suka membagikan kiat pasar sahamnya, hingga teman Anda di tempat kerja yang terus-menerus memiliki skema “cepat kaya”, hingga ibu mertua Anda yang memperlihatkan cara yang lebih lambat dan mantap namun bijaksana, melalui pendekatan “sembunyikan di bawah tempat tidur”. Yang benar adalah tidak ada satu pendekatan yang sesuai untuk semua orang untuk menghasilkan kekayaan dan menyiapkan diri untuk masa depan. Setiap orang memiliki tujuan, preferensi, dan tingkat kenyamanan yang berbeda. Ketika memutuskan jalur finansial Anda sendiri, ada beberapa hal yang perlu Anda pertimbangkan.
Gaya hidup yang Anda pilih. Ini adalah tentang memahami apa yang Anda hargai dalam hidup dan apa yang akan membuat keberadaan Anda bermakna. Sukses berarti hal yang berbeda untuk orang yang berbeda. Bagi sebagian orang, sukses adalah rumah besar, dua mobil, dan keanggotaan klub. Bagi yang lain, sukses artinya bisa melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri setahun sekali. Yang lain mungkin masih memimpikan perubahan besar dan pensiun dini. Anda tidak harus menyesuaikan diri dengan ide orang lain tentang situasi yang ideal. Anda hanya perlu mengerjakan gaya hidup yang Anda inginkan, menetapkan tujuan finansial, dan sebuah rencana yang membantu Anda mencapai kebebasan finansial.
Anda juga perlu mempertimbangkan tahapan kehidupan Anda saat ini. Anda mungkin baru berada di awal karier dan mulai membangun kekayaan Anda, berpikir untuk memulai sebuah keluarga dan menabung untuk uang muka rumah atau mungkin sedang menata pandangan Anda tentang pensiun dan mencoba untuk memaksimalkan tabungan Anda. Tujuan dan kebutuhan Anda bergeser saat Anda menjalani kehidupan. Lebih jauh lagi, dunia adalah tempat yang sangat berbeda dengan apa yang terjadi tiga puluh tahun yang lalu, yang berarti perspektif dari generasi yang berbeda mungkin tidak berlaku untuk jalur keuangan Anda sendiri. Di mana pun Anda berada, Anda harus memiliki rencana yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mendesak Anda serta bekerja menuju sasaran jangka panjang Anda.
Fokuslah pada sasaran dan tujuan Anda. Ketika tiba saatnya untuk penetapan tujuan yang penting adalah membuat tujuan tersebut dengan tepat dan dapat dicapai. Jika tujuan memiliki hasil nyata, tujuan tersebut akan lebih mudah diukur dan dihargai. Sekali lagi, perlu diingat bahwa setiap orang berbeda, dan tujuan Anda tidak harus sama dengan teman atau kolega Anda.
Melindungi dari yang tak terduga. Sementara banyak perhatian diberikan untuk menciptakan banyak kekayaan untuk masa pensiun, terlalu banyak dari kita meremehkan tiga risiko lebih cepat - kematian dini, sakit atau cedera, dan pengeluaran tidak langsung terkait yang dapat melumpuhkan kita secara finansial. Menerapkan asuransi pribadi yang tepat dapat segera mengurangi risiko ini dan membuat Anda tetap pada jalur untuk memenuhi tujuan dan sasaran keuangan Anda.
Carilah Bimbingan dan Nasihat. Pertama dan terutama, penasihat keuangan yang baik akan mendengarkan dan menjadi media bagi Anda untuk memberikan ide dan membantu memperjelas tujuan Anda. Mereka kemudian akan membantu Anda membuat rencana yang akan membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut. Dan jangan lupa, mereka harus menjalankan rencana itu dalam jangka panjang. Keuangan dan investasi Anda tidak akan pernah bisa diposisikan sebagai 'atur lalu lupakan,' karena keadaan ekonomi akan berubah, begitu pula dengan keadaan Anda. Anda membutuhkan seorang ahli di samping Anda, membimbing Anda melalui masa-masa sulit, dan saat Anda menerima rejeki nomplok. Ia adalah orang yang memahami impian, sikap, dan sumber daya Anda – yang memiliki keterampilan untuk membuat Anda tetap di jalur yang benar. Tidak ada salahnya memiliki rekanan yang akan bekerja bersama Anda sepanjang perjalanan untuk membantu Anda menemukan dan tetap berada di jalur keuangan Anda.
