Preparing for Retirement
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Please select your country…Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement. However, planning for your retirement and deciding whether to transfer a pension from one plan to another can be complex. If you are unsure, then you should seek advice from a Financial Adviser. You can find details on how to find a financial adviser on the Financial Conduct Authority website by visiting: https://www.fca.org.uk/consumers/finding-adviser
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
- It's easier to plan when you've worked out what you need to live on and how much retirement income you'll have.
- Write down the ‘net' (amount after tax) monthly income that you expect to receive from your personal pension(s), state pension and other savings and investments that you may have.
- Compare this amount with the outgoings you think you might have when you retire.
- Consider that your any commuting expenses may reduce when you no longer travel to work. If you have an interest-only mortgage, you will need to repay the capital sum at the end of the mortgage term. Also, it's possible that your household bills may increase when you're no longer working and instead spending more time around the house.
- If you have more than one pension it might make sense to combine them into a single plan. Not only can consolidation save you charges, it could give you a much clearer picture of how much you've saved and how much income you're likely to get when you retire.
- With a larger pension fund, you may also find your investment options widen and you may be eligible for larger-fund discounts.
- When you're ready to convert your pension fund into a retirement income, a single larger pension fund may also provide you with more choices. For instance, some retirement income options may only be appropriate for people with larger pension funds.
- Some pensions have generous benefits that you might lose out on if you consolidate. For instance, with the extra benefits and value for money with final salary schemes it could make more sense to leave them where they are.
Understanding my retirement options
- You can usually take up to 25% of your pension fund as a tax-free lump sum, to spend, save or invest. The more you take as a lump sum, however, if you spend it, the less you'll have available as a regular retirement income.
- If you want a guaranteed, regular income for the rest of your life, an annuity could be right for you. You can use your whole fund to buy an annuity - or, you could take a tax-free lump sum from your pension fund and use the rest to buy an annuity.
- Or you may decide that you wish to take a fixed term annuity to provide you with an income amount of your choice for a specific time period before selecting a retirement option at the end of that fixed term.
- For more flexibility, a drawdown pension lets you take income from your pension, while the balance of your fund stays invested and continues to benefit from any potential growth. Keep in mind – your pension would remain invested and the value of your investments can go down as well as up and you might not get back what you paid in.
- You may decide that you wish to take the whole fund as a cash lump sum. The first 25% of your fund will be tax-free while the remaining 75% will be taxed at your marginal rate of tax (20%, 40% or 45% as applicable).
- You may need to consider alternative ways of boosting your income. For example, you could consider working part time or downsizing to a less expensive home.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement.
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
- It's easier to plan when you've worked out what you need to live on and how much retirement income you'll have.
- Write down the ‘net' (amount after tax) monthly income that you expect to receive from your personal pension(s), state pension and other savings and investments that you may have.
- Compare this amount with the outgoings you think you might have when you retire.
- Consider that your any commuting expenses may reduce when you no longer travel to work. If you have an interest-only mortgage, you will need to repay the capital sum at the end of the mortgage term. Also, it's possible that your household bills may increase when you're no longer working and instead spending more time around the house.
- If you have more than one pension it might make sense to combine them into a single plan. Not only can consolidation save you charges, it could give you a much clearer picture of how much you've saved and how much income you're likely to get when you retire.
- With a larger pension fund, you may also find your investment options widen and you may be eligible for larger-fund discounts.
- When you're ready to convert your pension fund into a retirement income, a single larger pension fund may also provide you with more choices. For instance, some retirement income options may only be appropriate for people with larger pension funds.
- Some pensions have generous benefits that you might lose out on if you consolidate. For instance, with the extra benefits and value for money with Defined Benefit schemes it could make more sense to leave them where they are.
Understanding my retirement options
Your options at retirement may include:
- Taking a tax-free lump sum, subject to limits set by Revenue;
- Receiving a pension (sometimes provided by an annuity);
- Transferring some or all of your retirement savings to an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF) or Approved Minimum Retirement Fund (AMRF);
- taking a taxable lump sum; and
- Providing for dependants.
You may need to consider alternative ways of boosting your income. For example, you could consider working part time or downsizing to a less expensive home.
The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy. Current life expectancy is 83 years for men and 88 for women, which will translate to 18 and 23 years respectively in retirement, assuming retirement age is 65-years-old. What happens if you live beyond that?
Spending on health will also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health will increase and more the reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Rome was not built in a day, just like retirement planning. Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, the best time is to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
Imagine this, Adam saves $200 per month for 10 years at a high interest savings account of 5%, he will end up with $30,186.94 with $24,000 being his capital. And now we have Brian who starts saving 5 years later, but saves double the amount that Adam does, $400 per month for 5 years with the same interest, he will end up with $26,523.03, with $24,000 being his capital. Although both have put in the same amount, at the end of the day, with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes amplified.
There are several options available that can assist you in reaching your retirement goals such as CPF Life (For Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) only), annuity insurance plan as well as investments options and there is no one perfect solution that is able to suit your retirement needs. Therefore, it is important to understand how they can fit into your retirement planning and with proper advice and guidance, you are on your way to have your retirement secured before it comes.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Singapore Pte Ltd, registration number 198301525W. Aon Singapore Pte Ltd is a registered insurance broker and exempt financial adviser regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for longer life expectancy. If life expectancy is 83 years for men and 88 for women, which will translate to 18 and 23 years respectively in retirement, assuming retirement age is 65-years-old. What happens if you live beyond that?
Spending on health will also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health will increase and more the reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Rome was not built in a day, just like retirement planning. Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, the best time is to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
Imagine this, Adam saves $2,000 per month for 10 years at a high interest savings account of 5%, he will end up with $309K with $240K being his capital. And now we have Brian who starts saving 5 years later, but saves double the amount that Adam does, $4,000 per month for 5 years with the same interest, he will end up with $272K, with $240K being his capital. Although both have put in the same amount, at the end of the day, with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes amplified.
There are several options available that can assist you in reaching your retirement goals such as voluntary MPF contributions, annuity insurance plan as well as investments options and there is no one perfect solution that is able to suit your retirement needs. Therefore, it is important to understand how they can fit into your retirement planning and with proper advice and guidance, you are on your way to realising your retirement dreams.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Hong Kong Limited. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent later. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of hot coffee and watching them play around, is that how you envision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. From the moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, we will eventually reach a stage when we think of finally retiring from work. Certainly, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To somehow determine how much you need to save for your retirement, it is important to figure out the lifestyle you envision to live when that time comes. Go over your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you stop receiving that monthly pay anymore. If it is quite difficult to visualize your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically needs 60% to 80% of current income during retirement. In addition, target retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your funding. The earlier you intend to retire, the more you will have to set aside. That goes likewise for life expectancy. Current life expectancy for Filipinos is 66 years for men and 72 for women, which will translate to 6 and 12 years respectively in retirement, assuming retirement age is at 60 years old. What happens if you live beyond that?
Spending on health is expected to increase as age-related diseases set in or existing ones incur complications. Hence, there is more reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies and anticipate its premium to increase over the years. Since company provided healthcare coverage is co-terminus with employment, it would be wise to get hold of life insurance policies with medical coverage riders while you are still employed.
Rome was not built in a day, just like retirement planning. Each small step that you take today, contributes to the fund that will support your retirement lifestyle. Needless to say, that it is best to start as early as possible since the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement fund. Moreover, with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
Imagine this, Maria saves Php 3,000 per month for 10 years at a high interest rate ending up with Php 424,800 with Php 360,000 being his capital. And now we have Peter who starts saving 5 years later, but saves double the amount that Maria does, Php 6,000 per month for 5 years with the same interest, he will end up with Php 392,400 with Php 360,000 being his capital. Although both have put in the same amount, at the end of the day, with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes amplified.
There are several options available that can assist you in reaching your retirement goals such as variable unit linked life insurance, personal wealth plans as well as other investments options. Despite the availability of these various options, there is no one perfect solution that will exactly address your retirement needs. Therefore, it is important to understand how they can fit into your retirement planning and with proper advice and guidance, you are on your way to have your retirement secured before it comes.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Insurance & Reinsurance Brokers Philippines Inc., registration number 96590. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy. Current life expectancy is 83 years for men and 88 for women, which will translate to 18 and 23 years respectively in retirement, assuming retirement age is 65-years-old. What happens if you live beyond that?
Spending on health will also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health will increase and more the reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Rome was not built in a day, just like retirement planning. Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, the best time is to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
Imagine this, Mr. Li saves CNY200 per month for 10 years at a high interest savings account of 5%, he will end up with CNY30,186.94 with CNY24,000 being his capital. And now we have Mr. Wang who starts saving 5 years later, but saves double the amount that Adam does, CNY400 per month for 5 years with the same interest, he will end up with CNY26,523.03, with CNY24,000 being his capital. Although both have put in the same amount, at the end of the day, with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes amplified.
There are several options available that can assist you in reaching your retirement goals such as, annuity insurance plan as well as investments options and there is no one perfect solution that is able to suit your retirement needs. Therefore, it is important to understand how they can fit into your retirement planning and with proper advice and guidance, you are on your way to have your retirement secured before it comes.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Hewitt Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. registration number 310000400102466. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information.
Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement.
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy.
Spending on health may also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health may increase and more the reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, but it good to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement.
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy.
