If you work in an office, you’re probably already aware that sitting for eight hours a day, five days a week isn’t great for your health. Numerous studies in recent…
You’ve probably read a lot about how great yoga is. From helping you to tone up, become more flexible and relax easier, yoga has a lot of benefits that everyone can enjoy. Many people read about all the pluses of…
A vida moderna se caracteriza por uma abundância de fatores que podem causar estresse e tensão. Já seja no trabalho, na escola ou na família, provavelmente se enfrenta a numerosas…
There are always numerous foods that we are being told we should eat in order to be our healthiest selves. However, very few of them come with scientific backing, meaning…
There’s always a lot of hype around carbs, which can make it a bit confusing when you’re trying to eat healthily. We’re told that some carbs are good while others are bad, that you should avoid them to lose weight…
Certa manhã, há pouco mais de um ano, decidi mudar minha rotina diária e começar a praticar mais esportes. A ideia era descobrir novos horizontes, explorar diferentes caminhos que me…