Como encontra o seu próprio rumo financeiro? Quando se trata de finanças pessoais e de formas de construir a sua riqueza, parece que todos têm uma opinião e um percurso preferido para aumentar o património.
Desde o vizinho do lado que gosta de partilhar as suas dicas sobre a bolsa de valores ao seu colega de trabalho que está sempre envolvido em esquemas sobre "como enriquecer" ou à sua sogra que prefere uma abordagem mais prudente "lenta e segura de guardar as economias por baixo do colchão". A verdade é que não existe uma abordagem única para gerar riqueza e preparar o seu futuro que seja adequada a todos. Todas as pessoas têm objetivos, preferências e níveis de conforto diferentes. Ao tomar decisões sobre o seu próprio rumo financeiro, existem alguns aspetos a ter em conta.
O seu estilo de vida preferido. É importante compreender o que valoriza na vida e o que dá sentido à sua existência. O sucesso significa coisas diferentes para pessoas diferentes. Para alguns, é uma casa grande, dois carros e ser sócio de um clube. Para outros, é poder fazer uma viagem ao estrangeiro uma vez por ano. Outros podem ainda sonhar com uma mudança radical e com uma reforma antecipada. A sua situação ideal não tem de ser igual à das outras pessoas. Apenas tem de identificar o estilo de vida que pretende, definir objetivos financeiros e um plano que lhe permitam conquistar independência financeira.
Também é importante avaliar em que fase da vida se encontra. Poderá estar apenas a começar a sua carreira e a começar a construir o seu património, a pensar em começar uma família e a poupar para a entrada de uma casa ou a concentrar as suas atenções na reforma e a tentar maximizar as suas poupanças. Os seus objetivos e necessidades mudam ao longo da vida. Além do mais, o mundo é muito diferente do que era há 30 anos, o que significa que a perspetiva de pessoas de gerações diferentes poderá não se aplicar ao seu próprio rumo financeiro. Independentemente da fase em que se encontra, é importante ter um plano que lhe permita dar resposta às suas necessidades imediatas, bem como trabalhar para cumprir os seus objetivos a longo prazo.
Concentre-se nas suas metas e objetivos. Quando se trata de definir objetivos é importante que estes sejam precisos e viáveis. Se os seus objetivos tiverem resultados tangíveis são mais fáceis de avaliar e recompensar. Mais uma vez, tenha em conta que todas as pessoas são diferentes e os seus objetivos não correspondem obrigatoriamente aos dos seus colegas e amigos.
Proteja-se do inesperado. Embora se dê muita atenção à criação de um vasto património para a reforma, muitos de nós sobrestimamos três riscos mais imediatos: morte prematura, doença e lesão, e as despesas associadas que nos podem prejudicar em termos financeiros. O recurso a seguros pessoais adequados pode mitigar imediatamente estes riscos e mantê-lo no rumo certo para atingir as suas metas e objetivos financeiros.
Procure orientação e aconselhamento. Antes de mais, um bom consultor financeiro ajudá-lo-á a analisar as suas ideias e a clarificar os seus objetivos. Depois, irá ajudá-lo a criar um plano que o ajude a atingir estes objetivos. Não se esqueça que estes devem ser a longo prazo. As suas finanças e investimentos nunca podem ser "definidos e esquecidos", pois as circunstâncias económicas mudam e as suas também. Precisa de um especialista a seu lado que o oriente nos períodos mais difíceis e quando tem ganhos financeiros inesperados. Precisa de uma pessoa que compreenda os seus sonhos, a sua atitude e os seus recursos e que tenha capacidade para ajudar a mantê-lo no rumo certo. É bom ter um parceiro com quem possa trabalhar ao longo do percurso e que o ajude a definir e manter o seu rumo financeiro.
O conteúdo deste artigo não constitui um aconselhamento financeiro individual.