Spending on health may also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health may increase and more the reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, but it would be good to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
Author is not a financial advisor, tax professional or legal advisor. The article and its content is for informational purposes only, reader should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. All information, data, strategies, reports, articles and all other features of this article are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered or inferred as personalized investment advice. Article may contain errors, and the reader should not make any financial or investment decision based solely on what the reader reads in this article and writing. It shall be reader’s responsibility to perform its own due diligence, and reader must make its own decisions. Be advised and aware that financial and investment decisions involve risk. Author accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of author’s writings, products, services, website, or other content, including contents of this article. Reader is responsible for its own investment research and decisions. Reader should seek the advice of a qualified investment advisor and fully understand any and all risks before investing or making any financial decision. Author make no representation that any reader will or is likely to experience results as cited in this article. All results of author’s recommendations are not based on actual investments by author and are based upon a hypothesis, available statistics and surveys which have limitations and do not reflect all components of actual investments. Reader’s actual results may vary based upon many factors. All content and references to third-party sources is provided solely for convenience. This information may be inaccurate, use at your own risk.
By reading this article or any of its contents you agree that neither author nor its employees, shareholders, directors, contractors, affiliates, agents, third party content providers or licensors will be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or any other type of claim, liability, cost, damage or loss resulting from reader’s use of any of this content. This includes, but is not limited to, loss or injury caused in whole or in part by contingencies beyond our control.
Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement.
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy.
Spending on health may also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health may increase and more the reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, but it would be good to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement.
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy.
Spending on health may also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health may increase and more the reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, but it would be good to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
The information in this report does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations.
While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this report has been obtained from reliable sources, Aon is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this report is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Aon be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information in this report or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement.
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy.
Spending on health may also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health may increase and more the reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, but it would be good to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
Det kan være en stund til pensjonsalderen, eller den kan være like rundt hjørnet. Men dette er et godt tidspunkt for å forberede seg på framtiden og tenke over hva du kan møte som pensjonist.
Sørge for at du har økonomisk frihet til å nyte livet
Hvordan ser du for deg pensjonisttilværelsen? Skal du ta lange utenlandsreiser uten å skynde deg hjem igjen, eller skaffe deg nye hobbyer du aldri har hatt tid til før, eller tilbringe tid med barnebarna på lekeplassen?
Livet som pensjonist er det endelige livsmålet for de fleste av oss. Det kommer en livsfase der vi ser tilbake på den gang vi fikk første lønnsutbetaling, giftet oss, kjøpte hus og stiftet familie. Det skjer gjerne når pensjonisttilværelsen nærmer seg, og naturligvis har vi alle ulike behov som pensjonister.
Det er viktig at du tenker over hvordan du skal leve som pensjonist for å få et begrep om hvor mye penger du trenger til pensjonistlivet. Se på ditt nåværende månedsbudsjett og tenk over hvordan budsjettet vil se ut som pensjonist. Eksperter anslår at de fleste typisk trenger mellom 60 % og 80 % av sine inntekter som yrkesaktive når de blir pensjonister. Forventet pensjonsalder og forventet levealder har også innvirkning på egen pensjonssparing. Jo tidligere du ønsker å pensjonere deg, desto større midler bør du sette av til egen pensjonssparing. Det samme gjelder også med tanke på forventet levealder.
For hvert lille steg du tar i dag, har du bedre muligheter til å sette av midler i egen pensjonssparing. Det er vanskelig å si hva som er beste tidspunkt for å starte egen pensjonssparing, men det kan være gunstig å starte så tidlig som mulig. Det er velkjent at jo senere du starter egen pensjonssparing, desto mer må du spare senere for å nå beløpet du ønsker deg. På grunn av effekten av rentes rente kan forskjellene bli store.
Que la retraite vous semble encore loin, ou toute proche, c’est le bon moment pour adopter quelques mesures simples afin de vous préparer pleinement à l’avenir et de savoir ce que vous pouvez attendre de la retraite.
S’assurer d’avoir la liberté financière pour profiter de la vie
Pouvoir se détendre lors d’un voyage à l’étranger sans devoir se précipiter pour retourner au travail, se livrer à de nouveaux passe-temps que vous n’avez jamais eu la chance de pratiquer, ou encore passer du temps avec vos petits-enfants tout en savourant une bonne tasse de café en les regardant jouer, est-ce là votre idée de la retraite ?
La retraite représente le but ultime de la vie pour chacun et chacune d’entre nous. Depuis le moment où nous encaissons notre premier chèque de paie jusqu’à celui où nous nous marions, achetons une maison et fondons notre propre famille, nous finirons tous par atteindre un stade où nous penserons aux activités à envisager durant notre retraite et, bien sûr, les besoins de chacun en matière de retraite seront différents.
Pour appréhender le montant dont vous aurez besoin pour votre retraite, il est important de connaître votre mode de vie idéal. Vous pouvez examiner votre budget mensuel actuel et imaginer à quoi il ressemblera lorsque vous serez à la retraite. Si vous trouvez trop compliqué d’envisager votre mode de vie durant votre retraite, des experts ont indiqué qu’il faut généralement 60 à 80 % de votre revenu actuel au moment de la retraite. De plus, l’âge de départ à la retraite prévu ainsi que l’espérance de vie auront également un impact sur le financement de votre retraite. Au plus tôt vous envisagez votre départ à la retraite, au plus vous devrez mettre de côté. Le même rapport s’applique à l’espérance de vie.
Les dépenses de santé peuvent également augmenter, à cause d’une plus grande fragilité, d’un événement médical soudain ou d’un déclin cognitif. Quelle qu’en soit la raison, les dépenses de santé peuvent augmenter et c’est pour cela qu’il est d’autant plus important de conserver les polices d’assurance maladie qui vous couvrent.
Chaque petit pas que vous faites aujourd’hui contribue au financement de votre retraite et vous permettra de vivre comme vous le souhaitez durant votre retraite. Il n’existe pas de moment idéal pour commencer à épargner pour votre retraite, mais il est judicieux de commencer le plus tôt possible. On sait que plus on commence à épargner tard, plus on doit épargner pour atteindre le montant de retraite souhaité, mais avec les effets des intérêts composés, la différence peut s’avérer très significative.
Je pensioen is misschien nog een eind weg, of net om de hoek, maar dit is een goed moment om een paar eenvoudige stappen te zetten om je volledig voor te bereiden op de toekomst en te weten waar je naar uit kunt kijken als je met pensioen gaat.
Zorgen voor financiële vrijheid om van het leven te genieten
Een ontspannende verre reis maken zonder je terug te hoeven haasten naar je werk, of nieuwe hobby's nastreven waar je nooit de kans toe hebt gehad, of tijd doorbrengen met je kleinkinderen terwijl je geniet van een kopje lekkere koffie en ze te zien spelen? Is dat hoe je je pensioen voorstelt?
Pensioen is het ultieme levensdoel voor ieder van ons. Vanaf het moment dat we ons eerste maandloon verdienen om te trouwen, een huis te kopen en ons eigen gezin te stichten, zijn we op weg om uiteindelijk een stadium te bereiken waarop we denken aan de genoemde pensioenactiviteiten. Uiteraard zien ieders pensioenwensen er anders uit.
Om te begrijpen hoeveel je nodig hebt voor je pensioen, is het belangrijk om je ideale pensioenlevensstijl te achterhalen. Je kan je huidige maandbudget bekijken en je voorstellen hoe het eruit zal zien wanneer je met pensioen gaat. Als het te moeilijk is om je je pensioenlevensstijl voor te stellen, hebben experts gezegd dat je tijdens je pensioen doorgaans 60% tot 80% van je huidige inkomen nodig hebt. Daarnaast zullen zowel de verwachte pensioenleeftijd en de levensverwachting ook een impact hebben op je pensioenfinanciering. Hoe eerder je met pensioen gaat, hoe meer je opzij moet zetten, ook voor je levensverwachting.
De uitgaven voor gezondheid kunnen ook toenemen, wat het gevolg kan zijn van hogere kwetsbaarheid, een plotselinge medische noodzakelijkheid of een afname van je cognitief vermogen. Wat de reden ook is, je gezondheidsuitgaven kunnen toenemen en des te meer reden zijn om je ziektekostenverzekeringen aan te houden, want de premie zou in de loop van de jaren aanzienlijk kunnen stijgen.
Elke kleine stap die je vandaag zet, draagt bij aan je pensioenfinanciering die je levensstijl tijdens je pensioen zal ondersteunen. Er is geen ideaal moment om te beginnen met sparen voor je pensioen, maar het is goed om zo vroeg mogelijk te beginnen. Het is bekend dat hoe later je begint met sparen, hoe meer geld je moet sparen om je gewenste pensioenbedrag te bereiken, maar met effecten van samengestelde rente wordt het verschil behoorlijk groot.
Sørg for, at du har økonomisk frihed til at nyde livet
At have mulighed for at tage på afslappende udlandsrejser uden at skulle skynde dig tilbage til arbejde, at prøve kræfter med nye hobbyer, som du aldrig har haft chancen for før, eller at tilbringe tiden med dine børnebørn, mens du nyder en god kop kaffe og ser dem lege – er det sådan, du forestiller dig din pensionstid?
