The best fitness classes for your health
With the weather outside being less than attractive, many people can see their exercise plans fall apart during the winter. However, sticking to a long-term fitness regime is the only real and sustainable way to boost your healthscore and improve your health.
For experienced fitness enthusiasts, the sudden drop in temperature may not faze them in the slightest and it simply means adding another few layers to your running gear. Some runners even enjoy working out in the winter, compared to the summer, as they don’t get as sweaty or hot.
However, people that have just gotten used to running or working out at the gym may find the sudden change daunting, allowing it to put them off. If this sounds like you, you may find that fitness classes are just what you need.
They not only offer warmth and comfort, but also provide a great workout for your entire body; depending on which class you go for. The best thing about fitness classes is the sheer number available, making it completely possible to find one that suits your interests and works the body areas you want.
But which should you go for? We’ve picked some of the most popular fitness classes among Well One users.
Yoga has long been a fitness favourite for men and women of all ages. The ancient form of exercise not only strengthens practically every group of muscles in your body, but can also help people cope with stress and anxiety, leading to better sleep patterns and mental health. All of these factors make yoga a brilliant class to take as it can boost all elements of your healthscore, helping you to make long-term healthy changes to your lifestyle.
For those that want something a bit different from their fitness class, bokwa could be the ideal fit. Bokwa is a form of exercise that most people can get involved with, even those without any rhythm as it requires no counting of steps. The fun mix of dance and exercise should motivate people of all ages and sizes to take part, especially as it can burn up to 1,200 calories per session.
Boot Camp
Some people may be wanting to set themselves a new challenge for 2015, and a boot camp fitness session could be exactly that. This military approach to exercise can be the sudden kickstart that many people are looking for when it comes to boosting their healthscore and improving their health. It offers a full workout and the chance to exercise in a large group; something that can encourage motivation levels.
For those that want the svelte and lean physique of a boxer, without all the blood, may want to book onto their nearest boxercise class. The fitness regime offers all the physical workouts of boxing, without having to face an opponent. This allows you to work key areas of your body, which will make a noticeable change to your appearance and figure.
Water classes
People who may struggle with exercise because they are overweight or have weak joints really benefit from exercise in the water. There are a wide variety of water-based classes available from swimming teams to water aerobics and Zumba classes. The water can help support your muscles and joints, allowing you to work out without having the same strain on your body.