What is COVID-19 and how can we fight it with lifestyle choices?
With the outbreak of the recent pandemic COVID-19 we would like to help you stay fit, both physically and mentally and also to inspire you during these difficult times.
We know that staying at home and keeping social distance might be challenging at times, but it’s necessary to slow down the spread of COVID-19.
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is part of the Coronavirus family and its closest virus relatives are SARS and MERS. It’s transmitted from person to person by droplet infection, close and prolonged contact between humans as well as via your hands. The common symptoms are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Among the less common symptoms, are fatigue, aches and pains, headache and runny nose.
It’s important to protect yourself and those around you!
We have all been advised by local authorities to stay at home and keep social distance to protect ourselves and those around us, especially risk groups. In addition, taking care of hygiene (washing your hands regularly for 20-30 seconds and sneezing into your elbow or paper tissue) is most important. It’s important to follow local authorities guidance, as they might vary depending on the country and adopted measures.
How can we make the most out of our time at home and social distancing?
As we all most likely have more free time, we can catch up on personal projects and try new activities such as:
– Cleaning our home;
– Watching our favourite TV series, playing board games or doing arts and crafts;
– Engaging with friends on Well One and getting the competitive spirit going with a photo challenge or nutrition quiz;
– Catching up on personal projects such as learning new skills and languages;
– Trying new healthy recipes;
– Engaging with the Well One coach and learning the power of mindfulness.
Last but not least, healthy choices matter
A healthy lifestyle contributes to our bodies ability to fight bacteria, viruses and infections, including COVID-19. Make the right health choices to strengthen your immune system by
– Practice regular exercise: try yoga or Pilates, get creative and utilize furniture or home stairs and go into your home garden;
– Drink 1.5 L of water a day to stay hydrated;
– Eat 5 portions of fruit or vegetables a day;
– Opt for whole grains rather than refined grains;
– Cut down on alcohol, red and processed meat, processed foods rich in added sugar, salts and saturated fats;
– Spend quality time with friends and family at home or virtually.
Try and keep a healthy work-life balance, especially if you are working from home.