Pensionering er det ultimative livsmål for os alle. Fra det øjeblik, vi begynder at tjene vores egne penge, til vi bliver gift, har hus og starter vores egen familie, er det kun et spørgsmål om tid, før vi begynder at tænke på de ovenstående aktiviteter i forhold til pensionering – og selvfølgelig vil alles pensionsdrømme være forskellige.
For at forstå, hvor meget du har brug for til din pensionering, er det vigtigt at finde ud af, hvordan dit ideelle otium ser ud. Du kan se på dit nuværende månedlige budget og forestille dig, hvordan det vil se ud, når du bliver pensioneret. Hvis det er for svært at forestille sig pensionslivet, siger eksperter, at man typisk har brug for 60-80 % af sin nuværende indkomst, når man er pensioneret. Derudover vil den forventede pensionsalder såvel som forventet levetid også påvirke din pensionsfond. Jo tidligere du begynder at kigge på pension, jo mere vil du have at sætte til side, og det samme gælder for din forventede levetid.
Helbredsudgifter kan også stige, hvilket kan skyldes øget svagelighed, en pludselig helbredsmæssig hændelse eller svækkelse af kognitive funktioner. Uanset årsagen kan dine helbredsudgifter stige, hvilket blot er endnu mere grund til at have styr på dine sygesikringspolicer, hvis præmien kan være steget betydeligt gennem årene.
Hvert lille skridt du tager i dag, bidrager til din pensionsfond, der skal understøtte din livsstil, når du er gået på pension. Der er intet tidspunkt, der er "bedst" at påbegynde en pensionsopsparing på, men det er godt at starte så tidligt som muligt. Det er velkendt, at jo senere du starter med at spare op, jo flere penge skal du spare for at nå dit ønskede pensionsbeløb, men med effekten af rentes rente bliver forskellen væsentlig.
Η συνταξιοδότηση μπορεί να φαίνεται μακρινή ακόμα ή να βρίσκεται προ των πυλών, αλλά τώρα είναι μια καλή ευκαιρία να πραγματοποιήσετε μερικές απλές ενέργειες που θα σας προετοιμάσουν πλήρως για το μέλλον και, επίσης, θα γνωρίζετε τι να αναμένετε κατά τη συνταξιοδότηση.
Φροντίστε να έχετε την απαραίτητη οικονομική ελευθερία για να απολαύσετε τη ζωή
Μήπως το όραμά σας για τη συνταξιοδότηση είναι να έχετε τη δυνατότητα να κάνετε χαλαρωτικά ταξίδια στο εξωτερικό χωρίς να πρέπει να γυρίσετε βιαστικά στην εργασία ή να ξεκινήσετε νέα χόμπι με τα οποία ποτέ δεν είχατε την ευκαιρία να ασχοληθείτε ή να αφιερώνετε χρόνο στα εγγόνια σας και να τα παρακολουθείτε να παίζουν ενώ απολαμβάνετε τον καφέ σας;
Η συνταξιοδότηση είναι ο υπέρτατος στόχος ζωής για τον καθένα μας. Από τη στιγμή που λαμβάνουμε τον πρώτο μας μισθό μέχρι στη στιγμή που παντρευόμαστε, αγοράζουμε σπίτι και ξεκινάμε την οικογένειά μας, φτάνουμε σε ένα σημείο που αναλογιζόμαστε τις εν λόγω δραστηριότητες σε σχέση με τη συνταξιοδότηση και, φυσικά, ο καθένας μας έχει διαφορετικές ανάγκες συνταξιοδότησης.
Για να εκτιμήσετε πόσα χρήματα χρειάζεστε για τη συνταξιοδότησή σας, είναι σημαντικό να προσδιορίσετε τον ιδανικό τρόπο ζωής που θα ακολουθήσετε κατά τη συνταξιοδότησή σας. Μπορείτε να μελετήσετε τον τρέχοντα μηνιαίο προϋπολογισμό σας και να φανταστείτε τη μορφή που θα έχει όταν συνταξιοδοτηθείτε. Εάν είναι πολύ δύσκολο να οραματιστείτε τον τρόπο ζωής που θα ακολουθήσετε κατά τη συνταξιοδότησή σας, οι ειδικοί αναφέρουν ότι ένα άτομο χρειάζεται συνήθως το 60-80% του τρέχοντος εισοδήματός του όταν συνταξιοδοτηθεί. Επιπλέον, η αναμενόμενη ηλικία συνταξιοδότησης, όπως και το προσδόκιμο ζωής, θα επηρεάσουν επίσης τη χρηματοδότηση της συνταξιοδότησής σας. Όσο πιο νωρίς υπολογίζετε να συνταξιοδοτηθείτε, τόσα περισσότερα χρήματα πρέπει να αποταμιεύετε, το ίδιο ισχύει και με το προσδόκιμο ζωής.
Οι δαπάνες για την υγεία ενδέχεται να αυξηθούν, επίσης, λόγω αυξημένης ευπάθειας, απροσδόκητου ιατρικού συμβάντος ή εξασθένιση της γνωστικής λειτουργίας. Ανεξάρτητα από την αιτία, οι δαπάνες για την υγεία μπορεί να αυξηθούν και αυτό είναι ένας ακόμα επιτακτικός λόγος για να διατηρήσετε τα ασφαλιστήρια συμβόλαια που προσφέρουν ιατρική κάλυψη.
Και η πιο ασήμαντη ενέργεια που πραγματοποιείτε σήμερα συμβάλλει στη χρηματοδότηση της συνταξιοδότησής σας, που θα υποστηρίξει τον τρόπο ζωής που θα ακολουθήσετε όταν συνταξιοδοτηθείτε. Δεν υπάρχει η καλύτερη στιγμή για να ξεκινήσετε την αποταμίευση για τη συνταξιοδότησή σας, αλλά καλό είναι να ξεκινήσετε όσο το δυνατόν πιο νωρίς. Είναι γνωστό ότι όσο πιο αργά ξεκινήσετε την αποταμίευση, τόσο πιο πολλά χρήματα θα πρέπει να αποταμιεύετε για να φτάσετε στο επιθυμητό ποσό συνταξιοδότησης. Εντούτοις, χάρη στον ανατοκισμό, η διαφορά μπορεί να είναι σημαντική.
Tanto si la jubilación le queda aún lejos como si está a la vuelta de la esquina, siempre es buen momento para dar una serie de sencillos que le permitan prepararse adecuadamente para el futuro y saber qué puede esperar de su vida tras retirarse.
Asegúrese de disponer de libertad financiera para disfrutar de la vida
Poder relajarse en un viaje al extranjero sin tener que volver a toda prisa para trabajar, descubrir nuevas aficiones que nunca tuvo la oportunidad de probar o ver jugar a sus nietos mientras disfruta de un buen café son, en todos los casos, visiones soñadas de cualquier jubilación.
Para todos y cada uno de nosotros, la jubilación es el objetivo último en la vida. Desde que recibimos nuestro primer sueldo, nos casamos y compramos una casa hasta que formamos una familia, a todos nos llega ese momento en el que comenzamos a pensar en qué nos gustaría hacer durante nuestra jubilación, y por supuesto las necesidades de cada persona durante esta etapa serán distintas.
Para saber la cantidad de dinero que necesitará para su jubilación, es importante que identifique cuál sería su estilo de vida ideal durante esta. Puede empezar por echar un vistazo a su presupuesto mensual actual e imaginarse si sería suficiente durante su jubilación. Por otra parte, su edad de jubilación prevista y su esperanza de vida también tendrán un impacto sobre los fondos que podría necesitar para afrontar este periodo de su vida. Cuanto antes tenga previsto jubilarse y mayor sea su esperanza de vida, más dinero deberá reservar.
Su gasto en atención sanitaria también podría incrementarse, ya sea como consecuencia del deterioro de su salud por el paso de los años, un problema médico repentino o un descenso en sus capacidades cognitivas. Sea cual sea la razón, puede que tenga que gastar más en su salud, y esta es una razón de peso más para mantener aquellas de sus pólizas de seguro médico.
Cada pequeño paso que dé hoy contribuirá a acrecentar los fondos que le permitirán mantener el estilo de vida que desea para su jubilación. Aunque no existe un momento perfecto para comenzar a ahorrar para su jubilación, es importante que comience a hacerlo lo antes posible. Está demostrado que cuanto más tarde se comienza a ahorrar, mayor es la cantidad de dinero que se necesita acumular para alcanzar el importe del que se desea disponer durante la jubilación. Además, con los efectos de la capitalización compuesta de intereses, la diferencia entre empezar antes o hacerlo después es bastante notable.
Akár még messze, akár már közel van a nyugdíj, ez egy jó időpont arra, hogy megtegyél néhány egyszerű lépést, hogy teljesen felkészülj a jövőre, és tudd, hogy mit várhatsz a nyugdíjas éveidben.
Biztosítsd az élet élvezetéhez szükséges pénzügyi szabadságot
El tudsz menni egy pihentető tengerentúli utazásra anélkül, hogy sietni kellene vissza a munkahelyre, vagy új hobbikat próbálsz ki, amelyekre sosem volt lehetőséged, vagy időt töltesz az unokáiddal, miközben egy bögre kellemes kávét kortyolsz, és nézed őket, ahogy játszanak; így képzeled el a nyugdíjas éveid?
A nyugdíj a végső életcél mindannyiunk számára. Attól a pillanattól kezdve, hogy megkapjuk az első fizetési csekkünket, összeházasodunk, lesz egy házunk, megalapítjuk a családunkat, végül elérünk egy szakaszt, amikor az említett tevékenységekre gondolunk, ha a nyugdíjról van szó, és természetesen mindenkinek különbözőek a nyugdíjjal kapcsolatos szükségletei.
Ahhoz, hogy megértsd, mennyi pénzre van szükséged a nyugdíjhoz, fontos meghatározni az ideális nyugdíjas életmódodat. Megnézheted a jelenlegi havi költségvetésed, és elképzelheted, milyen lesz, amikor nyugdíjas leszel. Ha túl bonyolult elképzelned a nyugdíjas életmódod, a szakemberek szerint az embernek átlagosan a jelenlegi bevételének 60–80%-ára van szüksége a nyugdíj során. Továbbá a várható nyugdíjkorhatár, illetve a várható élettartam szintén befolyásolják a nyugdíjalapod. Minél előbb kezdesz foglalkozni a nyugdíjjal, annál többet tudsz félretenni, és ugyanez vonatkozik a várható élettartamra is.
Az egészségügyi kiadások is megnövekedhetnek, amelynek oka a betegségekre való fokozott hajlam, egy hirtelen egészségügyi esemény vagy a kognitív funkciók hanyatlása lehet. Bármi is az ok, az egészségügyi kiadások megnövekedhetnek, és ez még inkább ok arra, hogy megőrizd az egészségügyi biztosításod, amely fedezetet nyújt.
Minden kis lépés, amelyet ma megteszel, hozzájárul a nyugdíjalapodhoz, amely a nyugdíjas életmódodat támogatja. Nincs ideális jobb időpont arra, hogy elkezdj félretenni a nyugdíjas évekre, de jobb minél előbb elkezdeni. Ismert tény, hogy minél később kezded el a megtakarítást, annál több pénzt kell félretenned, hogy elérd a kívánt nyugdíjas összeget; azonban a kamatos kamat hatásaival a különbség eléggé jelentős lesz.
Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement.
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy.
Spending on health may also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health may increase and this is more the reason for you to retain any medical insurance policies, which provide cover.
Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, but it good to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice.
La retraite peut vous sembler lointaine, ou très proche, mais il est toujours bon de prendre quelques mesures simples pour se préparer à l’avenir en sachant à quoi vous attendre au moment de la retraite.
Garantissez votre indépendance financière pour profiter de la vie
Pouvoir partir en vacances à l’étranger pour vous détendre sans devoir retourner au travail, vous adonner à de nouveaux passe-temps que vous n’avez jamais eu la chance de faire ou passer du temps avec vos petits-enfants à les regarder jouer en buvant un café ... Est-ce ainsi que vous envisagez votre retraite ?
La retraite est l’objectif ultime pour chacun d’entre nous. Du moment où nous recevons notre premier bulletin de salaire au moment où nous nous marions, achetons une maison et fondons notre propre famille, nous finissons tous par arriver au stade où nous pensons aux activités que nous allons faire à la retraite. Bien entendu, les besoins de chacun pour la retraire sont différents.
Afin de comprendre vos futurs besoins à la retraite, il est important de déterminer le mode de vie idéal que vous envisagez pour votre retraite. Étudiez votre budget mensuel actuel et imaginez à quoi il ressemblera lorsque vous serez à la retraite. S’il est trop difficile d’envisager votre mode de vie à la retraite, les spécialistes estiment qu’entre 60 et 80 % des revenus actuels sont nécessaires pour la retraite. L’âge de la retraite prévu et l’espérance de vie auront également un impact sur le financement de votre retraite. Si vous envisagez de prendre une retraite anticipée, vous devrez épargner davantage. Il en va de même pour l’espérance de vie.
Les dépenses de santé pourront également augmenter, en raison d’une plus grande fragilité, d’un problème médical soudain ou d’un déclin cognitif. Quelle qu’en soit la raison, les dépenses de santé pourront augmenter, d’où l’importance de conserver votre mutuelle d'assurance maladie pour continuer à bénéficier d'une couverture.
Chaque mesure que vous prenez aujourd’hui, aussi infime soit-elle, contribue au financement de votre mode de vie une fois en retraite. Il n’y a pas de moment idéal pour commencer à économiser pour votre retraite, mais plus tôt vous le faites, mieux c'est. On sait bien que plus on attend pour épargner, plus il faudra économiser d’argent pour atteindre la somme que vous vous êtes fixée pour la retraite, mais avec les effets des intérêts composés, la différence devient relativement importante.
Der Ruhestand mag noch in weiter Ferne liegen oder direkt vor der Tür stehen – in jedem Fall ist dies ein guter Zeitpunkt, um ein paar einfache Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um bestmöglich auf die Zukunft vorbereitet zu sein und zu wissen, worauf Sie sich in Ihrem Ruhestand freuen können.
Sicherstellen, dass Sie die finanzielle Unabhängigkeit besitzen, um das Leben zu genießen
Eine entspannende Auslandsreise ohne die Pflicht, an Ihren Arbeitsplatz zurückzukehren, ein neues Hobby, für das es bisher nie die passende Gelegenheit gab, Zeit mit Ihren Enkeln verbringen oder ihnen bei einer Tasse Kaffee beim Spielen zuzusehen ... Stellen Sie sich Ihren Ruhestand so vor?
Der Ruhestand ist für uns alle das oberste Lebensziel. Ab dem Moment, in dem wir unseren ersten Gehaltsscheck in Händen halten, heiraten, ein Haus bauen und eine Familie gründen, steuern wir unweigerlich auf den Lebensabschnitt zu, in dem wir uns unseren Ruhestand und die oben genannten Aktivitäten ausmalen. Jeder hat dabei andere Bedürfnisse.
Um einschätzen zu können, welche Rücklagen Sie für Ihren Ruhestand brauchen, müssen Sie herausfinden, welchen Lebensstil Sie in diesem Lebensabschnitt pflegen möchten. Sehen Sie sich Ihr aktuelles monatliches Budget an und überlegen Sie, wie es in Ihrem Ruhestand aussehen wird. Wenn es Ihnen schwerfällt, sich Ihren Lebensstil im Ruhestand vorzustellen, können Sie sich auf die Aussagen von Experten stützen, denen zufolge Sie als Ruheständler durchschnittlich etwa 60 % bis 70 % Ihres aktuellen Einkommens benötigen werden. Der voraussichtliche Zeitpunkt Ihres Renteneintritts und die Lebenserwartung wirken sich darüber hinaus ebenfalls auf das notwendige finanzielle Polster für Ihren Ruhestand aus. Je früher Sie in den Ruhestand gehen wollen, desto mehr müssen Sie beiseite legen. Für die Lebenserwartung gilt dasselbe.
Außerdem können Ihre Gesundheitsausgaben aufgrund zunehmender Gebrechlichkeit, eines plötzlichen medizinischen Zwischenfalls oder kognitiver Beeinträchtigungen steigen. Was immer der Grund sein mag, Ihre Ausgaben für Ihre Gesundheit können steigen. Deshalb sollten Sie Ihre Krankenversicherungen unbedingt beibehalten, denn sie decken diese Kosten ab.
Jeder noch so kleine Schritt, den Sie heute unternehmen, trägt dazu bei, dass die finanziellen Mittel für Ihren Ruhestand ausreichen, um diesen Ihren Vorstellungen entsprechend zu genießen. Es gibt keinen idealen Zeitpunkt, um mit der Altersvorsorge zu beginnen, aber grundsätzlich gilt: je eher, desto besser. Es ist eine wohlbekannte Tatsache, dass der Sparbetrag, um ein bestimmtes finanzielles Polster für Ihren Ruhestand anzusparen, umso höher sein muss, je später Sie mit dem Sparen beginnen. Berücksichtigt man den Zinseszinseffekt, ergibt sich ein ganz erheblicher Unterschied.
La pensione potrebbe essere ancora lontana oppure proprio dietro l’angolo, ma è bene effettuare alcune semplici operazioni per prepararsi al futuro e sapere cosa aspettarti una volta in pensione.
Assicurati di avere la libertà economica per goderti la vita
Poter fare un viaggio rilassante oltreoceano senza dover rientrare in fretta e furia per andare al lavoro, oppure dedicarsi a nuovi passatempi di cui non hai mai avuto l’occasione di occuparti, trascorrere del tempo con i nipoti mentre ci si gode una bella tazza di caffè e li si guarda giocare: è questa la tua idea di pensione?
La pensione è l’ultimo obiettivo della vita di ognuno. Il momento in cui incassiamo il primo stipendio e lo mettiamo da parte per sposarci, per comprare casa e mettere su famiglia: prima o poi raggiungiamo una fase, cioè quando andiamo in pensione, in cui ripensiamo ai suddetti momenti. Ovviamente il periodo della pensione non può essere uguale per tutti.
Per capire di quanto hai bisogno per la pensione, è importante scoprire qual è il tuo stile di vita ideale. Puoi considerare il tuo attuale budget mensile e immaginare a quanto ammonterà quando sarai in pensione. Se è troppo difficile immaginare quale sarà il tuo tenore di vita in pensione, gli esperti sostengono che in genere in pensione è necessario il 60% - 80% dell’attuale reddito. Inoltre, sia l’età pensionabile prevista che l’aspettativa di vita avranno ripercussioni sul tuo fondo pensionistico. Se si prevede di andare in pensione anticipatamente, allora si dovranno mettere da parte più risparmi, e lo stesso vale per l'aspettativa di vita.
Inoltre le spese sanitarie potrebbero aumentare a causa di una maggiore cagionevolezza, un'urgenza medica improvvisa o un declino delle funzioni cognitive. Qualunque sia il motivo, le spese sanitarie potrebbero aumentare, quindi è una ragione in più per stipulare delle polizze mediche, in grado di fornire una copertura.
Ogni piccola operazione conclusa oggi, contribuisce al fondo pensionistico a sostegno del tuo stile di vita in pensione. Non si può stabilire a priori quale sia il momento migliore per iniziare a risparmiare per la pensione, ma prima si comincia meglio è. È un dato di fatto che più tardi inizi a risparmiare, più soldi dovrai mettere da parte per raggiungere l’importo desiderato per la pensione, ma con gli effetti dell’interesse composto, la differenza diventa piuttosto significativa.
La retraite peut vous sembler lointaine, ou très proche, mais il est toujours bon de prendre quelques mesures simples pour se préparer à l’avenir en sachant à quoi vous attendre au moment de la retraite.
Garantissez votre indépendance financière pour profiter de la vie
Pouvoir partir en vacances à l’étranger pour vous détendre sans devoir retourner au travail, vous adonner à de nouveaux passe-temps que vous n’avez jamais eu la chance de faire ou passer du temps avec vos petits-enfants à les regarder jouer en buvant un café ... Est-ce ainsi que vous envisagez votre retraite ?
La retraite est l’objectif ultime pour chacun d’entre nous. Du moment où nous recevons notre premier bulletin de salaire au moment où nous nous marions, achetons une maison et fondons notre propre famille, nous finissons tous par arriver au stade où nous pensons aux activités que nous allons faire à la retraite. Bien entendu, les besoins de chacun pour la retraire sont différents.
Afin de comprendre vos futurs besoins à la retraite, il est important de déterminer le mode de vie idéal que vous envisagez pour votre retraite. Étudiez votre budget mensuel actuel et imaginez à quoi il ressemblera lorsque vous serez à la retraite. S’il est trop difficile d’envisager votre mode de vie à la retraite, les spécialistes estiment qu’entre 60 et 80 % des revenus actuels sont nécessaires pour la retraite. L’âge de la retraite prévu et l’espérance de vie auront également un impact sur le financement de votre retraite. Si vous envisagez de prendre une retraite anticipée, vous devrez épargner davantage. Il en va de même pour l’espérance de vie.
Les dépenses de santé pourront également augmenter, en raison d’une plus grande fragilité, d’un problème médical soudain ou d’un déclin cognitif. Quelle qu’en soit la raison, les dépenses de santé pourront augmenter, d’où l’importance de conserver votre mutuelle d'assurance maladie pour continuer à bénéficier d'une couverture.
Chaque mesure que vous prenez aujourd’hui, aussi infime soit-elle, contribue au financement de votre mode de vie une fois en retraite. Il n’y a pas de moment idéal pour commencer à économiser pour votre retraite, il vaut mieux commencer le plus tôt possible. On sait bien que plus on attend pour épargner, plus il faudra économiser d’argent pour atteindre la somme que vous vous êtes fixée pour la retraite, mais avec les effets des intérêts composés, la différence devient relativement importante.
La pensione potrebbe essere ancora lontana oppure proprio dietro l’angolo, ma è bene effettuare alcune semplici operazioni per prepararsi al futuro e sapere cosa aspettarti una volta in pensione.
Assicurati di avere la libertà economica per goderti la vita
Poter fare un viaggio rilassante oltreoceano senza dover rientrare in fretta e furia per andare al lavoro, oppure dedicarsi a nuovi passatempi di cui non hai mai avuto l’occasione di occuparti, trascorrere del tempo con i nipoti mentre ci si gode una bella tazza di caffè e li si guarda giocare: è questa la tua idea di pensione?
La pensione è l’ultimo obiettivo della vita di ognuno. Il momento in cui incassiamo il primo stipendio e lo mettiamo da parte per sposarci, per comprare casa e mettere su famiglia: prima o poi raggiungiamo una fase, cioè quando andiamo in pensione, in cui ripensiamo ai suddetti momenti. Ovviamente il periodo della pensione non può essere uguale per tutti.
Per capire di quanto hai bisogno per la pensione, è importante scoprire qual è il tuo stile di vita ideale. Puoi considerare il tuo attuale budget mensile e immaginare a quanto ammonterà quando sarai in pensione. Se è troppo difficile immaginare quale sarà il tuo tenore di vita in pensione, gli esperti sostengono che in genere in pensione è necessario il 60% - 80% dell’attuale reddito. Inoltre, sia l’età pensionabile prevista che l’aspettativa di vita avranno ripercussioni sul tuo fondo pensionistico. Se si prevede di andare in pensione anticipatamente, allora si dovranno mettere da parte più risparmi, e lo stesso vale per l'aspettativa di vita.
Inoltre le spese sanitarie potrebbero aumentare a causa di una maggiore cagionevolezza, un'urgenza medica improvvisa o un declino delle funzioni cognitive. Qualunque sia il motivo, le spese sanitarie potrebbero aumentare, quindi è una ragione in più per stipulare delle polizze mediche, in grado di fornire una copertura.
Ogni piccola operazione conclusa oggi, contribuisce al fondo pensionistico a sostegno del tuo stile di vita in pensione. Non si può stabilire a priori quale sia il momento migliore per iniziare a risparmiare per la pensione, ma prima si comincia meglio è. È un dato di fatto che più tardi inizi a risparmiare, più soldi dovrai mettere da parte per raggiungere l’importo desiderato per la pensione, ma con gli effetti dell’interesse composto, la differenza diventa piuttosto significativa.
Der Ruhestand mag noch in weiter Ferne liegen oder direkt vor der Tür stehen – in jedem Fall ist dies ein guter Zeitpunkt, um ein paar einfache Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um bestmöglich auf die Zukunft vorbereitet zu sein und zu wissen, worauf Sie sich in Ihrem Ruhestand freuen können.
Sicherstellen, dass Sie die finanzielle Unabhängigkeit besitzen, um das Leben zu genießen
Eine entspannende Auslandsreise ohne die Pflicht, an Ihren Arbeitsplatz zurückzukehren, ein neues Hobby, für das es bisher nie die passende Gelegenheit gab, Zeit mit Ihren Enkeln verbringen oder ihnen bei einer Tasse Kaffee beim Spielen zuzusehen ... Stellen Sie sich Ihren Ruhestand so vor?
Der Ruhestand ist für uns alle das oberste Lebensziel. Ab dem Moment, in dem wir unseren ersten Gehaltsscheck in Händen halten, heiraten, ein Haus bauen und eine Familie gründen, steuern wir unweigerlich auf den Lebensabschnitt zu, in dem wir uns unseren Ruhestand und die oben genannten Aktivitäten ausmalen. Jeder hat dabei andere Bedürfnisse.
Um einschätzen zu können, welche Rücklagen Sie für Ihren Ruhestand brauchen, müssen Sie herausfinden, welchen Lebensstil Sie in diesem Lebensabschnitt pflegen möchten. Sehen Sie sich Ihr aktuelles monatliches Budget an und überlegen Sie, wie es in Ihrem Ruhestand aussehen wird. Wenn es Ihnen schwerfällt, sich Ihren Lebensstil im Ruhestand vorzustellen, können Sie sich auf die Aussagen von Experten stützen, denen zufolge Sie als Ruheständler durchschnittlich etwa 60 % bis 70 % Ihres aktuellen Einkommens benötigen werden. Der voraussichtliche Zeitpunkt Ihres Renteneintritts und die Lebenserwartung wirken sich darüber hinaus ebenfalls auf das notwendige finanzielle Polster für Ihren Ruhestand aus. Je früher Sie in den Ruhestand gehen wollen, desto mehr müssen Sie beiseite legen. Für die Lebenserwartung gilt dasselbe.
Außerdem können Ihre Gesundheitsausgaben aufgrund zunehmender Gebrechlichkeit, eines plötzlichen medizinischen Zwischenfalls oder kognitiver Beeinträchtigungen steigen. Was immer der Grund sein mag, Ihre Ausgaben für Ihre Gesundheit können steigen. Deshalb sollten Sie Ihre Krankenversicherungen unbedingt beibehalten, denn sie decken diese Kosten ab.
Jeder noch so kleine Schritt, den Sie heute unternehmen, trägt dazu bei, dass die finanziellen Mittel für Ihren Ruhestand ausreichen, um diesen Ihren Vorstellungen entsprechend zu genießen. Es gibt keinen idealen Zeitpunkt, um mit der Altersvorsorge zu beginnen, aber grundsätzlich gilt: je eher, desto besser. Es ist eine wohlbekannte Tatsache, dass der Sparbetrag, um ein bestimmtes finanzielles Polster für Ihren Ruhestand anzusparen, umso höher sein muss, je später Sie mit dem Sparen beginnen. Berücksichtigt man den Zinseszinseffekt, ergibt sich ein ganz erheblicher Unterschied.
Emekli olmak kimileri için uzun bir sürecin sonu iken kimileri için ise yolun hemen köşesinde bekliyor olabilir. Her iki durumda da geleceğe tam olarak hazırlanmak ve emeklilikte sizi neyin beklediğini bilmek için birkaç basit adım atmakta fayda olabilir.
Hayattan zevk almak için finansal olarak özgür olduğunuzdan emin olun. Emeklilik hayaliniz torunlarınızın oyun oynamasını seyretmek, yeni hobiler edinmek veya denizaşırı ülkelere seyahat etmek olabilir.
Emeklilik, yaşam döngüsündeki süreçlerden birisidir. İş hayatına atılıp, ilk maaşımızı kazanmaya başladığımız andan itibaren aşama aşama emekli olmaya yaklaşırız ve her birimizin emeklilik beklentisi farklıdır.Emeklilik döneminizde ne kadarlık bir gelire ihtiyacınız olacağını anlamak için ideal emeklilik yaşam tarzınızı bulmak önemlidir. Mevcut aylık bütçenize bakabilir ve emekli olduğunuzda nasıl görüneceğini hayal edebilirsiniz. Emeklilik yaşam tarzınız nasıl olursa olsun, uzmanlar emeklilik sırasında mevcut gelirinizin yaklaşık olarak % 60 - % 80'ine ihtiyaç duyduğunu belirtmektedirler. Ayrıca, tahmini emeklilik yaşınız ve yaşam beklentiniz de emeklilik fonunuz üzerinde etkili olacaktır. Tasarruf etmeye ne kadar erken başlarsanız, birikim süreciniz de o kadar rahat geçecektir.Emeklilik döneminde sağlık harcamalarınız artabilir. Sebebi ne olursa olsun, artan Sağlık harcamalarınız ile birlikte sigorta priminiz de yıllar içinde önemli ölçüde artacaktır.Bugün attığınız her küçük adım, emeklilik yaşam tarzınızı destekleyecek birikim fonunuza katkıda bulunur. Emekliliğe yönelik tasarruf etmeye başlamak için ideal zaman yoktur, ne kadar erken başlarsanız yararınıza olacaktır. Biriktirmeye geç başladığınızda, istediğiniz emeklilik miktarına ulaşmak için daha fazla tasarruf yapmanız gerekecektir.
Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement.
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one might typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement, although your actual needs will depend on your own individual circumstances. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy.
Spending on health may also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health may increase as you age, all the more reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, on which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Each small step that you take today contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no set time to start saving for your retirement, but it good to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount. The difference becomes quite significant with effects of compounding interest.
The content of this article does not constitute individual financial advice. Aon can’t provide personalised investment advice or make personalised recommendations – we therefore suggest that you speak to an authorised financial adviser if you want to understand any of these concepts in the context of your personal situation.
Retirement might still be a way off, or just around the corner, but this is a good time to take a few simple steps to get fully prepared for the future and know what you can look forward to in retirement.
Making sure you have financial freedom to enjoy life
Being able to have a relaxing overseas trip without having to rush back to work or pursuing new hobbies that you never had the chance to or spending time with your grandchildren while enjoying a cup of nice coffee and watching them play around, is that how you vision your retirement to be?
Retirement is the ultimate life goal for each one of us. The moment we start earning our first pay-check to getting married, having a house and setting up our own family, eventually we will reach a stage where we think of the mentioned activities when it comes to retirement and of course, everyone’s retirement needs will be different.
To understand how much you need for your retirement, it is important to find out your ideal retirement lifestyle. You can look at your current monthly budget and imagine how it will look like when you are in retirement. If it is too difficult to vision your retirement lifestyle, experts have mentioned that one typically need 60% to 80% of your current income during retirement. In addition, expected retirement age as well as life expectancy will also have an impact on your retirement funding. The earlier you are looking at retiring, the more you will have to set aside, likewise for life expectancy.
Spending on health may also increase, which may be due to increased frailty, a sudden medical event or decline in cognitive functioning. Whatever the reason, spending on health may increase and more the reason for you to keep your medical insurance policies, which the premium would have increased significantly over the years.
Each small step that you take today, contributes to your retirement funding that will support your retirement lifestyle. There is no best time to start saving for your retirement, but it good to start as early as possible. It is a known fact that the later you start saving, the more money you will have to save to reach your desired retirement amount, however with effects of compounding interest, the difference becomes quite significant.
Disclaimer: The information is brought to you by Aon Vietnam Limited with its Establishment and Operation License No. 26/GP-KDBH . Aon Vietnam Limited is a licensed insurance broker regulated by the Ministry of Finance in Vietnam. The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person who may be in receipt of the materials. Accordingly, it should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. Please seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before you make a commitment to purchase an investment product. You are also recommended to obtain such other professional advice where appropriate. The information is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the time of compilation. We do not undertake an obligation to update the materials or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. You should always consult primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information
Nghỉ hưu có thể là một lối thoát, hoặc chỉ là góc khuất, nhưng đây là thời điểm tốt để thực hiện một vài bước đơn giản để chuẩn bị đầy đủ cho tương lai và biết những gì bạn có thể mong đợi khi nghỉ hưu.
Đảm bảo rằng bạn có đủ tự do tài chỉnh để tận hưởng cuộc sống
Có thể có một chuyến đi nước ngoài thư giãn mà không phải vội vã đi làm hoặc theo đuổi những sở thích mới mà bạn không bao giờ có cơ hội hoặc dành thời gian với cháu mình trong khi thưởng thức một tách cà phê ngon và xem chúng chơi đùa, đó là cách bạn nhìn thấy tương lai nghỉ hưu của mình?
Nghỉ hưu là mục tiêu cuộc sống cuối cùng cho mỗi người chúng ta. Thời điểm chúng ta bắt đầu kiếm được tấm séc đầu tiên để kết hôn, có nhà và lập gia đình, cuối cùng chúng ta sẽ đến giai đoạn đề cập đến các vấn đề nghỉ hưu và tất nhiên, nhu cầu nghỉ hưu của mọi người sẽ khác biệt.
Để hiểu bạn cần bao nhiêu cho việc nghỉ hưu, điều quan trọng là tìm ra lối sống nghỉ hưu lý tưởng của bạn. Bạn có thể nhìn vào ngân sách hàng tháng hiện tại của mình và tưởng tượng nó sẽ trông như thế nào khi bạn nghỉ hưu. Nếu cảm thấy quá khó, các chuyên gia đã đề xuất một người thường cần 60% đến 80% thu nhập hiện tại trong thời gian nghỉ hưu. Ngoài ra, tuổi nghỉ hưu dự kiến cũng như tuổi thọ cũng sẽ có tác động đến quỹ hưu trí của bạn. Bạn càng sớm nghĩ đến việc nghỉ hưu, bạn sẽ càng phải đặt mục tiêu cho mình.
Chi tiêu cho sức khỏe cũng có thể tăng lên, có thể là do cơ thể suy yếu, một sự cố y tế đột ngột hoặc suy giảm chức năng nhận thức. Dù lý do là gì, chi tiêu cho sức khỏe có thể tăng lên và vì nhiều lý do bạn nên giữ các chính sách bảo hiểm y tế của mình, mà phí bảo hiểm có thể sẽ tăng đáng kể trong những năm qua.
Mỗi bước nhỏ mà bạn thực hiện hôm nay, đóng góp vào quỹ hưu trí sẽ hỗ trợ cho cách sống khi nghỉ hưu của bạn. Không có thời điểm tốt nhất để bắt đầu tiết kiệm cho việc nghỉ hưu, nhưng tốt nhất là bắt đầu càng sớm càng tốt. Một thực tế đã biết là bắt đầu tiết kiệm càng muộn, bạn càng phải tiết kiệm nhiều hơn để đạt được số tiền hưu trí mong muốn, tuy nhiên với tác động của lãi kép, sự khác biệt trở nên khá đáng kể.
Tuyên bố miễn trừ trách nhiệm: Thông tin này được cung cấp bởi Công ty TNHH Aon Việt Nam với Giấy phép Thành lập và Hoạt động số 26/ GP-KDBH. Công ty TNHH Aon Việt Nam là công ty môi giới bảo hiểm được cấp giấy phép dưới sự quản lý của Bộ Tài chính tại Việt Nam. Các thông tin này không tính đến các mục tiêu đầu tư cụ thể, tình hình tài chính hoặc nhu cầu riêng biệt của bất kỳ đối tượng cụ thể nào nhận được tài liệu này. Theo đó, bạn không nên dựa vào hoặc coi tài liệu này như một phương thức thay thế cho sự tư vấn riêng biệt liên quan đến các tình huống cụ thể. Vui lòng tìm kiếm sự tư vấn từ chuyên gia cố vấn tài chính về sự phù hợp của bất kỳ sản phẩm đầu tư nào có tính đến các mục tiêu đầu tư cụ thể, tình hình tài chính hoặc nhu cầu riêng biệt của bạn trước khi bạn cam kết mua sản phẩm đầu tư. Bạn cũng nên có được sự tư vấn chuyên biệt khác khi cần thiết. Thông tin này được cung cấp dựa trên sự trung thực và được cho là chính xác vào thời điểm biên soạn. Chúng tôi không có nghĩa vụ phải cập nhật các tài liệu hoặc sửa chữa bất kỳ thông tin không chính xác nào là những thông tin được làm rõ sau này. Bạn luôn cần phải tham khảo các nguồn thông tin chính hoặc các thông tin chính xác hơn hoặc cập nhật hơn.
การเกษียณอายุอาจยังไกลเกินตัวหรือใกล้ตัว แต่นี่เป็นเวลาที่ดีที่จะทำตามขั้นตอนง่ายๆ เพื่อเตรียมพร้อมสำหรับอนาคตและรู้ว่าคุณจะคาดหวังอะไรได้เมื่อเกษียณอายุ
การได้เดินทางไปต่างประเทศที่ผ่อนคลายโดยไม่ต้องรีบกลับไปทำงาน หรือการตามหางานอดิเรกใหม่ๆ ที่คุณไม่เคยมีโอกาสได้ทำ หรือการใช้เวลาอยู่กับบุตรหลานของคุณในขณะเพลิดเพลินกับกาแฟดีๆ สักแก้ว นี่ใช่การเกษียณอายุที่คุณนึกถึงหรือไม่
การเกษียณอายุเป็นเป้าหมายสูงสุดในชีวิตสำหรับเราทุกคน ช่วงเวลาที่เราเริ่มรับเงินเดือนครั้งแรกไปจนแต่งงาน มีบ้าน และสร้างครอบครัวของเรา ในที่สุดเราก็จะไปถึงขั้นตอนที่เราคิดถึงกิจกรรมที่กล่าวถึงเมื่อเกษียณอายุ และแน่นอนว่าความต้องการในการเกษียณอายุของทุกคนแตกต่างกัน
เพื่อทำความเข้าใจว่าคุณต้องใช้เงินมากแค่ไหนหลังเกษียณอายุ การค้นหาวิถีชีวิตหลังเกษียณในอุดมคติของคุณจึงเป็นสิ่งสำคัญ คุณสามารถดูงบประมาณรายเดือนในปัจจุบันของคุณและจินตนาการว่าจะมีลักษณะอย่างไรเมื่อคุณอยู่ในวัยเกษียณ ถ้ายังยากเกินไปที่จะจินตนาการถึงวิถีชีวิตหลังเกษียณอายุของคุณ ผู้เชี่ยวชาญได้กล่าวว่าโดยทั่วไปแล้วในระหว่างเกษียณอายุ เราจะต้องการเงิน 60% ถึง 80% ของรายได้ปัจจุบัน นอกจากนี้อายุเกษียณที่คาดหวังตลอดจนอายุขัยที่คาดหวังจะมีผลต่อเงินทุนเกษียณอายุของคุณด้วย ยิ่งคุณกำลังมองหาการเกษียณอายุเร็วเท่าไร คุณจะต้องแบ่งเงินเก็บมากขึ้นเท่านั้น เช่นเดียวกับอายุขัยที่คาดหวัง
การใช้จ่ายด้านสุขภาพอาจเพิ่มขึ้นซึ่งอาจเกิดจากความอ่อนแอที่เพิ่มขึ้น เหตุการณ์ทางการแพทย์อย่างฉับพลัน หรือความเสื่อมถอยในการรับรู้ ไม่ว่าเหตุผลใดก็ตาม ค่าใช้จ่ายด้านสุขภาพอาจเพิ่มขึ้น และนี่คือเหตุผลที่คุณจะต้องมีกรมธรรม์ประกันสุขภาพใดก็ตามที่ให้ความคุ้มครอง
แต่ละขั้นตอนเล็กๆ ที่คุณทำในวันนี้จะรวมกันเป็นทุนเพื่อสนับสนุนวิถีชีวิตหลังเกษียณของคุณ ไม่มีเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเริ่มออมเพื่อการเกษียณของคุณ แต่จะดีถ้าเริ่มต้นให้เร็วที่สุด เป็นความจริงที่รู้กันว่ายิ่งคุณเริ่มออมเงินช้าเพียงใด จำนวนเงินที่คุณจะต้องออมเพื่อให้ถึงยอดที่คุณต้องการเมื่อเกษียณอายุจะยิ่งมากขึ้น อย่างไรก็ตาม ผลลัพธ์ของดอกเบี้ยทบต้นจะสร้างความแตกต่างค่อนข้างมาก
Pensionen kan fortfarande vara en bit bort, eller precis runt hörnet, men detta är ett bra tillfälle att vidta några enkla åtgärder för att bli helt förberedd inför framtiden och veta vad du kan se fram emot vid pensionen.
Se till att du har ekonomisk frihet att njuta av livet
Möjlighet till en avkopplande utlandsresa utan att behöva rusa tillbaka till arbetet, utöva nya fritidsintressen som du aldrig har haft möjlighet att göra förut eller spendera tid med barnbarnen medan du njuter av en kopp kaffe och ser dem leka – är det så du föreställer dig pensionen?
Pensionen är det ultimata livsmålet för oss alla. Från den första lönespecifikationen till giftermål, köp av ett eget hem och bildandet av en egen familj – förr eller senare kommer vi till en fas där vi tänker på alla ovannämnda aktiviteter i ljuset av den kommande pensionen, och givetvis kommer olika människors pensionsbehov att vara olika.
För att förstå hur mycket du behöver inför pensionen är det viktigt att ta reda på vilken livsstil du vill ha som pensionär. Du kan titta på din aktuella månadsbudget och föreställa dig hur den kommer att se ut när du är pensionär. Om det är svårt att visualisera hur det är att leva som pensionär menar flera experter att man vanligen behöver 60 % till 80 % av den aktuella inkomsten under pensionen. Den förväntade pensionsåldern samt den förväntade livslängden har dessutom en inverkan på pensionsbudgeten. Ju tidigare du pensionerar dig, desto mer måste du lägga undan. Samma sak gäller för den förväntade livslängden.
Sjukvårdsutgifterna kan också stiga, vilket kan bero på ökad skörhet, en plötslig medicinsk händelse eller försämring av den kognitiva förmågan. Oavsett skäl kan sjukvårdsutgifterna stiga, vilket gör det viktigare att behålla eventuella sjukförsäkringar som skydd.
Varje litet steg du tar idag bidrar till din pensionsbudget som lägger grunden för hur du kan leva som pensionär. Det finns ingen bästa tid att börja spara till pensionen, men det är en bra idé att börja spara så tidigt som möjligt. Det är ett känt faktum att ju senare du börjar spara, desto mer pengar måste du lägga undan för att nå det önskade pensionsbeloppet. Men med effekten av ränta på ränta blir skillnaden betydande.
Pensiun mungkin masih sangat jauh, atau sebentar lagi tiba, tetapi ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk mengambil beberapa langkah sederhana untuk bersiap sepenuhnya untuk masa depan dan tahu apa yang dapat Anda nantikan dalam masa pensiun.
Memastikan Anda memiliki kebebasan finansial untuk menikmati hidup
Mampu melakukan perjalanan santai ke luar negeri tanpa harus terburu-buru kembali bekerja atau mengejar hobi baru yang sebelumnya Anda tidak pernah punya kesempatan untuk melakukannya, atau menghabiskan waktu bersama cucu Anda sambil menikmati secangkir kopi yang enak dan menonton mereka bermain-main, apakah itu gambaran Anda tentang masa pensiun?
Pensiun adalah tujuan hidup terakhir bagi setiap kita. Saat kita mulai mendapatkan gaji pertama, hingga kita menikah, memiliki rumah dan membangun keluarga kita sendiri, akhirnya kita akan mencapai tahap di mana kita memikirkan kegiatan yang disebutkan tadi ketika tiba waktunya untuk pensiun dan tentu saja, kebutuhan pensiun semua orang akan berbeda.
Untuk memahami berapa banyak yang Anda butuhkan untuk masa pensiun, Anda harus memahami gaya hidup pensiun ideal Anda. Anda dapat melihat anggaran bulanan Anda saat ini dan membayangkan bagaimana anggaran tersebut akan terlihat ketika Anda berada di masa pensiun. Jika terlalu sulit untuk membayangkan gaya hidup pensiun Anda, para ahli telah menyebutkan bahwa seseorang biasanya membutuhkan 60% hingga 80% dari penghasilan Anda saat ini selama pensiun. Selain itu, usia pensiun yang diharapkan serta usia harapan hidup juga akan berdampak pada dana pensiun Anda. Semakin dini Anda ingin pensiun, semakin banyak juga Anda harus menyisihkan, juga untuk harapan hidup.
Pengeluaran untuk kesehatan juga dapat meningkat, yang mungkin disebabkan oleh meningkatnya kelemahan, kejadian medis yang tiba-tiba, atau penurunan fungsi kognitif. Apa pun alasannya, pengeluaran untuk kesehatan dapat meningkat dan lebih banyak alasan bagi Anda untuk mempertahankan polis asuransi kesehatan Anda, yang menyediakan proteksi.
Setiap langkah kecil yang Anda ambil hari ini, berkontribusi pada dana pensiun Anda yang akan mendukung gaya hidup pensiun Anda. Tidak ada waktu terbaik untuk mulai menabung untuk masa pensiun Anda, tetapi ada baiknya memulai sedini mungkin. Fakta yang diketahui adalah, semakin cepat Anda mulai menabung, semakin banyak uang yang harus Anda tabung untuk mencapai jumlah pensiun yang Anda inginkan, namun dengan efek bunga majemuk, perbedaannya menjadi cukup signifikan.
Penulis bukan konsultan keuangan, konsultan pajak, atau konsultan hukum. Artikel dan isinya hanya untuk tujuan informasi, pembaca tidak disarankan untuk menafsirkan informasi atau material lain apa pun sebagai saran hukum, perpajakan, investasi, finansial, atau saran lain. Semua informasi, data, strategi, laporan, artikel, dan semua fitur lain dari artikel ini disediakan untuk tujuan informasi dan edukasi semata dan tidak seharusnya dianggap atau ditafsirkan sebagai saran investasi personal untuk pembaca. Tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa ada kesalahan yang dimuat dalam artikel ini dan oleh karena itu pembaca sebaiknya tidak mengambil keputusan finansial atau investasi berdasarkan apa yang mereka baca dalam artikel dan tulisan ini saja. Merupakan tanggung jawab pembaca untuk melakukan uji tuntas mandiri dan pembaca harus mengambil keputusan sendiri. Pahamilah dan berhati-hatilah karena keputusan keuangan dan investasi mengandung risiko. Penulis tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian langsung maupun yang timbul akibat penggunaan tulisan, produk, layanan, situs, atau konten lain yang ditulis oleh penulis, termasuk konten artikel ini. Pembaca bertanggung jawab atas penelitian dan keputusan investasinya sendiri. Pembaca sebaiknya meminta saran penasihat keuangan yang berkualifikasi dan sepenuhnya memahami semua risiko sebelum berinvestasi atau mengambil keputusan finansial apa pun. Penulis tidak menjamin bahwa pembaca akan atau memperoleh hasil sebagaimana yang dikutip dalam artikel ini. Semua hasil rekomendasi penulis tidak didasarkan pada investasi aktual yang dilakukan sendiri oleh penulis dan didasarkan pada hipotesis, statistik, serta survei yang ada, yang memiliki batasan dan tidak mencerminkan semua komponen investasi sesungguhnya. Hasil nyata yang diterima pembaca mungkin berbeda-beda disebabkan berbagai faktor. Semua konten dan referensi sumber pihak ketiga disediakan semata-mata untuk kemudahan. Informasi ini mungkin tidak akurat, gunakan dengan penuh tanggung jawab. Dengan membaca artikel ini atau isinya, Anda setuju bahwa baik penulis maupun karyawannya, pemegang saham, direktur, kontraktor, afiliasi, agen, penyedia konten pihak ketiga, atau pemberi lisensi tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas segala bentuk klaim, tanggung jawab, biaya, kerusakan, atau kerugian, langsung, tidak langsung, maupun insidental akibat penggunaan bagian konten ini oleh pembaca. Termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, kerugian atau cedera yang semuanya atau sebagian disebabkan oleh kemungkinan di luar kendali kami.
What does retirement mean to you? It means different things to different people. However, whatever it means to you, you will need to plan for it in order to achieve your retirement goals. One of the major faults leading to a poor retirement is failure to adequately assess your retirement needs.
Most retirees find that their retirement cash needs are correlated to their pre-retirement needs adjusted for their change in lifestyle, taxes, and of course, inflation. Where you want to be largely depends upon where you are now.
How Much Will You Need to Retire?
That depends. In order to answer this question, you must sit down and picture retirement in your own mind. Retirement means different things to different people. For some, retirement means being sufficiently financially independent to travel and relax 24 hours a day. Others may view retirement as a "career change." However you view retirement will help you determine how much you will need to retire. So let us help you paint that picture.
Ask yourself the following questions about your retirement.
Questions to ask yourself
Will your lifestyle change dramatically in your retirement vision? Or will you, like most persons, continue doing the things you currently do, trading "work" for leisure and volunteering? Will you incur more expenses in retirement for leisure and travel? Or will you prefer to spend more time with your children, grandchildren, and family?
How much retirement income will you need?
Many "experts" claim that the average person needs 65 percent to 75 percent of his or her pre-retirement income. However, that is average, and we have never met an average person. You can get a good idea of how much you need by examining your current lifestyle and adjusting it for your retirement vision.
Retirement cash flow deficit?
When you subtract your projected retirement expenses from your expected retirement income, you may find you have a negative cash flow. This negative cash flow is your "retirement cash flow deficit." Once you know what your retirement cash inflow deficit is, you can determine how much you need to save to make up the difference.
Retirement: What Are Your Current Needs?
The best way to determine how much money you will need in the future is to know what you need right now. Some people think they need their current income. That is not true. You need "cash inflows" to cover your current expenses, taxes, and savings for future needs.
What you will need
In retirement, you will need cash inflows to cover expenses and taxes only. You may wish to continue saving for your heirs, but that is not a need. Your expenses may change if you change your lifestyle, and your taxes will change depending on whether your cash inflows are from "income" or a return on investment.
What Expenses Will You Have in Retirement?
Let us start by looking at our expenses. In retirement, you will have pretty much the same expenses that you do today. You should make a list of the following expense items and the amounts you currently spend for them. You may wish to tweak them if you envision a lifestyle change down the road.

By using a list like this, you will be able to get a better handle on your retirement income needs.
How Will Inflation Affect Your Retirement?
When calculating which of your current expenses you will have in retirement, keep in mind that they are in today's dollars. To get a better idea of what they will be when you are ready to retire, you should adjust them for inflation. Unfortunately, no one knows the future rate of inflation, so you are on your own to make a guess. The table below shows how much to multiply your expenses by for different rates of inflation.
How the table works
For example, if you have 15 years until retirement and expect a 3 percent inflation rate (the historical average), you should multiply your current expenses by the inflation table factor of 1.56.
A current need of $5,000 per year translates to a requirement of $7,800 per year 15 years later—just to stay even ($5,000 x 1.56)!

Once you have adjusted your expenses for inflation, you should add them up. That is how much cash inflow you need in retirement.
What Will Public Pensions and Your Retirement Plan Provide?
If you qualify for a public pension, you could receive a sizable amount per year at your normal retirement age. Of course, these figures will be adjusted for inflation. If you choose to start receiving your benefits before your normal retirement age, you will receive a reduced benefit.
A typical pension plan may provide as much as 50 percent or more of your final average salary.
Contact your employer's HR department to get an estimate of your retirement benefits.
Private retirement plans
If you worked for an employer who had an employee retirement plan, you might be entitled to retirement benefits. There are different kinds of plans in use today. A typical pension plan may provide as much as 50 percent or more of your final average salary at normal retirement age (as defined in the plan document). A private retirement plan will provide you with a lump sum at retirement that you can convert into retirement income.
You should contact the personnel or human resource department of your employer to get an estimate of your retirement benefits, if any.
Summary of Determining Retirement Needs
Here is an example of a couple who plan to retire in 15 years. Their current estimated expenses for retirement are shown in the table below. They adjusted the expenses for inflation.

They estimate that they will receive about $75,000 in retirement plan and government pension benefits. They estimate they will need another $42,800 to cover their expenses and taxes.
Practical Ideas You Can Start with Today
- Model your retirement plan using the percentages of gross income in this table or the actual percentages of your expenses to your own gross income. Be sure to adjust for your intended lifestyle, too.
A reforma pode ainda estar distante, ou pode estar prestes a acontecer, mas é uma boa altura para dar alguns passos simples para estar totalmente preparado para o futuro e saber aquilo com que pode contar na reforma.
Certifique-se de que tem liberdade financeira para desfrutar da vida
Ter a possibilidade de fazer uma viagem relaxante ao estrangeiro sem ter de regressar à pressa ao trabalho, praticar hobbies novos que nunca antes teve oportunidade ou passar tempo com os netos enquanto desfruta de um bom café e os vê brincar: é esta a sua visão da reforma?
A reforma é o derradeiro objetivo de vida para todos nós. Depois de começarmos a receber o primeiro salário e de pensarmos em casar, comprar uma casa e constituir família, chegamos a uma fase em que começamos a pensar nas atividades referidas para a reforma e, claro, todas as pessoas têm necessidades diferentes em termos de reforma.
Para compreender de quanto precisa para a sua reforma, é importante identificar o estilo de vida ideal para a sua reforma. Pode analisar o seu orçamento mensal atual e imaginar como deverá ser na sua reforma. Se tiver muita dificuldade em imaginar como será o seu estilo de vida na reforma, os especialistas referem que, em geral, na reforma as pessoas precisam de 60% a 80% das receitas atuais. Além do mais, a idade prevista de reforma, bem como a esperança de vida, também têm impacto no seu fundo de pensões. Quanto mais cedo se quiser reformar, mais terá de colocar de lado, e o mesmo se aplica à sua esperança de vida.
Os gastos com saúde também podem aumentar, o que se poderá dever a uma maior debilidade, a um problema médico repentino ou a um declínio nas capacidades cognitivas. Seja qual for o motivo, os gastos com saúde podem aumentar e este é o motivo principal para manter quaisquer apólices de seguros de saúde.
Todos os pequenos passos que der hoje contribuem para o seu fundo de pensões que será o suporte do seu estilo de vida na reforma. Não existe uma altura ideal para começar a poupar para a reforma, mas é uma boa ideia começar o mais cedo possível. É um facto que quanto mais tarde começar a poupar, mais dinheiro terá de poupar para conseguir atingir o montante pretendido para a reforma, o que em termos de juros compostos constitui uma diferença bastante significativa.
O conteúdo deste artigo não constitui um aconselhamento financeiro individual.